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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Rich Hot

🦋 Chapter 1&2 🦋

*****FIVE YEARS AGO ******

” Come on Camille go and tell him ,I mean what if he likes you” Camille’s best friend sage said.

” I don’t know….what if he’s just acting nice ” she said trying to get away from sage.

” PL… ease,a guy doesn’t just act nice to a girl and takes her on a date ” she said flipping her blonde hair.

” Umm… okay” Camille said and sage pushed her.

Camille cruise ,a seventeen years old in eleventh grade of highschool.

She’s a bookwarm and loves coding,she’s one of the brightest students in the school.

Her mom left her dad for a much more richer man…she’s been living with her grandma and father in an old family house.

Her family wasn’t that poor neither where they rich…her dad worked as a cab driver he grandma owned a family restaurant which is making quite some cash.

Camille is a very beautiful girl who loves reading more than anything,she has won lots of prizes and debates for the school but eversince he came he was all she could think about.

Gray white….just thinking of the name gives her goose bumps.

Though he’s graduated and in college but he’s here for the summer cause he needs to pass a certain exam so they appointed Camille as his tutor.

He’s been very friendly and sweet,he sometimes takes her out and calls her sweets names…. he’s like a perfect boyfriend only without him knowing.

He’s father is a f-__-kin millionaire which helped him now he’s about to graduate out of college to take over his father’s company.

He’s lucky enough to graduate after just spending two years in college, he’s just having difficulties in q particular subject so the school offered to give their best student which is her.

Ever since she started the school she has been crushing on him for years but when he left she decided to move on but now he’s back and her heart just can’t control itself again.

“Um….um.hi” she said to gray….he was in a group of guys wearing a black tank top and black shorts and gosh nothing could make him look hotter….they were on a football field.

” Hi glasses” he said ,he called her that since she wore glasses ,most girls would’ve h@ťěd that but who cares ,he might not know her name but at least he knows her face,that’s something.

” Can…can I ta…lk to you…..alone” he looked at his guys like she was taking gibberish.

” Just say wh@ťěver you want….” He said and she took a deep breath.

” Well we’ve been getting along well…and I just wanted to tell you ” she was feeling all nervous but took a glance at her best friend who gave her two thumbs up urging her to go ahead.

” I’ve been crushing on you since I started this school…and I just thought maybe we could hang out !” She said looking at the floor getting all nervous …her cheek red like a tomato.

Then he and his guys started laughing, she looked around feeling embarrassed.

Gray laughed his heart out like she was a clown.

” If you thought me being nice to you was a sign ….forget it ,I was just compensating you since you tutor me without no pay?” He said and her heart sink.

” I…I thought you liked me” she was about to cry and that made gray laugh more.

” How can I like you….I mean look at you…you’re a nerd with no beauty…don’t take this the wrong way but you’re a dork” he said and he and his gangs started laughing.

She walked out out of embarrassment… cleaning tears dropping out of her eyes.

Gray couldn’t believe it though she wasn’t the first girl to confess to him but how could she think she was in his league…such a looser.

It was a brand new day and Camille entered the school with her best friend sage.

” I’m so sorry cam…I didn’t know it’d end up like this ” sage has been apologizing to her all week eversince gray rejected practically in front of the whole school.

As she got into the halls people started laughing at her… it’s not the first time they even call her dork now.

Gray is back in college and he passed his exams in flying colors and now he’s somewhere far away

” Hey dork” Mia and her gangs normally known as the Panthers came to meet her

” Heard you proposed to gray ” Mia said to her but she ignored her putting her books in the locker..

” I mean how can he like you…he’s practically like the hottest guy in school so he dates only his leagues” she said but Camille just walked away but they blocked her.

” I mean look at you …no big B-__-bs or @zz” they said shaking theirs.

Which was a lie cause Camille was blessed in everything a woman could want in a body but she didn’t like to wear fitted clothes that shows it especially like theirs …they looked like prostitute.

” just leave me alone” she said about to walk away but the girls held her hand and dragged her to girls bathroom.

” Hey…leave me” she kept yelling but they didn’t and no one came to her rescue.

They stuck her head into the toilets
” That’ll teach you not to talk back at us” Mia said and the girls laughed.

They left and she started crying.

If only she hadn’t listened to sage…if only gray rejected her gently then this wouldn’t be happening.

She had been bullied all week but this is the worst.

Gray white….she thought in her head.

I’ll forever h@ťě you for this.

Camilla angrily got home throwing her bag in the floor.

” Argh” she yelled and her grandma came out.

” What’s up darling… why’s your hair like that and why do you stink?” Her grandma said and she began to tear up and get grandma hugged her.

She understood that she’d been bullied again

” All I did was confess my love ….I don’t deserve this” she said and her grandma pet her.

” It’s cool…. I have good news that light cheer you up” she told her and she cleaned her eyes.

” What’s that?” She asked.

” We’re moving away from this place” she dropped the bomb and Camille felt dumbstruck.

” But what about Sam’s schooling,your restaurant , dad’s cab job” she said.

” Your dad decided that life here ain’t gonna be good for you do how about a new start” her grandma said and she scoffed.

” I’m fine granny…” She said sitting on the couch.

” Not with that stench …the bullying is too much and think about it …new school better opportunity for Sam and you could start afresh no more bullying…no more gray white” she said and that got to her.

No more bullying or gray white…she could start afresh.

” But what about your restaurant and how are we gonna find a new house” she asked her grandma.

” Um…it’s just los Angeles and I have a friend who lives there,there’s money since we sold the restaurant and house__” she cut her off short.

” What?”…why?” She asked….that felt like a coo coo plan

” Sweetheart your dad loves you and your brother so much… you both are all he’s got and the school authority ain’t seem to be doing anything about it so he decided a new environment would be better and I agreed to it ” she told her and Camille groaned.

” But this is our family’s house and restaurant…this is like our most prizes possession” camille yelled

” Honey you and your brother are out most prized possession” she said kissing her forehead and going upstairs.

Though it’s gonna be nice to get away from this drama but it’s hard.

She grew up here but her grandma and dad only wants the best for her so she might as well go on with the plan.

They told her brother and he was a little sad but was ready to do it for his sister. .that’s how strong their love is.

She told sage and she was crying wishing she hadn’t pushed her to ask gray out.

But she had to make her understand that it was for the best and it was the best indeed now she can get over that butthead gray white.

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