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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Edited by

Episode 1

Jocelyn came into her room, looking so mad. She couldn’t believe her mom would force her into marrying someone she doesn’t love.

“I’m not gonna marry him mom…and that’s final!” Jocelyn yelled, walking into her room, away from her mom who followed her immediately.

“You are gonna marry him because he’s the man we’ve chosen for you!” Angeline snapped.

Jocelyn turned around to look at her. “I don’t love Adam mom. I don’t! Why is it so hard for you to understand? Huh?”

“Marrying Adam will only strengthen our families Jocelyn. It’s only be going to increase our fame and popularity.”

“That’s all you ever care about mom! Why are you treating me this way? I’m your only daughter!” Jocelyn raved.bdye sat down heavily on her bed, looking so mad.

“Of more reason why we want you to get married to a guy of our status. A guy who’s worthy of becoming your man.”

“So…it doesn’t matter if I love him or not?” Jocelyn asked, turning to look at her.
“Get married to him first and you will start loving him after that.”

“You are unbearable mom.” Sophie shook her head and left the room.
She got into her car downstairs and zoomed out of the massive compound.
She drove slowly on the road, so mad at everything.

She was only 23 but her mother was already forcing her to get married to the most arrogant man she’s ever seen on Earth.

“d@mn that b*stard. I don’t know why he won’t get the hell out of our lives! I don’t love him. Is that too hard to understand?” Jocelyn asked herself.

She looked at herself in the rearview mirror and sighed.

Although flustered, she still looked as gorgeous and pretty as ever.

Jocelyn had this elegant beauty that drew so much attention to herself. She has gotten so used to the attention already.

But unfortunately, she couldn’t believe that her mother was urging her to settle down with an arrogant Ç0çƙ.

She finally stopped the car in front of a house and switched off the engine before coming out.

Jocelyn walked to the main entrance of the house and walked in. She got into the living room and saw two of her friends chatting loudly and having drinks.

“Jocelyn!” Paula and Dianne called, a little bit surprised to see her.

Jocelyn didn’t say a word as she sat on a sofa, looking pissed off.

“Are you okay?” Dianne asked, going to the bar to get another bottle of wine.

“It’s my mom guys. She wouldn’t stop pressuring me to marry that jerk.” Jocelyn said angrily.

“Oh boy.” Paula mumbled and buried her head in her palms.

Dianne returned with the wine and poured some of the drink in a glass for Jocelyn. “Take dear and calm down. You don’t have to get worked up all because of that.”

“What can I do! That woman won’t stop until she achieves her aim! I h@ťě that guy with passion. He’s not even handsome.” Jocelyn sobbed as she gulped down the whole of her drink.

Her friends sat beside her, giving her the comfort she needed.
Jocelyn got home and met her mom waiting for her in the living room. She tried walking past her but the woman stopped her.

“Stop right there young lady. Where are you coming from?”

“Where else? I’ve been with Diane and Paula.” She replied.

“After walking away from our discussion? Why have you become so spoilt?” Angeline snapped.
Jocelyn turned to look at her.

“Well I’ve always been spoilt mom because you made that possible. I’m only getting worse all because of you!”

“Shut that mouth up.” Angeline warned.

“I’m going to my room. I’ve had a very stressful day.” Jocelyn said and walked away straight to her room.

Jocelyn got into her big room, took off her shoes and laid flat on the bed.

She sobbed, really sad about what was about happening to her.

All her life, she had always wanted a cute guy who would love her so much like his own life.
She remembered her first meeting with Adam and shook her head as more tears came out.

It had been so boring and frustrating with his stupid thick hair and beard.

Although he was nice to her, she h@ťěd the way he talked to the waitress who served them.

“He’s got a horrible voice!” Jocelyn cried out, kicking her legs in the air.
After crying for a while, she slept off.

Another romantic story here!!

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