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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I’m here to enjoy my vacation with my fiance.” Mia said proudly as she noticed my outfit and smiled “Oh, so you’re here as a servant?”

I rolled my eyes “I’m here as a waitress.”

“Same as servant. You know, the website you gave me is going great,I have many followers than you ever had, I’m more successful than you ever are. You’re just a servant.” Mia smirked.

I rolled my eyes again “I don’t have time talking to you.” I said, walking away.

“And that’s how you’ll always be, a servant and sl*t to the world!” Mia laughed evilly.

I clenched my fist angrily as I approached Mia.

“Say that again.” I said.

Mia scoffed “What are you gonna do? Slap me? You know you can get fired because of that, and you will be living in the streets again. Dirty sl*t… Argh!!” I pushed her into the pool angrily and everyone laughed.

I pouted innocently “Opps, I didn’t mean to Lil Sis.”

Mia’s glaring at me and I smirked and walked away.

I felt embarrassed as everyone’s laughing at me. I just h@ťě that Monica. Especially when she calls me Lil Sis.

I’ll have to do something to her. I swear, I’ll make her life miserable.

I saw wet Teddy starring at me “Oh, you saw every…”

“Thing. Yeah. You pushed her into the pool.” He nodded.

I bent my head sadly “So, you’re gonna fire me…”

“Actually.” He cut me off as he walked towards me, smirking “I’ll let you go, you can do wh@ťěver you want here.”


He shrugged “Yeah, we’re besties.”

I raised one of my eyebrow “Besties? We’re not besties anymore.”

“So if aren’t besties, what are we?” Teddy said as he moved closer to me, making me uncomfortable.

I sighed “Look I just wanna say I’m sorry for disrespecting you. I don’t know that you’re the boss…”

He hugged me “Don’t ever apologize to me.”

I struggled to let go “Let me go, you weirdo.”

He moved his face closer to mine, like we’re about to kiss “Shhh.” he caressed my face.

Why do I sparks? He’s just my best friend, it’s been long since I see his face.

He’s so cuter and hotter than before. His smooth dark skin, his sweet pink lips. Why did I stop struggling?

“Hey!” I heard a shout.

We quickly pulled away as Justin approached us. He looks hurt and angry.

“Have you seen Mia?” He asked.

“Do I look like your fiancee’s assistant?” I asked.

“Sorry, can I talk to you for a minute?” He asked.

“No.” Teddy and I said simultaneously.

“I’m not talking to you black dude.” Justin said, being a racist.

“Excuse me, don’t talk to my friend like that.” I said angrily.

Justin scoffed “Seriously, you’re still friends with the prostitute that f_cked some guy?”

“Hey! Watch what you’re saying or I’ll ban you and your fiancee from this hotel.” Teddy warned.

Justin scoffed “Then do it. I don’t care.”

“Justin, leave this place, please.” I said.

Justin scoffed “Don’t you have work to do? You cheap sl*tty waitress?”

Teddy punched Justin in the face and he fell, Teddy looks angrier than ever.

“Teddy, calm down please, I have to get back to work. I’m sorry again.” I said as I walked away feeling embarrassed.

Why would Justin just come and humiliate me again? What’s wrong with him? He dumped me right? Thinking I’m a dirty sl*t.

I smiled as I walked in and met China “Hey girl, how’s your first date?” I asked as we held each other’s hands.

“Trevor asked me out again.” She said and we squealed together.

“This is gonna be perfect, just trust no one, alright?” I said.

“No problem.” She said as we enter back to work.

I know it’s been a while since Monica and I have seen each other and I betrayed her but I still love her.

I felt so jealous that she’s hugging that black dude and the way they look at each other. It’s hurts.

After living from work, avoiding Teddy, Justin and Mia. China was still in the hotel with Trevor.

I left there with my car to pick up my daughter from school.

We’re in the classroom listening to our teacher, Mrs Paula.

“Okay children, who can tell me 5 objects that start with letter P?” She asked.

I raised my hand.


“Pencil, paper, pan, palette, pen.” I mentioned.

Mrs Paula smiled “Very good Gigi, clap for Gigi.”

Everyone clapped except the blonde Annie, glaring at me because I’m smarter than her. I stick my tongue out at her.

“Okay class, tomorrow will be parents day, so I want all of you to tell your mommy and daddy to come to school tomorrow and tell us about their jobs. Understood?” Mrs Paula instructed.

“Yes Mrs Paula.” All of us replied simultaneously and the closing bell rang and all of us and the teacher left the class.

I waited outside, at the stairs for my mommy to pick me up.

“Hey Gigi.” Annie called as she and her two friends approached me with their mean faces.

“I h@ťě it when you act as if you’re smart, so stop it.” Annie said.

“I’m not acting. You’re being jealous, stop it.” I retorted.

“Don’t talk to Annie that way.” Yolanda said, Annie’s friend.

“Yeah, she the best.” Mandy said, Annie’s other friend.

“The best of what?” I asked.

“Being the prettiest.” Annie replied proudly.

“Did your daddy told you that?” I asked.


“He’s lying. Like there’s no truth in him.” I grinned.

The two girls laughed and Annie glared at them and they kept quiet.

Annie glared at me “At least I have a daddy, who’s a lawyer. Unlike you, who doesn’t have a daddy and your mommy is a poor waitress.”

All of them laughed as they walked away, leaving me angry.

“Lemme handle them.” Oliver, my best friend said, holding a water bottle as he approached them and poured water on the three of them.

“Argh! Mommy! Oliver just ruined my uniform!” Annie and her friends cried as they ran away.

I laughed as I gave Oliver a hi-five. “Thank you for helping me.”

“That’s what friends do. Sorry about what they say about your parents.” He said.

I shrugged “It’s okay, at least their cries won’t show with the water you poured on them.”

We saw both our parent’s car in front of the gate.

“Yay! Our mommies are here.” I cheered.

“First kid to reach the gate. Poke!” Oliver poked my shoulder and ran away.

“Hey!” I yelled as I ran after him screaming “Argh!!!”

I was driving in my white Lotus Emira, strolling around the city because I just moved here.

I got tired and parked my car in front of a small public school called Crown Elementary School.

Children were playing around and running to their parents.

“Argh!!!”I noticed a little girl screaming and stepped on my foot.

“Ow! Watch where you’re going little kid!” I scolded.

“Sorry.” She pouted.

She really looks so cute and adorable with her mixed skin, chubby cheeks, round cute eyes and curly hair.

I smiled as I bent and patted her head “What’s your name little girl?” I asked.

She glares at me as she pack a mud with her bare hands.

“Ew! With your… Hey, what are you doing?” I asked feeling suspicious.

She threw the mud on my white car and I screamed “Nooo!!! That’s my dad’s favourite car. Why?!!!”

“I’m 5. What did you think I’m gonna do if a stranger patting me and asking for my name?” She said sassily.

“I don’t know. Run?” I said feeling angry.

“Well I’m still 5 years old. Duhh.” She said with a funny face.

“Oh no. Dad’s gonna ki|| me.” I said, sweating.

“Ginger! Oh my God!” I heard her beautiful voice. Monica.

She looks shocked as she approached us.

“What have you done? I’m so sorry, Teddy.” She panicked and held the little girl’s hand.

I gave her a suspicious look “Monica, who’s…?” I trailed off.

“Teddy, I’m so sorry. Please don’t fire me, I promise I’ll wash the car.” Monica pleaded.

“Gigi, you have to apologize.” She whispered.

“But mommy, he’s taking to me and you said that I shouldn’t talk to strangers and he’s a stranger.” The cute girl said with her cute voice.

Wait… Mommy? Is Monica a mommy? I don’t get it.

“Who’s she?” I asked and Monica became still.


“I have to go home. Gigi, we’ll talk about this at home.” She scolded the girl like her daughter. Or is she?

“I have to go home. Gigi, we’ll talk about this at home.” I said, trying to change the subject.

He grabbed his hand, pulled me to him “Who’s she?” he asked with his furrowed eyes.

“Mommy, did you know him?” Gigi asked.

I bent my head feeling scared.

“Teddy.” I held my daughter’s shoulder “Meet my daughter, Gigi.”

Teddy’s jaw dropped, looking shocked and speechless.

“Mommy, who’s he?” Gigi asked.

“How…? Who’s…? I don’t under…?” Teddy stammered looking shocked.

“I know it’s weird, h@ťě me if you want. I love my daughter and I have to go. Bye.” I said and walked away from him awkwardly.

I can’t believe I just told Teddy about Gigi. Great, now I have to be avoiding him.

“Mommy, why are you talking to the stranger?” Gigi asked.

“We’ll talk about it at home, get in the car.” I said as she entered the backseat of my Honda and I entered the driver seat and I drove off.


“Sweetie, don’t interrupted me when I’m driving.” I said.

We finally arrived at the old apartment building, came out of the car and went inside the building, headed straight to our apartment.

We went to my bedroom, took a bath, then wore our pink matching pyjamas and both of us entered the living room.

“Gigi, where’s your homework?” I asked.

“I brought it with me.” she said as she gave me me her homework book and gave me.

We sat on the couch and cuddled together, I bent my be my head, checking her homework.

“Mommy.” Gigi called.

“Yes Sweetie?” I replied.

“Who’s my daddy?” She asked.

I raised my head and my heart started beating faster. What should I say? How should I explain to my daughter that she was born out of rape?

I don’t even know who her daddy is. Everywhere was dark I couldn’t recognize the guy’s face.

Everytime I think about the unknown guy, gas mask, the white bracelet and the incident. Worst day of my life and I’m still not ready to tell my daughter about it.

I smiled at her “Baby, your daddy is busy and…”

“That’s what you always tell me. He’s always busy, when is he coming back? He just left us like I don’t even exist.” Gigi whined.

I sighed sadly as I hugged my daughter tightly “Baby, I’m so sorry, so let’s continue your homework.”

“But tomorrow is parents day, Mrs Paula said that all of us should bring our mommy and daddy. All my classmates has daddy but I don’t. Even Oliver has a daddy.” Gigi frowned cutely and fold her arms.

“I have an idea.” I smiled.

“What’s the idea?” Gigi asked.

“How about I’ll be your mommy and daddy for that day. I will wear some boy clothes to represent him, then I will buy us some cheese fries, or make cheese casserole.” I suggested.

Gigi stood up angrily “No! I want to see my daddy now.” She yelled as she ran inside her room and locked the door.

I stood up and went to the door and knocked “Gigi? Gigi, open the door? Gigi?”

“No! I want to see my daddy!” She yelled adamantly.


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