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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✨ Chapter 42 & 43
‼️‼️ DO NOT COPY ‼️‼️

*** *LIVING ROOM****
” Here she is” Cath said and hugged Camille while she just smiled feeling very nervous infront of grays family

” We heard about what happened ,I’m really sorry” they said with a sad pout and camille muttered an okay

” We want to go and see him” they said and Camille nodded

” Let’s go then” gray said grabbing his car keys and drove them to the hospital.
They arrived at the hospital and immediately went to Sam’s ward

Sam was there with summer who was talking to him about something funny then laughed

” Oh,hi everyone” summer said getting off the chair so the other people could sit in it

” We finally meet our brother in law” Catherine said and hugged him

” I’m Cath,she’s Nika and the other is ire” Cath introduced and ire was flashing him flirty smiles causing summer to scoff.

” I’m Sam…aka Camille’s brother” he said and they all burst into laughter

” I heard you play the basketball Sam” ire immediately pitched in

” Um… sorry but it’s time for Sam’s medicine maybe you can come some other time” summer said politely but it was clear that it was out of jealousy

” Ok,maybe next time” Cath said with a smile

” How about we exchange numbers ,you know to keep in touch” ire said and Nika groaned

She knew what she was up to

” Um…babe,can you get me my phone?” Sam said and then ire got a hint

” You know what?,it’s cool,I’ll just come back time” she said and summer just smiled at her

” Okay…next time” he said and they all left

” Thank heavens she’s gone” summer said and Sam laughed

” So you’re jealous?” Sam asked trying to tease her

” Me???, ofcourse not” she denied it

” I know you are…just admit it” he said she summer face flushed

” Okay ,fine I do… Happy now?” She said and Sam just kept on laughing

” No worries babe,I’ve got the hots for you only” he said and that sent butterflies into her tummies

” You know what?…I’ll go get you food” she said trying to avoid the awkward situation

She likes Sam and he likes her too but she still doesn’t know what they’re relationship is…now that Miranda is out of the way it should be easier for them to date

She thought and went to the cafeteria.
” Can’t believe you were flirting with my brother?” Camille said as they entered the car

” I couldn’t help it,your brother is just so hot” she said using her hand as a fan making it look dramatic

“Because of you we couldn’t talk much to him” Cath said

” He’s taken by the way” Camille told her

” I got the hint ,they’re cute and trust me if he wasn’t taken I would make sure he’s mine” she said and they all laughed

” Grow up ire…you’ll get a boyfriend just not now” gray said driving

” But he’s so cute” she groaned

” He’s taken ” Nika mimicked her and they laughed but ire sent her a funny glare

” Just get over it babe…” Camille said patting her back

” Ok but tell your brother that if things doesn’t work out between them …I’m always available” she said and camille giggled

” Ok…will do” she said raising her palm as a sign of promise

” Thanks I love you” she said and hugged her

Throughout the rest of the ride they skipped the crush topic and started talking about a particular film
**** LOVETH’S CAFE(#this is fiction also couldn’t think of a name so I used mine#)**

Max was seated waiting for Naomi so they can discuss their plan

He was loosing his patience cause they agreed on five 0′ clock and now it’s five thirty.

” Sorry I’m late ” Naomi said and Max whispered a ‘ thank God’

She was dressed casual in a white top and blue jean skirt with black hoodie to hide her face and a sunglass.

It was actually nice to see her in something other than the maid outfit

” So…. before we go straight to the plan what would you like to eat or drink ?” He asked but she politely declined

” Ok then…let’s cut to the chase” he said

” But first introduction, I’m Max hart and you?” He asked

” Naomi, Naomi wolfer ” she said and they shook hands together

” So we’re doing this for both our benefit….I love gray and you love camille so if we work together to destroy what they have it’ll help us both” she said and Max nodded listening to every word she was saying

” Ok first of all…I’m one step ahead just trying to win Camille’s trust” she said and Max scoffed

” That’s a waste of time…we need to think bigger” he said and Naomi was wondering how they could go bigger

” Just try to win her trust I’ll keep texting trying to get closer to her but once you’ve gotten her trust I’ll tell you what next to do” he said and Naomi thought that might just work and nodded

” But for now we gotta sabotage their relationship so seduce gray ,make him have s*x with you and we have to make sure that camille sees it” he said and Naomi bit her lips knowing what happened the last time she tried to seduce

” Well,I’ve tried but he’s caught in a lovey dovey spell that he resisted me” she said and that surprised max

He knew that no one has been able to take gray and for him to resist Naomi’s seduction despite his reputation as a big womanizer then he must be really into camille

“I’ll just help you…I’ll give you a drug it’ll make gray feel aroused but then you have to seduce him he’ll have no choice but to give in” he said and that sounded like a good plan

She bit her lips just imagining being in grays arms again

” It’ll break Camille’s heart and then that’s when I’ll get in the picture ,I’ll take advantage of the situation then camille will fall for me” he said and Naomi kept blinking like she’d seen a ghost

She wondered why she hadn’t thought of this plan and was happy that she met max

” Ok,so when am I going to collect the drug?” She asked

” That’s going to be next tomorrow…same time” he said and Naomi agreed

” Let me get going ” she said and Max nodded

She was happy and hoped the plan would work….then gray would her hers alone.
****NIGHT TIME****
Camille wore a segzy nightwear,for some reasons she just want to wear it .

She was suppose to wear with a robe but she just had a naughty thought in stored .

Gray was on his laptop and she had tried everything to get his attention but it isn’t working so she just took a shower and wore a segzy nightgown that ire picked for her

She didn’t want to wear it but now she was starting to have feelings again for gray

She wants to stop it but it’s too hard ,she’s trying to get it off her mind that she’s wearing the nightwear to attract gray but she’s just lying that she’s feeling hot.

” I’m through” she said and gray looked up from her from where he was

He swallowed the saliva that he didn’t know he was keeping…she was looking so f-__-kin hot

” I was feeling hot” she said because she noticed that gray couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

” O…ok… okay” he was stammering ,even he couldn’t believe it

“Gosh it’s so hot” she said and went over to his desk resting an arm on it

” Whatcha doin?” She asked and gray tried to focus on work but seeing this segzy goddess he just can’t concentrate

” Work” he replied dryly

” Ok” she then rested both her hands on the table exposing her B-__-bs a little that made gray twitch in his pants

” Gosh….f-__-k this” he said and lifted her on the desk making camille giggle

” What are you trying to do hun?” He said trailing kisses down to her neck

His hands caressing her thighs….she was feeling hot in between her thighs

” Do you want me to f-__-k that tight Pů$$¥ of yours?* He said and camille Mõ@ɲed a yes

She wondered what got into her…she once h@ťěd this guy but now he’s all she can think about

He put his hands inside her under wear and tried to stick a finger inside her but d@mn she was too tight

” I’m gonna f-__-k you with my fingers….do you want me to f-__-k you with my fingers?” He was talking dirty getting camille more wet

” Yessss” she Mõ@ɲed…

He forced a finger into her and she let out a little scream ,he waited for her to adjust to it

Then he started going in and out if her slowly

” Ughh….grayyy” she Mõ@ɲed and gray stuck in another finger

” Yeah baby…come for me” he said going in faster

” I’m…I’m going to come” she Mõ@ɲed

” Yeah ,come on my fingers ” he said and that did it

” f-__-kkk” she said and came

” That was hot” he said and licked his fingers

Camille was feeling embarrassed and guilty she just had a make out with a guy who once broke her heart and isn’t even in a relationship with

” I’m going to bed” she said and wore a robe over the nightwear

She was feeling sad but kinda excited and happy

Gray took a cold shower cause he was already aroused…he wondered why she tried to seduce him

He knew she was falling for him …he smiled to himself knowing his plan is already falling to place

But yet there was this weird feeling….


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