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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Teddy, what the heck are you doing?” I asked trying to let go because he pinned me to the wall with his strong hands.

He smirked “I wanna know how it feels.” he whispered softly to my ears.

“Feels what?” I asked.

He bent and moved his face closer to mine and smirked, he untied my hair and ran his hand through it and ribbed my neck softly which is giving me goosebumps.

Gosh, he’s so hot when he’s shirtless and wet, water drips from his cute beards down to his dark skinned hard rock abs, with white towel around his neck and another one wrapped around his waist. His dark eyes are beautiful, his hot pink lips.

Why is my best friend so cute and tall? He’s so taller than me, I’m looking at him like I’m starring at a tree

I noticed our lips are almost touching, we set our eyes on each other, he should just kiss me already.

“I love you.” He whispered.

My heart begins to beat faster than ever. He has said this to me before when he saved me from committing suicide.

“I… I…” I begin to stammer nervously.

He smashed his lips on mine and hugged me passionately.

Why can’t I let go? He’s not my boyfriend, I’m trying my best not to love again but his lips are so sweet.

Sweet and wet like strawberries, soft like fluffy cotton candy.

Her lips are amazing, my first kiss with my long time childhood crush, my best friend, my everything.

She kept Mõ@ɲing during the hot passionate kiss, then lay her hand on my naked chest, playing with our tongues.

I don’t want to stop. Is this a dream? I don’t wanna wake up from it. I don’t know what give me the guts to have her like this.

Bianca advised me to just do what my minds says about her and it says a lot.

I don’t want to let go, I hugged her hot tiny waist tightly trying to grab her. You know what I mean.

She pulled away feeling nervous “I’m sorry, I gotta go… Oh my.” she gasped as she noticed the food she poured on the floor.

“I’m sorry about the mess, I’ll clean it.” She said and left the room.

I chuckled feeling happy and excited because of our first kiss. I know very soon she’ll be mine.

I blushed hard while walking down the hallway. Why am I blushing like this? Am I not supposed to be angry but I love the kiss. I don’t know why.

At the same time, while kissing him, I felt some sharp sparks in me. I’ve never felt that for Justin before.

Am I in love with my best friend? Oh no! This is awkward.

Now I have to go back and clean the mess, I went to the cleaning closet and brought out some cleaning stuffs out.

I went back to the bedroom and saw Teddy in his red pyjamas trousers, still shirtless.

“You’ve got to learn how to knock before coming in.” He said seductively.

I bent my head “Sorry.”

He smirked as he stepped closer to me and hugged me again.

He kissed my lips passionately and started kissing my neck passionately as I Mõ@ɲed.

I hugged him back enjoying the moment. He pushed me on the bed and went on top of me.

He was unbuttoning my dress, exposing my red bra, which shows my cleavage. Teddy is going to sleep with me. Oh my God.

I noticed we’ve been watched. I stood up and pushed Teddy away and buttoned up my dress.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“We’ve been watched.” I said.

“What? By who?” He asked.

“I don’t know but I have to leave.” I said as I bent and started cleaning the wasted food.

I bit my lips as I sat on the bed, watching her bending and $h00ting out her fat @zz, I know she’s very tight and I’ll be in her very soon.

She didn’t even buttoned up her shirt totally, her smooth cleavages are exposing, shaking as she’s cleaning them.

She stood up and walked out of the room.

I scoffed to myself, I should have done this a long time ago. I think she likes me too.

Monica likes me.

I returned the cleaning appliances and was walking down the hallway blushing again.

I couldn’t stop blushing about the made out Teddy and I had. When he said He love me, did he really mean it? Or he’s just want to use me for segz?

I don’t think so because Teddy is too innocent for that but that was 5 years ago, things change day by day. I don’t know who Teddy might be anymore.

I should avoid him but I don’t know how to. He’s so cute and handsome.

His sweet and soft pink lips, his smooth dark skin with small beard, his beautiful eyes, his lips again.

During the night, Mrs Greg and I slept in the same hotel room, I slept on the couch, she slept on the bed, because she’s the boss. I wish I’m a boss.

I stood up, went to the bathroom, took a fresh shower, came out and wore my white uniform then fixed my hair in ponytail. Mrs Greg did the same.

We went to the canteen and was cleaning up the place and making some food.

For your information, Mrs Greg and I aren’t the only waiters here, we’re like 15 waiters. 8 ladies, 7 guys.

Some are cleaning the restaurant, some of us were in the kitchen, cooking and baking, but I’m mostly doing the cooking. I’m a great cook and I love it. More than my formal business.

After cooking, I came out of the kitchen and took a deep breath, feeling exhausted.

Justin walked in looking cute with his blue hoodie and joggers with white sneakers, but not as cute as Teddy. Gosh I can’t stop thinking about last night.

“Good morning Monica.” He greeted.

“You know you’re making a huge mistake for not supporting your fiancee.” I said rudely.

“We need to talk.” He said, ignoring my statement.

I rolled my eyes “There’s nothing we need to talk about.” I said.

“Really? What about last night, making out with that black dude?” Justin said.

“He’s a great African American and… Wait, were you spying on us last night?” I asked.

I knew someone was watching me and Teddy.

“I’m sorry but Teddy is someone that can’t be trusted.” Justin said.

I frowned “What are you talking about?”

“He’s…” He moved closer to me “He’s a bad person, he takes ruin innocent people’s lives for his own benefits.”

I raised one of my eyebrow “Mhmm, and what makes you think that?”

“How did you get in this hotel in the first place?” Justin asked.

“Because my boss instructed me to.” I replied.

“Well that’s because he closed down Mrs Greg’s restaurant.” He said showing me the picture of the Big Burger restaurant with a close sign.

I frowned trying not to believe “That’s a lie idiot, you probably placed that sign just for you to make me h@ťě Teddy for no reason.”

“How about you ask your boss?” Justin smirked.

“Mommy!!!” Gigi cheered as she walked in with China.

I grinned happily as I carried and hugged Gigi. “Oh my baby, how’s school?”

“It was awesome, I now have friends because daddy.” She grinned happily.

I scoffed “Sweetie, he’s not…”

“I know, can we just play along when we’re outside?” She whispered.

“Or not even talk about it.” I retorted.

“Morning China.” I greeted.

“At least you didn’t forget about me.” She said playfully and went inside the kitchen.

I noticed Justin is starring at Gigi shockingly, speechless and surprised.

What did that little girl by mommy? Is Monica a mother?

“Justin, you have to leave, you’re distracting me from work.” Monica said monotonously, playing with the little girl.

“Is she your…?” I trailed off.

Monica sighed “Yes, Gigi is my 5 years old daughter.”

My jaw dropped in shock, I can’t believe Monica has a daughter.

I smiled “Can I play with her for a minute? Please.”

I gave Justin a confused look “No.”

Justin pleaded “Please.”

I scoffed “Never…!”

“Justin!!” Mia yelled as she walked in angrily.

I groaned loudly “I thought you’re gone.”

“Quiet, you dumb lying waitress, Kayla said that I’m allowed to pick my stuffs which is you Justin.” She said.

“Can you go, please. I’m busy with something.” Justin said, still starring at Gigi.

“Mommy, who are those people?” Gigi asked.


“Wait, Did she just call you mommy? You have a kid?” Mia asked.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh “Guys, just leave please.”

”You didn’t even tell me? Your darling sister?” Mia pouted.

I glared at Mia “Shut up.”

“Mommy, you have a sister?” Gigi asked.

“Yes baby, and which means I’m your Aunt, so call me aunt Mia.” She said proudly.


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell your daughter about me. Is it because you ran away from your family and business?” Mia scoffed.

“What?” Gigi exclaimed.

“Sweetie that’s not true, they kicked me out.” I protested.

Mia scoffed again “Yeah right, why would I lie about something you actually did? You even didn’t tell your daughter anything about your family, how heartless are you? I bet you even lied to her about her dad.”

I dropped Gigi and grabbed Mia’s shirt collar angrily “Get out.”

“Guys this stupid waitress is hurting me.” Mia yelled and I released her immediately.

She smirked “You think you can sabotage my vacation? I’m way better. So watch out.” she warned as she grabbed Justin’s hand and stormed out.

I shook my head and bent “Gigi, I…”

“You even know about daddy! I h@ťě you! You’re a bad mommy!!” Gigi yelled and ran inside.

I burst into tears feeling hurt by what she said. My daughter h@ťěs me?

I noticed people were starring at me, I stood up and wiped my tears, then stood at the counter.

I can’t believe Mia would just tell a little girl about my sad life story and still lied about it. I don’t want to see her again or else I would do what I’m not supposed to do. I swear on my life.

Trevor walked in glaring at me “What did you want?”

I called him for the bead bracelet “Can I have the bracelet back?” I asked.

“Why? You already sold it to me.” He said.

“And it caused you a lot of trouble. Just bring it, I’ll give you back the money.” I said and he gave me the bead bracelet.

I smirked as I stared at the bracelet and the small bead with oreo logo I removed from it.

“Thanks, here’s your money.” I gave him the money and walked away.

I know how I’ll get Monica back without Mia having any idea.

I don’t know why Teddy even closed the restaurant but I like it.

“Thank you, come again.” I said to the customer leaving.

I noticed Gigi’s glaring at me. I smiled, knowing she’s doesn’t h@ťě me, she’s only mad at me.

I’ll have to tell her everything, even though she’s too young but too smart.

Teddy walked in with a smirk “Hey babe.” He said to me as he sat down at a booth.

I rolled my eyes “Teddy, don’t call me that.” I scoffed as I sat beside him.

He grabbed my hand “Let’s get out of here.” he pulled me out of the restaurant.

“Teddy, where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He said.

He pulled me to the hotel and we entered his Lotus Emira car and he drove off.

He didn’t even say a word to me as he’s totally focused on the wheels.

After 30 minutes driving, he parked his car at an old parking lot. We came out of the car and saw where we are. Which I don’t know.

Everywhere is full of abandoned unpainted tall buildings decorated with graffiti paintings, like it’s vandalized.

I frowned “Teddy, where are we?” I asked.

He smiled “You’ll see, follow me.”

I gulped as I followed him to the back of a building and I gasped in surprise as I set my eyes on the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen in my life.

A large garden full of beautiful flowers and trees, and clean shiny lake with lily flowers surrounded by the colourful flowers. Butterflies flying around them and birds singing beautifully.

I scoffed as Teddy hugged me from behind “Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love this place! It’s beautiful, how did you know this place?” I asked.

Teddy shrugged “I come here a lot of times whenever I’m sad, this place always cheers me up.”

“Wait, how long have you been in Florida?” I asked.

“Since last year, I was looking for you but I couldn’t find you, then I did found you.” He said as he kissed my head.

I blushed as he kissed my lips passionately. We pulled away and sat on the floor, admiring the beautiful view.

There was an awkward silence between us but I decided to break the silence.

“So, about what happened last night…” I said nervously.

“What about last night? We almost had segz.”

“Did you really mean that word ‘I love you’?” I asked.

“A lot, look I’ve been in love with you since high school, I don’t know how to admit it because of Justin.” Teddy said feeling nervous inside.

“So now you didn’t just gather the courage, also seduced me to sleep with you last night.” I said, feeling a little annoyed inside.

“Look, I’m sorry okay? It’s just I’ve never felt like this before in my life.” He sat up right “I really love you but I didn’t know how to admit it. I was advised to do what comes into my mind so I did.”

I smiled “I love you too.”

Teddy frowned in shock “Really? You’re joking right?”

“Does it look like I’m joking?” I asked.

Teddy shook his head “No, I just…” he hugged me tightly.

He disengaged and held my hands “Will you be my girlfriend?”

My smile fade away “Uhh yes.”

He grinned happily as he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

We went back to the hotel, I was working at the counter, serving customers, smiling uncontrollably.

Teddy asked me to be his girlfriend, I’ve not tell anyone. Gigi is with Bianca.

I gotta admit it but I really love Teddy, not because of last night but because he’s so sweet, kind, and he has vibes and I don’t know why I still like him.

But I don’t know if it’s just me but why do I feel like Teddy has changed. Before he was a sweet playful innocent nerdy guy but now, he’s stylish, arrogant sometimes, naughty and cuter.

Why do I feel what Justin was telling me is true?

“Monica!” Mrs Greg yelled at me feeling worried.

“Yes Mrs Greg?”

“Something happened to my restaurant.” She said.

I frowned “What happened…?”

I gasped as she showed me the picture of the Big Burger restaurant demolished on her phone.

“What the…?” China gasped as she saw the picture.

“How did it happen?” I asked.

“I don’t know, some of Mr Griffin’s employees were saying it’s Teddy’s idea.” Mrs Greg said.

I frowned trying not to believe. Why would Teddy do such a thing? What’s wrong with him? Trying to ruin my business?


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