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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She is His true love…
Only light to his Dark world) 🌹

” Love is Blind and the lovers are blinded…..”


Author: 🌟IFEOLUWA Babymediagirl 🌟




THEME :🦋(Annie is missing)


I walked out of the house in fear. How could she be so heartless? Why must they hurt innocent people because they have power?

I boarded the cab and made up my mind to tell Vincent about everything. I don’t care if he is going to think I’m fooling him. But now he need to know so he can help protect my sister.

I hopped down from the cab and walked into the company.
“Hey, Skylar, Everything okay with you? ” Evelyn gives me a questionable look and I fake a smile.

“Yeah I’m fine” I said and she nodded, I walked into Vincent’s office. Heaving down, I open the door.

“Vincent” I called immediately I entered and a smile beamed on his face.
“Angel” He called and I smiled more. Seeing him smile always make me happy.
“I missed you” He said and I chuckled.

“Yeah, I do too” I replied walking closer,
I need to tell him.
I moved closer and he held my hand.
“Are you okay? ” He asked when he noticed my silent and I sighed.

“Hmm Vincent, I want to tell you something” I said and he turned his head to my direction.
“What is that? ” He asked and I gulped, will he get angry?

“I… ” I was talking when a knock came at the door, we both turned to the door.

“Come in” Vincent answered and the door opened as Evelyn walked in, she smiled with bow.

” Sir, someone is here to see you” She said and He furrowed his brow.

“Who?” He asked.

“Mr Daniel” As soon as he mention his name, my heart skipped.

“Daniel? Why is he here to see me? ” He scoffed and I gulped down. Why the hell is he here?

“Let him in” He said and I moved back alittle but he pulled me closer.

“Vincent you have a visitor, I should go” I told him but he didn’t bulge.

“Don’t go anywhere, You are my girlfriend” He said adamantly and I gulped for the tenth time.
This is $h|t, I’m about facing my worst nightmare.

The door opened and Daniel walked in with a smirk.
“Daniel, why are here?” Vincent asked frowny before he even took up his seat and he chuckled.

“I see you two are really having a good time” He chuckled and Vincent smiled.

“Yeah you got any problem with that” He said and I can sense hatred in their speech.

“What you don’t know is that this girl beside you is a Ɓîtçh” He glared at me while my eyes blinked on their own, is he going to tell me everything about me? What excuses will I give? He is going to h@ťě now.

I’m doomed, I was about pulling away from Vincent but he still held tight to me.

“Don’t you ever call her a Ɓîtçh in your life?” Vincent defended, if only he knew he was telling the truth.

“You didn’t know, She is a slut I picked her @zz to work for you so she can get what mine that is with you and you are here defending her, I just came to tell you that she belongs to me, She is my Ɓîtçh” He said and I flinched when Vincent slammed his hand on the table.

“She belongs to me, Daniel! not you! ” He yelled and Daniel chuckled.

“You are blind to even see how Ɓîtçhy she is to belong to you, she is mine” Daniel gritted also while I just stood there gobsmacked.

Vincent picks up the landline and calls the security to get Daniel out of his office.
” I will go but You Skylar, you are mine” He said d@mn serious before walking out of the office, I can finally breathe.

Immediately, he left, I gulped down. I’ve been expecting Vincent to let go of my hands since he just found the truth about me.

“Vin… cent, I’m… sorry” I mumbled and he breathed letting go of my hand for the first time since morning.

“Why don’t you tell me?” He said calmly and I breathed out.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you, I’m once a slut like he said and I was sent here” I mumbled and he shook his head.

“Why don’t you tell me they are thr_@tning you to hurt me?” He asked and I looked at him in surprise.

“How… did you.. You know? ” I’m shuttered because Daniel never mentioned thr_@tening me here. He sighed and held my hand back.

“I knew everything, I overheard you that night” He said calmly and I scoffed as my head snapped to that night when he was sick. So he overheard me talking to Mrs Abigail.

“I also had John, my investigator to look at your background and I already found out everything about you” He said and I scoffed again.
So he knew everything. This is unbelievable.

“So you pretend not to knew? ” I scoffed and he nodded, he rubbed my hand and surprised me by pulling me to his lap.
“Skylar, you love me that much? ” He asked and I chuckled. I never knew i love him this much too

“Yes you should know I do” I replied and he smiled.

“I love you too” He replied and i held his hand.

“What do we do about Mrs Abigail? I don’t want her to hurt my sister” I panicked but he cooed.

“Listen, I had John watched you and your sister already, so nothing will happen to her” He assured me and i smile.

“Thank you” I breathed out, I believe him.
“Thank you too” He mumbled.
“Thank you for loving me” He added and I smile.
“You deserved to be loved” I replied and he chuckled.

“See you tomorrow” He dropped me and I smile.
“I love you” I whispered making him chuckled.
“I love you more” He replied before his driver zoom away.

I smile watching his car drove away. I can’t stop loving him.

My phone rang before I could open the door and the loud sound echoed in my ear.

“Hey babe, I’m not coming home today, Goodnight” She said huskily over the phone, obviously she is drunk. Bad girl! I shook my head as she hang up.

My baby must be angry that I came late again. I made up my mind that she is going to start her school back.

“Annie” I called as I walked in but no response. Where could she be?

I walked into the room but she is not there. Something seems off. Her headset is on the bed and her diary on the bed.

“Annie” I called with my heart beating fast already. I rushed into the kitchen but she is not there.

I rushed out looking for her everywhere for her but she is no where to be found.
Annie is lost, Could it have been Mrs Abigail took her?

Oh no, I need to see Vincent, Annie is missing.

TBC😢😢😢Oh poor Annie

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