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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday, Monica is now my girlfriend. I’m so happy about it.

I just wish she forgives me for what I did to her. It’s a surprise for her. I just wish she hasn’t find out yet.

I was in my hotel room, on my bed, using my phone, thinking about it.

My door was opened and Monica walked in, looking unhappy.

I stood up with a smile “Good morning babe.” I wanted to embrace her but she pushed me away.

“How could you do this to us?” She yelled.

I frowned “Do what? What did I do?”

“What’s the meaning of this? And why?” She asked showing me the picture of the Big Burger restaurant that I sent some guys to destroy. From her small Itel phone.

Oh no, how did she know? It’s supposed to be a secret and surprise. I can’t tell her anything.

I scoffed nervously “Wha… What are you talking about? I didn’t…”

“Really? You didn’t do it?” She completed “Everyone has been saying that you did this. Why?”

I wanted to lie again “I would never…”

“Oh shut up, just admit and stop lying.” She said.

I sighed sadly “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? Sorry won’t bring back our restaurant, my business, the only thing I’m using to take care of my daughter.” I cried bitterly.

Teddy wanted to hold my hand “Monica…”

“Don’t touch me!” I slapped his hand away.

I shook my head “I can’t believe you would do such a thing. I didn’t want to believe that the Teddy I used to know is gone, but now you’re just an heartless Theodore.” I said bitterly.

He clenched his fist angrily “Don’t call me Theodore.”

I scoffed “You ruined my business and my life and now you don’t like people to call you by your full name, you’re supposed to be proud of that name. Theodore.”

“Don’t call me Theodore.” He repeated.

I rolled my eyes “What if I do? What are you gonna do to me? Mr Theodore Griffin…”

He gritted his teeth and grabbed my hair tightly “Ow! Let go of me.” I cried.

He released new immediately, looking guilty.

“I’m sorry, I have hot temper.” He said.

I moved backwards feeling scared, till I reached the door and opened it “It’s over between the both of us.”

“What?!” He exclaimed.

I quickly ran out of the room before he could do anything.

That’s not the Teddy I know. I understand he h@ťěs it when someone calls him Theodore.

I still don’t know why he destroyed the restaurant.

I sat on the bed and started shedding uncontrollable tears. I can’t believe the most beautiful relationship I started yesterday has ended already.

I’m just trying to control the anger issues Monica gave me 5 years ago. She’s the reason why I changed.

My life was a mess since she left me that day she tried to ki|| herself, she walked out on me and everywhere was blurry, my head felt strange and that’s what turned me into this.

I h@ťě how everyone pronounces her name, I become furious, lose my temper, destroy anything I see, but I can’t ruin anything that can destroy her life.

I was cleaning the counter with towel because of the soup I mistakenly spilled while serving customers.

I stopped as I sighted Trevor walking in, smiling seductively at another girl, not Amanda.

I don’t think these one is related to Trevor because of the way she hug his neck and they’re about to kiss.

I mistakenly smashed a glass cup on the floor which separates the two love birds and attracts people’s attention.

I scoffed nervously “I’m so clumsy with the fancy glasses.” I bent and was cleaning the counter.

I don’t even know what I’m saying. Great, Trevor h@ťěs me and already had a real girlfriend.

I frowned with a pout as I cleaned up the broken glass pieces, went out and dump it in the trash.

I yelped as someone hugged my waist, Trevor?

I pushed him away “What the f_ck dude?”

He scoffed “What? I’ve done this with you, why did you push me?”

I rolled my eyes “Just go, I know I’ve done stupid things that made you h@ťě me and now you have a girlfriend, I’m sorry for accusing wrongly but that doesn’t mean you should cheat on your girlfriend.”

“Lilah is not my girlfriend.” He admitted.

I scoffed “Oh really? Then who is she? Your other cousin that you’re trying to kiss?”

“You know, you and your friend are the same, you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t wanna know. You just jump into conclusions.” Trevor said.

“Then who’s Layla?” I asked.

“Lilah.” Trevor corrected.

“I don’t care.” I snapped.

“Lilah is just classmate from college, I just invited her here so…”

“Just admit she’s your girlfriend.” I cut him off.

“She’s not my girlfriend, okay? I just invited her here to make you jealous because of humiliating me yesterday.” Trevor blurted out loud.

I blushed “Really?”

“Yes. Gosh you’re so annoying.” He muttered.

I grinned happily “So you forgive me?”

He blushed as he held my hands “I forgive you but please…”

“Don’t jump into conclusions, I know and I won’t. I promise.” I said as we hugged each other.

I barged into my bedroom and slammed the door angrily.

I sat on my bed and hugged my knees crying bitterly because of what I saw today.

I was walking down the hallway looking for China so that we can go home together.

I heard some smooching from Teddy’s bedroom, I checked it and saw a tall black guy assuming it’s Teddy and some girl with curly hair making out passionately.

Wow, Teddy has really moved on with some cute cheek.

I can’t believe Teddy moved on easily with some beautiful Ɓîtçh. It hurts a lot.

My life is a total mess, He really broke my heart.

Gigi walked in “Mommy, why are you crying?” she asked.

I ignored her and was crying continuously, I couldn’t believe Teddy would just have another girlfriend easily.

Gigi sat beside me, pouting. She’s cute but I don’t have time for that.

I sniffed “Heh heeehh.” I cried.

“Heh heeehh.” Gigi mimicked playfully.

“Heeehhh.” I cried again.

“Heeehhh.” She mimicked again.

I sniffed, she sniffed. I begin to laugh at her annoying mimicks. I hugged her and kissed her head.

“You little annoying sweet.” I said and sniffed again.

“Why are you crying?” She asked.

“Mommy, doesn’t wanna talk about it.” I replied.

“Is it because I was ignoring you?” She asked.

No baby, that’s not the reason.

I nodded “Yes.” I lied so that she won’t be mad at me anymore.

“I’m sorry mommy, I won’t ignore you anymore and don’t cry. I h@ťě to see my mommy cry.” She said.

“Mommy’s sorry baby.” I said and kissed her head again.

I was working at the counter trying to forget what I saw yesterday.

“Monica! Monica! Follow me!!” China yelled as she pulled me out of the restaurant.

All of the other waiters and Mrs Greg ran out of the restaurant and we entered the Big Burger van and Mrs Greg drove off.

“Where are we going?” I asked China.

“Wait for it.” China squealed happily.

Everyone looks excited, am I missing something?

We finally arrived and Mrs Greg parked the van at a parking lot.

We came out of the van and my jaw dropped, starring at the biggest restaurant I’ve ever seen in my life and it happens to be named Big Burger.

Did someone steal our restaurant ideas? We all walked in and wow, it’s so beautiful inside.

Fancier and funkier than the restaurant in the hotel.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Our new restaurant!” Mrs Greg said happily.

“Our?” I said.

“Yes, you, China and my restaurant.” She replied.

My eyes went wide “Huh?”

“Yes.” Teddy approached me with a smile.

“I don’t get it.” I said.

“She gets it.” he said referring to China.

“Surprise!” China chanted.

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked feeling confused.

“You see, the reason why Teddy destroyed my small restaurant is because his mom wanted to make a hair salon over there so Teddy decided to build a much bigger restaurant, that’s why he hired us work at the hotel for a while till he finish the building.” Mrs Greg explained.

“So you two knew?” I asked.

“Yes, I would have tell you but since you’re the most emotional one. We decided to play you, that’s why we didn’t tell you. Sorry.” China said and walk away.

I dazed shockingly at Teddy who’s still smiling at me.

I burst into tears of joy starring at him.

“See ya.” Mrs Greg said and walked away.

I sniffed “I can’t believe you would help me after…”

“Shhh, it’s okay, I’m sorry I lied to you. It totally ruined our relationship.” Teddy said.

“It’s not your fault. Anyway thanks for bringing my life back.” I said.

“You’re welcome.” He said as he hugged me.

“So, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend again?” He asked.

I nodded “Yeah, I love you.”

“I love you too.” He replied as we connected our lips together.

I really miss his sweet soft lips, but what about the girl he made out with yesterday? Who’s that?

There’s going to be a surprise in the next chapter.

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