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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✨ Chapter 34&35✨

‼️‼️DO NOT COPY ‼️‼️


Camille woke up with a very sore butt…she cursed gray for spanking her

She turned to the other side and saw gray staring deep at her

His face so close to hers and she wondered how long he had been staring

” Take a picture,ur lasts longer” she said with sarcasm and gray just smiled

” Good morning love” gray said and pecked her lips much to Camille’s amazement

” What was that?” Camille asked sitting up from the bed and gray didn’t give her a reply instead he smiled sheepishly

” Let’s go out today love” gray said putting loose strands of her hair back in.

” Go kiss your butt @$$h0le” she said and threw a pillow at him and suddenly grays hand went to her butt

He squeezed it softly and that kinda hurt but also felt good

” Stop” she said but gray didn’t

He was looking deep into her eyes and suddenly his lips met hers

He was kissing her so deep ,so sweet and his hands kept squeezing her butt making her Mõ@ɲ in his mouth.

” Let’s go eat ” he said and Camille looked dumb expecting more

” No worries principessa, I’m all yours ” he said with that stupid smirk of his sending Camille into butterfly town

” I wanna go have my bath” Camille said and got off the bed to leave for the bathroom and she suddenly felt grays hand spank her @zz

” Gray!!!” She yelled out if shock but gray was just laughing

” I like your @zz…nice and portable all for me” he said and his dirty words really affected her inner goddess her cheek flushed with embarrassment

” f-__-k off @$$h0le” she said and went into the bathroom and she could hear grays laughter not too far off

She was falling for the @$$h0le all over again and her heart was beating so fast very fast and she knew she had to stop it.

Cause once bitten,twice shy.
After Camille has taken her bath gray immediately went to the bathroom.

Camille changed into a white top and Mimi jean skirt

” What is that?” Gray said immediately after he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

” I don’t get” she said combing her hair

“That skirt it’s too short” gray said and Camille just scoffed

” You dictating what I were wasn’t part of the contract” she said but gray came very close to her.

His hands crawling on her lap going into her laps and Camille’s body started jolting

“Gr..gray,St.. stop” she tries saying and he kissed her

” You’re so hot…so f-__-kin hot amor* he said and his hands went to her underwear linen

“No shorts underneath” he said with a smirk and that turned him more

” Stop” she said and pushed him away

” Shouldn’t you be in work or something ?” She said and gray laughed

” I want to spend time with you amor” he said putting loose strands of her hair back and gray couldn’t stop but admire his grey eyes.

He might be a jerk but he’s eyes is so beautiful

” f-__-k off jerk” she said and was about reaching the door

” You seem to like that word” Camille heard and turned to see gray lying on the bed

” f-__-k off” she said and stuck her middle finger to him

” Just say you want to f-__-k me” gray said and Camille laughed hard

” Not even in your dreams” she said and went out the door.
Camille was being served her meal by the maids and she had been noticing that Naomi has been staring at her non stop

She also wondered how gray knows she went out…did she tell him?

She was eating trying to avoid her gaze when one of the guards came in

” Ma’am,you have a package” he said and handed her a bouquet

” Who is it from?” She asked collecting it from him

” The mail man didn’t say” Camille collected it and he left

She read the card

” It’s been a while my love… I’m sorry to have left but I didn’t know that you were snatch now that I’ve found you please don’t ever leave my love… I’m the one for you,let’s get drunk in this intoxicating love of ours –yours forever__anonymous lover ”

She read it and couldn’t help but smile

” Aww so cute ” she said kissing the card while the maids just watched her

” Bella” she called her personal maid

” Keep this flower for me” she said and Bella nodded and left.

She wondered who sent the flowers,this was the second time she was receiving flowers from the anonymous lover

She couldn’t wait to know the person and curiosity was ki||ing her.

Summer was anxiously waiting for Sam…it’s been hours but it felt like years

She was thinking maybe he gave up but she didn’t want to believe it because Sam was the only person who truly cared about her

She then heard a gun shout scaring her

” Let’s go ,let’s go” she kept hearing and ur seemed like the police were here .

She was very happy because that means she was gonna be saved

” Get the girl ” she heard a voice and the door opened

” No.. leave me ” she said as two guys in mask dragged her out

” Leave me ..let me go,leave me” she said trying to break free

” There she is” they heard one of cops voice

” Take her” one of the guy says to the other while he kept $h00ting but unfortunately he got shot in the chest while a police officer managed to $h00t the other on the leg

He fell to the ground and Sam grabbed summer

” Let’s go” he said to her and she nodded

They were trying to find their way out when they heard one of the goons voice

” Stay right there” they heard and turned around and saw a guy with a gun

” Run sums” Sam said to summer

” Take a step and you go to hell” he said pointing the gun at her

“Go sums” Sam said to summer who was already in tears

” I can’t leave you Sam ” she said

” I’m gonna be fine sums,just go” he said but summer refused

” Come her sums or else I’ll ki|| him” the guy said pointing the gun to Sam

” ki|| me instead” summer said and stayed in front of Sam

” Go away or I $h00t ” he said but summer was adamant

” Go away” he kept on saying but summer refused and he pulled the trigger

Sam was quick to push summer away but the bullet hit him

Summer felt like she had been strucked with lightning

It was like her whole world came crashing as Sam fell on his knees then finally to the ground

” Sam” two voices could be heard one from summer and the other from Miranda who just arrived at the scene

Miranda couldn’t believe she shot every bullet in her gun at the guy who shot Sam

Her son was murdered in cold blood by one of her men


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