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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✨ Chapter 32&33✨

‼️‼️ DO NOT COPY ‼️‼️

” Mr White…a message came for you” grays secretary Leah said

“What is it?” Gray asked feeling a little annoyed cause he’s hell busy

” A message came from a girl
,she said she’s your maid,she said that your girlfriend ran away this morning” she informed him and grays eyes turned red

He was shocked and more angry because the security guards didn’t know what was going on.

Those good for nothing beings…he cursed and took his jacket.

” Tell Francisco to get my car ready” he told Leah and she immediately nodded and left.

The car was ready few minutes later…gray knew she couldn’t have gone far.

He knew the first place to check was her house cause she has no other place to go

After he catches her…he’s gonna teach her a lesson cause she needs to fear him…she needs to know who’s in charge.
Camille pressed the doorbell and immediately her granny opened the door.

” Nana” she said and hugged her…she hadn’t seen her since the incident in the hospital.

” Oh…I miss you so much Nana” she said releasing her from the hug

” How are you?,are you ok?,is there any side effects from the surgery?” She asked checking her body and her grannie laughed.

” I’m ok mi amor” she said and helped her in

” I’m too young to die ,I haven’t married Nicholas cage yet” her grannie said and flipped her hair

Nicholas cage was her grannie’s favorite actor …she smiled looking at her,how much she misses her family

” Ofcourse Grannie,you’re gonna leave to a hundred and fifty even if God says it’s time,I’ll strongly say no that he should give you more time” she said and her granny laughed

” Who is that Nana?” Camille heard and turned to see Zoey

” Oh …Camille is back from her hot shot boyfriend’s place” Zoey said and hugged her

” Come sit,I’ll make you something” Zoey said and went to the kitchen

” So how is your hotshot boyfriend?” Her Nana asked with that weird look and Camille just laughed nervously

” He’s fine ” she said scratching her neck

” I can’t believe he let you off so easily,I thought the next time I’ll see you is with a baby bump” Zoey joked but that kinda got to Camile

” Um…no,no,not now ” she said and they laughed

” Seems like little Camille is scared of having a baby” her grannie said

” Um,where’s Sam and dad?” Camille asked trying to change the topic and ofcourse it worked

” Sam has been in his room since yesterday…he and summer broke up ,he has been trying her number since yesterday but it’s saying but reachable” Zoey told him

” Why not just go to her house ” Camille said

” I told him too but he just shut me out..I think there’s more to this matter ” Zoey said and Camille nodded

She wanted to see her brother but at the same time she wanted to give him space…she’ll come back and certainly they’ll talk

Then the doorbell rang

” Who can it be?” Zoey said wiping her hands and going to the door

” Maybe it’s dad” Camille said excited

” It’s too early for him to come so soon” her granny said

” Miracles happen” Camille said with lots of hope

” OMG…this is a total miracle” Zoey said as soon as she opened the door

” Hello,can I come in?” Camille heart started beating,she knew it was grays voice but inside of her she hoped he wasn’t the one

” Ofcourse” Zoey said and let him in

Her heart dropped immediately she saw him, she knew she was in trouble

” Grannie,how’s your health now” gray said and hugged her

” I’m feeling much better now hottie” she said and winked at him

” Oh Grannie,don’t do that or Camille would be so jealous” he joked looking over to Camille who was freaking out

” I don’t think she minds if I snatch you from her” she said and looked over to Camille

” Right Camille?” Gray called snapping Camille out of her mind

” Ye.. we be..tter get then” Camille stammered

” No,I just started making food for you” Zoey whined

” Aww…maybe next time” gray said but Zoey pouted and he went over to her side and put his hand around her neck

” Sorry Zoey but Camille and I have something important to do,next time I promise we’ll stay and eat all the food in this house” gray told her

” Promise?” She said

” Pinkie promise” gray said and they joined their pinkie and then giggled

” Let’s get going then principessa” he said and Camille got up from the chair

” Bye familia ” gray said and they waved at them as they got out the door

” You principessa is in deep $h|t…you know the rules and yet you violated it” gray said starting the car

” I’m sorry” Camille said looking out the window

” Sorry can’t get you out of this ” he said and that scared Camille

” What are you gonna do to me?” She asked but gray just smirked at her

” You baby girl is getting punished” he said and drove away with Camille’s heart beating really fast.
Immediately they got home gray carried Camille over his shoulder to his room

” You think you can run away from me principessa,I’ll show you that you’re mine” he said and smashed his lips on hers

He was kissing her so deep ,so sweet.

She then realized how much she missed his kiss and then she started giving in.

Grays hands went to her shorts , he loosened the button and pulled it down with her underwear

” No” she tried opposing but gray turned her to the other side and put her on the bed over his legs

” You need to learn some manners” he said trailing kisses on her neck

” I’ll spank,you count…miss a number we start all over” gray said and Camille nodded

” One” Camile said as gray spanked her

” Two” she counted again

The feeling was pain and pleasure…she h@ťěd it yet felt this tingling feeling alongside

Gray kept spanking and Camille was counting each spanks or else Gray would start all over again.

” Nineteen” she said already in tears

” Twe..nty” she counted the last one and gray stopped

He let her go and went to the bathroom…gray was satisfied with himself,now he has a way to make her submit to him

” Take this” he handed a pain relief cream to Camille

” What’s that @$$h0le?” She asked not feeling remorsed at all

” Don’t be like this sweetie,take it you’ll need it” he said and tried to peck her lips but Camille just looked away

” I’m sorry” gray said but that didn’t touch her at all

” I know I violated one of the rules that doesn’t mean you should spank me… I’m not nine” she said

” But you did enjoy it…it was pain with pleasure principessa not a punishment even” he said and that made her wet

” f-__-k off” she said and wrapped the blanket around her going to the bathroom.

She felt relieved immediately her butt touched the cold water

She was surprised that gray helped her run a bath ,he’s usually a jerk not a nice person.

But the spank wasn’t that bad…she knew that if she violated another rule the punishment would be worst than this

But something in her really wanted to know what it is…which was weird cause this was unlike her

She sighed and out of furstration slide into tub to relieve her stress.
Summer was desperately thinking of a way to get out

She tried reaching her phone but it was too far away

She moved the chair but it was making too much noise and she was scared cause it might alert the guards

She successful reached the table where her phone was being kept

She tried reaching it but her hands were tied

She managed to release one hand through great difficulty and opened her phone,she saw a lot of missed call from Sam

She immediately called back

” Hey sums,how’re you,I’ve been worried sick” he shouted but cammille told him to quiet down

” Why?” He asked and she told him everything

” How can she be so wicked, where are you?” Sam asked extremely worried

” I don’t know,everywhere is dark” she said

” Just close your eyes and tell me what you hear around you” he told her and she did as she was told

” I hear a mill,a bunch of people talking about foodstuffs and a river …it looks like I’m on a mountain or something” she said and Sam instantly knew where she was

” I know where you are…I’ll get the cops,we’ll be there in no time” Sam said and hung up

Summer immediately shifted the chair back and put her hands back to the rope

She knew she couldn’t escape so she just had to wait …she trusted Sam and knows he would come for her

Omo….who else read that scene🤣😏

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