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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Clifford could feel his heart getting shattered into many pieces..he was hurt because of what poppy just said ,,,he never expected that from her ..

He had always thought that getting married to her ,, would make her reciprocate his love ,,,but he was wrong ,,when he thought poppy was going to forgive him ,,,

He looked up to look at her angry face ,,,,she meant every single thing she said,,,her face was void of emotions,,,all he could see in her eyes were anger and hatred …

“ but I apologized Already,,, believe me,,am ready to do anything so long your going to forgive me!!!

You are going to do anything?? Poppy questioned..

Yes !! He muttered guiltily nodding his head repeatedly..

“ then cut off the wedding!! Poppy snapped looking derm serious..

“ what??? Clifford asked with his eyes widely opened..

“ that’s what it takes to earn my forgiveness..poppy jibbed,, without thinking twice she stormed.. leaving him speechless..

“ did she really mean everything she just said ?? Clifford thought worriedly chewing on his fingers ..


“ why are we just seeing this now??? A student jibbed running to show his friends the news on his phone..

“ what ,,poppy and Clifford?? How possible ??ain’t they supposed to be enemies?? So why are they getting married all of a sudden???

“ I can’t believe this !!! So they were both dating all this while !! Poppy is surely a slut ,,she must have seduced Clifford and then forced him to marry her ,,,,Gwen ,, Wendy’s friend jibbed h@ťěfully..

Before she could finish her statement,,a hand dragged her from behind turning her roughly to face then person that dragged her ,,

She was about asking who was dragging her when the hand gave her two dirty slaps.directly on her eyes sending her straight to the floor ,,

The students gesped in shock ..

“ could you perhaps repeat what you just said?? Ixora questioned angrily…

“ I didnt say anything,,Gwen denied awfully trying to control her tears from falling… right now her eyes hurts like hell ….

She wasn’t expecting the slap ,,,that’s exactly the reason why she’s always trying her possible best to avoid ixora,,cos she looks really strict and tough unlike yhe rest ,, although poppy is harsh ,,but not like ixora ,,,she’s always mean when it comes to her friends..

But now ,,she has just falling into her trap ..she knew she wasn’t going to spare her @zz ..

“ are you daft ?? Say what you just said few minutes ago ?? Ixora fired ,, walking closer to her ..

“ I wasn’t lieing after all !! Poppy seduced Clifford….Gwen said panicking..

Ixora raised her hands to slap ..her but someone hold her hands preventing her from slapping Gwen..

Gwen’s heart raced happily…her crushed just came to her rescue..

She has a crush on Gavin,, and had always hoped he would look her way ,,that dream seemed like it was going to come true any moment from now,,but Gwen’s heart was shattered by the next statement that left Gavin’s mouth..

“ you should let her go !! She’s a Ɓîtçh ,,who doesnt deserve your time,,,you shouldn’t waste your time on a Ɓîtçhy thing like her !!! Gavin said ..

Slowly he hold her hands dragging her out .. making all eyes widen…

“ don’t tell me it’s what am thinking??

“ am sure they are dating!!

Immediately Gwen heard that ,,,she collapsed…

To Be Continued.

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