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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Clifford groned painfully as his mother applied treatment to his wound..

He h@ťěs the hospital a lot and refused to go even if he has to die ..his parents called the family doctor to treat him but he chased out the poor man ..

His mother who couldn’t stand seeing him in pain decided to treat him..

“ f-__-k !! He yelled as she intensionally pressed the wound ..

“ shut up and allow me do this ,,else I might just life you to die like the criminal you are !! She snapped angrily slapping off his hands which he was using to cover the wound ..

“ why must you call me a criminal ?? Not like am the first guy to rape a girl,,so I don’t think there is a big deal here !! He jibbed rudely rolling his eyes..

“ sometimes I doubt if am the one that gave birth to you !!! If not for the friendship he has with your dad ,,am sure by now you would have been cooling your silly @zz behind bars !! Rapist !! She snapped angrily matching his legs ..

He immediately withdraw his legs ,, glearing at his mom !!

“ stop making me feel guilty old lady !! I think you have over stayed your welcome,, please That’s the door over there ,,he jibbed pointing at the door .

“ you still have the guts to speak right?? Just wait till the media finds out about are done for ,,your career will be ruined just wait and watch!! Shameless thing !!she snapped angrily walking out of the room leaving Clifford in thought..

“ i never thought of this !!! What if the media finds out about this ?? God am a gonna!!! He thought with his eyes widely opened..

“ no !! I shouldn’t be feeling guilty right ?? Yeah !! I refuse to be guilty he jibbed hissing loudly..

“ i will just seat and wait for her to come running into my hands ,,, he said dreaming bouncing around on the bed..


“ you can’t just f-__-king give up like that!! It’s not possibly,,,what will the public think of us ..

“ we just have few hours to the concert and you are cutting it off ?? Manager William jibbed angrily..

“ i don’t care what anyone says,,,all I know is that I won’t be performing tonight,,is either they do it without me or you call it off ,,it’s too option!! Poppy snapped angrily

after much persuation from her parents and family,,she decided to come to school so she could tell their manager about it ..

“ please sir you have to see this from her own point of view,,she isn’t fit for that now !! Manager Chan ,,, Poppy’s personal manage pleaded ..

“ is not like I care about what you or anyone says ,,I have made up my mind,since you dont care how I feel,, you would possibly not care ,,, besides am not your daughter!! Poppy yelled before storming out of the office..

“ my hands are tied,,I can’t force her if she says she isn’t ready ,,then she is not !! Manager Shan said turning to walk away..

“ go inform the media!! Manager concluded thou he was annoyed there was nothing he could do ,

Poppy is the leader of the band and performing without her is something that is gonna cause cheos between them and the public..cos Poppy’s fans are never going to spear him …

Without looking back .. manager Chan stormed off ..


The students phones beeped almost at the same was a video from the school website…

In the video ,,or a speech Manager Chan made a speech about calling off the concert tonight,,but he never mentioned the reason behind it ,, getting everyone curious,,

“ what !! This is unbelievable!!

“ I can’t believe this !! Why are the Dolls suddenly calling off tonight’s concert?? Gosh so annoying..a student jibbed .

“ they were supposed to tell us in time instead of this !! I have made a lot of preparation Already!!

“ heard it because of poppy !! She’s not feeling okay,,you Know the band is nothing without her !! A male student chipped in rudely..

Gavin who was passing by overheard them ..

He turned back heading back to their lounge..

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