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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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©️Opeyemi O.Akintunde

Mayor who disguised himself as Banjo to Rekky saw the policemen ahead. He hoped it was his regular men.

As he drove closer, he realized the faces were new faces.

“ Sh…t” He cursed under his breath.

He knew it was too late to turn back as that would attract attention to him. The police officers stopped his vehicle…

“ Good Day Sir, how are you sir? Anything for the boys?” The officer said

“ Sure, I think we should have the wine from our night party, we are going home to rest, you can see my wife is asleep already…”

“ Chairman!” The police officer hailed Mayor.

Mayor brought out a bottle of expensive wine from the back seat. He counted five thousand Naira and gave it to the officer.

“ MR Chairman… You are too much!” The police officer cleared Mayor. He gave the officer ahead a signal to let Mayor go.

Mayor drove off…

“ God punish some of these police officers! Kai! “ Mayor said laughing

Mayor went off the road into a forest. The road had no path but Mayor knew the path.

Mayor drove for another 10 minutes before getting to the Ritualist village. The Ritualist village was a community that had been created by a notorious Ritualist kingpin; Moko. He took it as a business. He specialized in selling body parts and full human beings. He had workers like Mayor whose duty was to bring at least one person per day.

He had over 50 workers who were under oath. They were paid on a monthly basis. They each earned 3 million Naira per month. However, they only had one day of the week as their free day, which was always on a Tuesday. Mayor had a wife and a two year old son. They were his only source of Joy. As much as he was getting paid for his services so well, he really wanted out of the business, but the oath was not what to be joked with. He had seen firsthand what could befall him should he rebel against Moko.

Hassan, Darren and Lefty had rebelled wanting to start their own Ritualist businesses, but Moko hit them hard. Moko ki||ed every member of their family and broke their own spinal cords. The three friends were living in the Ritualist Village like trophies on display for other agents.

On getting there, he got down. His colleagues started hailing him massively for catching another bird.

Things were very straightforward at the Village, whenever a bird was brought to the village, they had to take him or her to the deposition unit. At the deposition unit, they would check out the person spiritually to know if the person could be used.

Mayor walked towards the deposition unit carrying Rekky with him. Unknowingly, as he picked up Rekky, her phone fell off into the car.

“ Mayor! How are you?” Said the Prietess.

“Fine, please check out this bird!”

“ Ok!”


Tams knew she couldn’t keep quiet. On her second phone, she called Martins again..

“ Hello Tams!”

“ So you ordered your wife to be kidnapped?” Tams said though she was fearful of the answer that would hit her in the face.

“ Kidnapped? What are you talking about?” Martins replied

“ Hey don’t play dumb with me? You said it in your text that you have ensured that today would be her last day in your life!”

“ Yes I texted that, but what I mean is that I am divorcing her, I have the papers right here… Tams, have I not tried?Tams the past six years of my life has been worse than hell, I need to have joy in my life, don’t you think?”

Tams was silent. She knew Martins was absolutely correct. Martins had endured what her husband could not endure. Over her occasional flings, her husband had beat her blue black on several occasions.

“ So what is this talk about her been kidnapped?” Martins asked

Tams took the next few minutes to explain everything that happened…

“ Oh my God!” Martins said. He had mixed emotions. He was afraid Rekky would be ki||ed at her prime and he would lose her, at the same time he was seeing it as a way of freedom out of the marriage if she was ki||ed.

“ I don’t know what to say … Rekky brought this on herself!” Martins said

“ Martins, please prove to me that you know nothing about this kidnap and bring my friend back home.”

“ Prove?” By this time Martins was pacing around in the living room….

“ Prove what? You think I organized her kidnap? You know what? To hell with you and her. She can die for all I care.” Martins said hanging up…

Truthfully speaking, it was a bittersweet moment for him.

“ Chioma!”

Martins knew she was the right person to speak to. Over the past few months after they met again, they had rekindled their friendship. Martins wanted more but Chioma was not receptive of the idea. Martins knew the only way Chioma was ever going to let things go back to the way things were, was for Rekky to be out of their Love triangle…

“ Kidnapped? God! How did that happen? We should call the police! The commissioner of police is owing me a Favour. We should call him right away.”

Martins was a bit disappointed that Chioma was not giving him the vibes he was expecting…

“ Martins? Are you there?” Chioma said over the phone

“ Yeah… Yeah … I am here!”

“ I said the commissioner owes me a FAVOUR, I thought you would be excited!”

“ I… am excited…but …”

“ But What?”

“ You want to know the truth about what I am feeling right now!”

“ What are you feeling right now?”

“ Gratitude… At least if she meets her death thanks to her reckless lifestyle, I will have the second chance of spending my lifetime with you!” Martins said

There was a brief moment of silence…

“ Martins, you are unbelievable. I should have known that spots on the skin of a leopard can not clear over time, you always run away whenever there is trouble. Just like you left me because of my problem, you are about to do the same to your wife. What is love to you by the way? Love is when everyone is perfect. What is marriage? Marriage is staying with someone when things are good?”

“ I have been staying with her for 6 miserable years.”

“ So why stop now when she needs you the most? Oh you think, to hell with her I have a got a substitute. Just the way she was my substitute. Well let me burst your bubble, since you never asked, let me save you the misery of being disappointed at the end of the day. Martins, I still bedwet, so in case you were planning to return to me, sorry my situation is still the way it is. “

Martins was shocked, it was true he never asked. He just assumed with her level of Sucess, she would have sorted that out.

“ Martins, save your wife while you can, if you think she is bad, I can assure you there are worse ladies out there. You thought I was bad, but you got worse, but don’t make the mistake of going for worst. My piece of advise… Take it or leave it.” Chioma hung up angrily.


“ Wow! Mayor… this is a big catch!” The Prietess said after scanning Rekky.

To be continued

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