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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Clifford woke up with a banging headache..he grabbed a hand full of his hair shaking his head vigorously..
His head hurts like mad ,,he closed his eyes trying to recover what the headache was all about..
He shrinked when the incident of the previous day flew back
Into his head..
“Did I?? He thought worriedly piping into the durvet to see if he was intact…he inhaled deeply when he noticed he was still intact even though his clothes were a bit thorn ..
“ Wait !! Where is poppy ..hope she didnt get to witness what happened yesterday!! He thought jumping out of the bed ..
“ Wendy !! this is all your fault!! Just pray I dont ley my eyes on you !! Clifford muttered angrily before storming out of the room .
At that moment poppy was also walking out of the guests room which was opposite direction..
“Hi !! Clifford waved !!
Poppy turned to look at him ..she gleared at him without uttering a single word she walked past him almost pushing him down ..
“ What’s that all about!! Don’t tell me it’s what am thinking!! And why did she sleep there ?? Clifford asked no one in particular pointing at the guests room..
Clifford stormed into his mom’s room .. she was Already dressed for work while his dad was still in the bathroom..
“Good morning mom! Clifford greeted slightly pecking her cheeks..
“Morning my baby boy ! Hope you slept well! Mrs Dior asked with a smirk. Clifford raised his brew at his mother’s expression.
“ Huh?? Why the smirky face ?? Hope am safe .?? Clifford asked blankly staring at his mom with a mixed feeling..
“Gosh !! you are so dump !! How can you ask me such question,,Don’t tell me you have no idea of what happened last night?? Mrs Dior asked in disbelief..
“No not at all,,,I could remember was poppy walking Into the room ,,then she gave me a drink,,,and after…. Clifford pursed,, he lied because he wanted her to tell him how it happened in details…
“And what?? Continue !! His mom urged him ..
“Thats all I can remember,,in shot my head is hurting a lot right now ,,ouchhh!! Clifford Mõ@ɲed in pretense ..
“ It’s okey,,you dont have to force yourself to remember a thing ..come over here!! His mom gestured him to come sit beside her on the bed ..
Then she told him exactly everything that happened..she also told him how poppy dealt with winner and Wendy .
“ You mean she did all that ?? Wow ,,,seems She’s now having a thing for me ,,she went as far as Fighting for my sake ,, Clifford jibbed dreamly..
His mom hit his head slightly,,
“Stop daydreaming..who said she fought for you !? She asked hitting him again although playfully..
“Ouch !! That hurts !! Clifford said pretending to be in pain ..
“ You should go thank her later !! His mom said again and he turned to look at her ..
“ Thank her ?? She’s gonna break my head!! Clifford jibbered pouting his lips cutely..
“ Trust me she won’t .. instead,,she’s going to love you the more !!
“ What ?? Love me ??? How .. Clifford asked ..
“ Your dad and I Already figured a way to make her love you !!
“ Come on ,,tell me !! Clifford said curiously bending his head over..While his mom whispered into his ears..
“ Honeymoon??? Clifford asked with widen eyes …
“Of course!! She’s gonna love you after spending a whole month with just you alone !! His mom jibbed making him smile happily
Poppy who happened to be outside the door smirked..
“ Honeymoon my foot!! Let’s see how that goes!! Poppy scoffed..
To Be Continued ??????

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