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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She is His true love…
Only light to his Dark world) 🌹

” Love is Blind and the lovers are blinded…..”


Author: 🌟IFEOLUWA Babymediagirl 🌟




THEME :🦋 (Couples bound)


* * * * *


I quickly hide behind the car when I saw Genieve being apprehended by the police. $h|t! What the hell just happened?

I bent more behind the car as he was taken away, What happened in that building? I’m sure he was with gun, that f-__-king girl trapped him.

What should I do? They can’t just take him away that way, what evidence do they have? What if they come for me also?

I must do something, I was about hopping inside the car but I quickly bent again when I saw the girl come out with two men.

I said it, some people are backing her. What does she think she is?
Don’t tell me everything Genieve had worked for will be crumbled on?

I’ve worked for him for the past 10years, I think I need to get out of the country.


“Uncle, Skylar, you are back” Annie rushed out into my we got down from the car.
“Yeah kiddo, You good?” I asked her and she chuckled.

“At first, I was scared but now I’m not, I’m growing stronger I guess” Skylar shook her head and chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go inside” She held my hand and we walked inside.
“I will just find something to cook” Skylar said and walked to the kitchen.

“Ben, Get back to John about this” I told him and he nod.
“Sure, he walked upstairs”

“So uncle when are we going back to Mexico?” Annie asked and I smile.

“Maybe when I get back what belongs to you, then we will go” She furrowed her brow alittle.

“What belongs to us? You mean you will help us with our Properties that Uncle Genieve took away from us!” She exclaimed and I chuckled.

“Yes kiddo, I will do that”

“OMG! I can’t believe this, Skylar!” She stood up and rushed to the kitchen while I smile, I stood up from the couch and walked up to them in the kitchen.

I watched Skylar patted her hair gently “Yes, we will get our life back” She smile silightly moving her eyes to me.

“Uncle Vincent, Thank you” Annie engulfed me in a hug tightly.
“It’s fine” I patted her hair,
“I will be out then” She flashed me a smile before dashing out leaving me with Skylar.

She breathe out and I walked closer to her, she look kinda sad and why do I think it was because of her uncle?

“Are you okay?” I closed the gap between us holding her hand. She bite her lips and lift her eyes to mine ” We trusted him too much, how could he be so cruel? He wish to be like my Dad, he wants to be better, that… that is why he ki||ed Dad and Mum” She bursted into tears and that makes me rubbed her hand softly.

“I know that hurt, I know but everything is fine now. I’m here for you. I won’t let anything happen to you and Annie, I don’t want to see you cry” I started wiping away her tears and she sniffled.

“He is just so heartless” She mumbled again, I pulled her into a tight hug.
“Enough of him, I’ve sent the evidence to the police. He will be put behind the bar” I told her and she nod.

“Thank you Vincent, Thank you for everything. For coming into my life, for everything. I don’t know what I will be without you… . I just… ” I curtailed her words with a quick kiss and she smile.

“Thank you too, You are the light to my light. The only true love I’ve been dreaming of” I told her and that got her flattered “come on Vincent” She chuckled but I could tell she is blushing.

“Ben will go to the Police and ask for them to handle your properties” I told her and she nod.

“I want to take you down the aisle” Her eyes widened a little bit and her cheeks got fluttered immediately I said.

“Aisle?” She asked and I smirked.
“You don’t want to?” She shook her hear vigorously instantly “of course, I want to” She mumbled and her cuteness made me chuckled.

“But before then, there is something we must do?” I sighed and she looked up to me curiously.

“What is that?”…..


I walked into the club and smile as different segzy ladies approach me.
Who wouldn’t? I know I’m handsome as hell.

I smirked and watched them make a move on me till I sat down at the dark side of the room, Some ladies are even using mask and I smirk at how curvy they are. Can’t wait to grab one of em’ butt.

” Hey Handsome, You are my type” She rubbed her hand on my chest and I smirked at her big @zz twerking to my face.


“Come closer” I whisper and she did, sat on my lap seductively and make her butt touched my Ďïčk and that make a sensation ran down my body.

“$h|t!” I Mõ@ɲed as she slowly twitched on my D.

“Yeah like that” I Mõ@ɲed softly, right now. I don’t f-__-king care about my feelings for Skylar. All I want is f-__-king any available P**sy and live my life or maybe go back to Mexico to handle mom’s company.

“You are so huge” She Mõ@ɲ out and I smirked.

“You f-__-king bald man! Give me my money!”

“Lilly, You are causing scene here” My eyes snapped to the man little far from me.

“I don’t f-__-king care! You are here for Ɓîtçhes, using my money @$$h0le!” The lady yelled again, why so familiar?
And she is wearing Hoodie, Could she be??

“Seriously! You’ve got a death wish!” She sprang up picking up a stool and the big man rushed out of the club, people attentions already turned to her.


“What are you looking at? What?! She snapped at everyone and they were forced to continue what they were doing but not me.
Why do i seem to like her crazy side?

” Ɓîtçh, gotta go” I pushed the Ɓîtçh on my lap aside.

I walked up to Lilly who is now sitting in front of the Bartender taking a drink. “Red hair” I sat on the stool beside her.

“What?” She snapped and I scoffed.
Her eyes dimmed on seeing me “you… You..grumpyhead” I scoffed at the what she just called me.

“Why acting so crazy?” She eyed and gulped down one bottle and ask for another. Looks like she is gonna get drunk.

“Crazy! Yes, I’m crazy, I f-__-king borrowed that bald man the money I saved to go to college! My life is ruined!” Her bang on the table got me to flinched. She sure got temper.

“I worked so hard to get the money, but now.. That.. Bald man” Her voice become so low now as she gulped another bottle right away. How can she drink like this and not fall?

“You know this place is dangerous” I told her, she raised her hand and smirk.
“They will be sure to loose their balls” I almost cracked at her words.

Is she serious right now??


I watched him from a far, he dare thr_@ten my girl? How dare him? He stood up and walked out of my club and walked outside.
This is the time, the @$$h0le got the D to come to my club.

“f-__-king bastard” He turned and his brow raised but suddenly smirked as soon as he saw me.

“You must be the reason Anita is finding it hard to come back to me” He smirked and I walked closer.

“She will never come to you, why? She love me” I told him but he laughed. Is that funny?

“Love? Anita? That girl is a Ɓîtçh, I think you don’t know, That girl is my cousin and I owned her right from her kid” Yeah, I want him to continue.

“You should have seen how loud she always scream my name whenever I bang her hard” Okay? This is the height of it.

I fisted my hand and it landed on his cheek.

“f-__-king Çüñť! You forced and used her!” I tried to land another punch on him but he was quick to return it.

“She belongs to me” He said and I bounced on him in anger ” f-__-k you!”

“Xavier” I heard people calling my name but I was far from it as I designed his face with my punches. How dare him!

“Xavier please” I felt Anita’s hand and that was when I stopped. The guy look lifeless already.

I stood up and breathed out, People already surrounded us. But I don’t f-__-king care right now!

“Xavier” I turned to Sam, “call the police to take this motherf-__-ker, I’ve got evidence that he is a rapist” I told him and he nodded.

“Xavier” I turned to Anita who is in tears already looking at my face, I’m sure I look like $h|t “come on, I’m fine” I pulled her into warm hug… . .

TBC ❤❤ Daniel and lilly😂😂My crazy couples

Skylar and Vincent are up to something again🙄🙄


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