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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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While they dad’s were also chit chatting leaving him all on his own..his mom had warned him not to show off his rude , arrogant behaviors by pressing his phone like his life depends on it …else Poppy’s parents are going to h@ťě him More than they Already does ..

“ so don’t you think making the wedding a ground event will get the public astonished.. ? Clifford mom asked sounding very happy ..

“ of course!! You don’t expect me to marry off my doctor indoors,,am going to make sure it’s going to be the talk of the Town.. Poppy’s mom jibbed chukling loudly..

“ isn’t that so wonderful!!? I can’t wait to finally call her daughter in-law!! Clifford’s mom jibbed dreamly..

Those Comments alone were enough to make Clifford die of happiness,,he was feeling very happy that Poppy’s mom had accepted him ..

“ am just doing this cause I have no option,,I can’t just seat and watch my only daughter suffer,,if not for the fact that she’s pregnant,,I wouldn’t have allowed your disgusting son get married to her ,,but now ,,I have no option!! Poppy’s dad said ,,his voice wasn’t kind at all .

He was mad ,,,seeing Clifford around is making him more angry …but there was nothing he could do !! He can’t h@ťě his daughters husband right??

Soon poppy walked down the stairs dressed in a shot jean skirt and a crop top showing off her curves ..

Clifford stared with his mouth widely opened,,his mom dipped the pen in her hands into his mouth jotting him out of his Dreamland..he turned to glare at his mom embarrassed..

“ you should try to comport yourself!! Don’t show off your silly filty behaviors there ,,else they were going to h@ťě you more then they Already does!! His mother’s word rang in his head ..

Poppy sat besides her dad seating face to face with Clifford..not bothering to greet anyone including Clifford’s parents..

Clifford waved at her the moment their eyes met,,poppy pointed at her head indirectly asking if “ he was okey ”clifford turned his face still smiling like the f00l he is !!

“ how annoying,!! Poppy thought hoping she could just hold his neck and strangle him to death .


“ okey so like I said earlier,the wedding would be taking place in a week from now,,we have to do it before her baby bumps starts showing!! Her mom decided not allowing her dad to say a word ..

Ever since they started the discussion. Her mom had been the the only one speaking for her and her dad . She’s the mouth of the both of them ,, whenever Poppy’s dad would want to say a word ,,she would chip in ,, interrupting him from saying anything..

“ poppy what do you have to say about this ?? I mean ,,are you okey with the wedding date ?. Her dad asked when he noticed she wasn’t happy ..

“ do I have any say in this ?! Poppy questioned back rudely..

His dad signed adjusting his glasses..

“Clifford’s mom cleared her throat nosily,, interrupting your awkward silence in the room ..

“ don’t you think we should give the couple’s some alone time?? She suggested..

“ of course!! Poppy’s mom chipped in almost immediately.not allowing poppy to decide for herself..

“ poppy what do you think?? His dad asked again!?

“ you don’t have to bother asking her ,,she’s Okay with it ! Her mom jibbed annoying the hell out of poppy ..

“ can you just shut your dirty mouth for once and Allow me decide??? Poppy jibbed before she even realized it ..

“ what ?? Me shut up ??? Her mom yelled angrily..

“ no open your mouth!! Poppy said making all eyes widen.

To Be Continued

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