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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Written by Sylvia Adaobi Peter ✍️

Episode 9

Adam walked into his office with his guard behind him.

He sat down behind his desk and looked at him. “So, Jocelyn is back home? And she didn’t dim it fit to call me?”

“She got back home few hours ago. Maybe she’s still resting…..” Mac insinuated but got a dreadful glance from his boss and quickly shut up.

“She’s resting? That’s why she couldn’t even call? It’s high time I make that girl understand that she belongs to me and no one else.” Adam said angrily.

He was silent for a while. Few minutes later, he stood up and grabbed car key.

“Get the car ready. We are heading to her place right now.”

” Yes boss.” Mac replied and they left the office together.

Adam got to Jocelyn’s house few minutes later and was ushered in by the maids.

He sat down in the living room and asked the maids to tell Jocelyn he was around.

Angeline came out of nthe kitchen and saw him. She stood, transfixed, not knowing what to do. For spikes sake, this was the man guy that made her only daughter attempt murder.

Angeline cleared her throat and walked towards him. “Adam?”

Adam turned and smiled. “It’s me Angeline. I’ve decided to come check up on my bride since you guys didn’t tell me you are back home.”

Angeline scratched her hair and feigned a smile. “We just got back you know? And Jocelyn really doesn’t wanna see anyone.”

Adam frowned. “Even me?” He asked.

Angeline started to nod. “Even you.” She replied.

“Can I see her in her room?”Adam asked.

“She’s sleeping at the moment….”

Adam sprang up from his seat. “I want to see Jocelyn right now. She can’t keep hiding from me. Are you gonna allow her continue to treat me like this?” Adam asked.

Angeline sighed. “Okay. She’s upstairs.”

“Good.” Adam stated and found his way up the stairs.


Jocelyn was chatting with Paula on the phone when her door suddenly opened and Adam walked in.

Jocelyn’s eyes widened as soon as she saw him and her phone dropped off from my grasp.

Adam smiled, ignoring the terrifying look on her face. “My beautiful one. You look good.”

“What are you doing here? Why did you come into my room without knocking first? Who allowed you in here!?” Jocelyn asked all at once.

Adam laughed. “So much question to answer. Which one should I answer first?” He asked as he stood beside her, dipping his hands into his pocket.

Jocelyn looked away angrily without answering him.

She couldn’t believe her mom still allowed Adam into her room after what happened.

“I want you to leave my room right now. Leave my room.” Jocelyn warned not looking at him.

Adam scoffed. “You can’t get me out of your life, Jocelyn. I’m here to stay… right in your life. There’s nothing you can do about it.

Jocelyn gasped and rubbed her hands crazily on her head. “Is it by force to get married to a lunatic like you! I said I’m not interested!” She screamed so loud.

Adam stared at her. “You can scream all you want but that won’t drive me away.” He said and moved closer to her. He touched her hair and slowly lowered his head, pecking her forehead.

“Leave me alone!” Jocelyn said with anger as she moved away from him.

Adam laughed then turned away and started walking to the door. With his palm on the door knob, he turned back to look at Jocelyn who was still panting with anger.

“And that reminds me; tell that teddy doctor of yours to back off else he’s gonna get hurt. Real hurt.” He whispered and left the room.

Jocelyn tightened her hands beside her, boiling in anger.


Rihanna slowly returned to the reception, her heart still heavy with what she just heard.

She was so mad; so much angry that she couldn’t pretend.

Zoe was staring at her as she breathed angrily. “Rihanna…..are you okay? I thought you were going to the doctor’s office to give him the report.”

Rihanna looked at Zoe and shook her head. “I couldn’t”.

“Why?” Zoe asked, confused.

“That patient who almost died is still in contact with Eddie. Can you believe that?”

Zoe stared on. “Miss Jocelyn?”

“I don’t care what her name is!” Rihanna yelled unconsciously and everyone turned to look at her.

“Are you okay?” Doctor Wilson who happened to be passing at the moment asked.

“I’m fine.” Rihanna quickly replied, embarrassed.

“No you are not fine. What’s wrong with you?” Zoe asked as soon as people’s attention diverted from the them.

“I wish she’d died! That thief! But I’m never gonna allow her have doctor Eddie because he’s mine. He has always been mine!”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “You confessed you love him but it seems like doctor Eddie doesn’t love you too. Let him be with whomever he loves. Wilson likes you. Why not work things out with him?” Zoe suggested and Rihanna gave her a mean look.

“Are you being serious right now? How do up expect me to just let go of him just like that? And who the hell is Wilson? I don’t like him!”

“Oh Rihanna. Don’t be so miserable. No matter what you do, you can’t force a guy to like you. It’s not possible.”

“It’s going to be possible by the time I finish dealing with Jocelyn. She can’t come out from the blues and still the only guy I’ve ever liked!” Rihanna said angrily.

She was going to do everything in her power to separate them.


Eddie came out of his room the next morning, getting ready for work. He hoped to stop by at Jocelyn’s house to see her and make up for the disappointment.

Leo, his cousin came up the stairs and mumbled a greeting. “Are you going to work now? Isn’t it too early?” The boy asked.

“No. I need to see someone before I go to the hospital and besides, it’s my day off today. I’m just going to get something and come back.” Eddie replied, knotting his tie.

Leo gave him a knowing look. “I can notice the changes in you, bro. Tell me. What’s happening? What’s the secret?”

Eddie laughed and put one his serious look the next second. “I don’t know what you are talking about young man. I hope you are going to school today and I do not want to see any girl here in the house when I get back. I might throw her out.” Eddie warned, walking down the stairs.

Leo chuckled and turned to look at him. “You know you can’t do that, yeah?”

“I’m starving. Anything for breakfast? I didn’t eat that much yesterday.” Eddie asked as he walked.

“Toast bread and milk.” Leo answered walking away.

Eddie stopped and scoffed as he turned to look at him. “Can you ever be useful for once in your life?” He shook his head and continued his way downstairs.

He took his breakfast, carried his brief case and headed out of the house.

When he got to his car, he dialled Jocelyn’s line and she picked up almost immediately.

“Eddie!” Her excited voice sounded from the other line.

Eddie smiled, hearing her sweet voice and the way she called out his name. “Angel……how are you doing?”

“Why are you asking me that? Aren’t you gonna come see me so you can see for yourself?” Jocelyn asked and Eddie imagined her pouting her beautiful lips.

“I’m coming over right now. Do you have plans for the day?” He asked.

“Ahh…..nope. Not at all. I will leave you to handle it.”, Jocelyn replied.

Eddie shrugged. “Okay. Be right there.” He ended the call, got into his car and drove out of the compound with a mighty speed.


Jocelyn hummed happily to herself as she ransacked her wardrobe. Her friends who had spent the night in her room laid on the big bed, staring at their friends as she hummed happily.

Jocelyn glanced at them. “What? Why are you staring at me like that? A girl’s gotta be happy sometimes you know.”

Paula rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Happily in love right?”

Dianne laughed. “It’s written all over her. Can’t you see? She’s glowing. If only a call from your romantic doctor can get you this excited, how then are you gonna feel when you get a kiss from him, huh?”

Jocelyn stared dreamily at the ceiling. “I will be super excited guys. You don’t know how I feel. The sight of that cute round face really brings butterfly to my belly!”

“He’s cute. That’s true. So cute and young.” Dianne replied with a smile.

“So….are you done with Adam? Have you ended it with him?”

Jocelyn scoffed. “Ended what? I never started anything with him so there’s absolutely nothing to end. That gross guy.” Jocelyn taunted and her friends gasped.

“Jocelyn!” They chided.


“He’s not that bad! Adam is hot and handsome. You aren’t in love with him that’s why you think he’s ugly.” Paula said, amused.

“Well, I don’t care if he’s ugly or not. The sight of him disgusts me.” Jocelyn Said and continued with her clothe searching. “Girls….can you come over here and choose for me? I’m confused on what to wear before Eddie gets here. I want him to see how segzy I am. You Know…at the hospital then, I was always in that baggy and ugly hospital clothes so he couldn’t get to see how segzy I am. I’m gonna show him today.” Jocelyn said with a smile and her friends nodded, glaring at her.

“Girls! I need to make a choice here. Don’t be useless.” Jocelyn edged on.

“Okay. Fine. We are coming over.” Paula replied, getting down from the bed.

Dianne followed and even got to the wardrobe before Paula. “Why not wear this jumpsuit? The colour is dazzling and the fitness is….wow!”

“Really? Should I go for this?” Jocelyn asked Paula who had another idea.

“I will go for this crop top and white skirt if I were you. The skirt is so short and beautiful.” Paula said and Dianne rolled her eyes.

They were still arguing about the dress when the maid came into the room, announcing Eddie’s arrival.


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