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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? R@P£D BY








The car halted in front of the hospital,,

Through out the ride poppy has been acting really annoying one could notice Clifford was Already pissed off with her behaviors but he dare not complain.. the driver was doing a good job in controlling himself,, Poppy ruin Insult on him in every slitted gallop …poppy was annoying him when Clifford on the other hand was pleading..

“ Finally!! Clifford muttered but unfortunately poppy heard him ..

“ Finally what has happened? Poppy questioned looking annoyed..

Clifford twitched his brow in Confusion…he withdraw his hands..then turned to look at her .

“ I mean we finally arrived at the hospital!! Nothing else!! He said raising his hands in surrender..

“ Oh spare me that !! I know that’s not what you meant,,so stop lieing !! Poppy snapped..

“ Gawd!! What have I gotten my self into !! Clifford muttered placing his hands on his head .

“ Here you go again!! What do you mean by “ what have I gotten myself into ? Of course you’ve gotten me pregnant so I see no reason you should ask further questions,,,or are you tired of me ?? Poppy pouted breaking into tears . Clifford frowned is face in Confusion…

“ Why is she crying? Don’t tell me that’s what she believes… How can I be tired of her ? Clifford thought worriedly..

“ No ! You misunderstood everything,,I never said I was tired ,,, trust me I can never be tired of you ! Never ! Clifford told her while patting her hair..

“ Seriously?? Poppy asked,,as she quickly wiped her tears ..

Clifford nodded helping her clean the remaining tears…

Clifford succeeded in comforting her ,,,But then poppy frowned again folding her hands across her B-__-bs..

“ What’s the problem? Clifford asked..

“ Are you blind ,,can’t you see that am very ugly now ,,,my Makeup washed away ,,,am no longer beautiful..poppy pouted trying to break into another round of tears .

“ Says who ?? You Don’t have to bother using make up ,,you look prettier without makeup… Clifford told her .

“ For real ?? Poppy asked bouncing happily on the seat ..

“ I can never lie about that ,,,you look more beautiful with your natural looks!! Clifford said ..

“ Enough of your praises,,,even without being told I know am very beautiful and Don’t flatter me ! Poppy snapped though playfully..

“ Since you Already know ,can we move out now ?? Clifford questioned..

Poppy only nodded ..

Clifford stepped down ,,then ran to the other side to help poppy out …

“ You Don’t have to act all clingy,,I can open the door by my self ! Poppy mouthed.. Clifford was Already mad but still smiled like he was okey …he wasn’t used to being ordered around and still get insulted,,but poppy is making him do things he never thought he would do for lady ,,,

Poppy walked down on her own,,then stretched out her hands to Clifford..

“ Hold my hands ”

Clifford took her hands interlocking their fingers. Poppy smiled ..

“ I would’nt want the ladies to be running after him . With my fingers on his ,,they are going to stay away ..I dont trust all this nurses ” poppy thought chuckling making Clifford wonder why she was chuckling..

“ Oh my gawd it’s Clifford and poppy ,,my best ship !!

“ Please sign an autograph for me, am a huge fan !!

“ Clifford I love your hair band ,, please can I have that.

Poppy frowned at the last ladies Comment..

“ In your dreams! Poppy smirked.. holding tightly to Clifford’s hands .

“ Poppy you are so lucky!!am jelouse.

“ You’re gonna die of jealousy cos he is the lucky one here ,,he is lucky to have me not the other way round”Poppy muttered loud enough for Clifford to hear .

Clifford didnt say a word ,,he only smiled. .

“ Gosh! His smiles !! I can die for that !!

“ Did you notice her belly?? Guess she’s pregnant,,,but it’s bealy two months since they married!! One of the nurse whispered not knowing they were Already behind her ..
@Sarah’s Library 2023

“ Of course she is . That’s why they are here ” the second one blurted.

Poppy and Clifford stood waiting for them to finish their conversation..

“ Who knows!! That’s by the way…am going back..nurse Nina is gonna yell if she catches us here ..the first one said turning to walk away but she bumped into Clifford..

She looked at Clifford then back to poppy…. slowly she fell down and fainted..

“ What’s up with her ? Clifford asked the other one.

“ She will be fine ,,it’s nothing serious….. she’s just shocked..the second one explained.

“ Silly” Poppy said rolling her eyes before dragging Clifford away ..


Poppy could be seen laying on the bed..while Clifford was seated beside her .

“ The baby is okey !! Though we can’t tell the gender of the baby..cos the pregnancy is still in it’s early stage..

“ What?? Am four months gone..and you call that early stage? Poppy asked with eyed widely opened..

“ Yeah !! And that’s the reason you should come for check up and week ,,,by five months we can tell the gender of the baby ..

Clifford told the doctor not to tell them the baby’s gender ,,he wanted to wait til she delivers ,, knowing the baby’s gender ..he wanted the doctor to announce to him ,, after her delivery,,not before her delivery..

“ Okey !! Poppy reluctantly agreed.

The doctor cleared his throat calling their attention..he was looking for a better way to place what he was about to say ..

“ I will advise you try having s*x often ..poppy began shifting ,,she felt restless and uncomfortable…the fact that the doctor was saying this in front of Clifford was annoying..

Clifford acted like he wasn’t affected by what the doctor was saying,,he kept a straight face …

“ So as I was will make the baby stronger and you will also have a free delivery… Because from what am seeing,,you both Don’t look.. like you often have… Poppy cut him off not allowing him to finish what he wanted to say ..
@Sarah’s library 2023
“ That’s okay!! We have heard.. I will.. I mean we will try ..poppy jibbered in discomfort..

“ Ok …since you know.. i will take my leave !! The doctor turned.. poppy signed in relief..but surprisingly the doctor stopped again..

“ Please try your best to be having …..he kept quiet when he noticed the deadly glare on Poppy’s face ..

T.B.C ❤️?

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