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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? R@P£D BY A

(She is an introvert… He is a player)

By, Mha Rhy ♥️



V entered the blaring club using a face cap, he doesn’t want people to see his face or else everywhere will go wild.

He walked to the VIP section and sat down on the empty seat.

He whistle at the waiter and the waiter walked to him

“Your order sir?

” Get me the strongest vodka here” he ordered

” Ok sir,the waiter bowed and left

Few moments later the waiter brought his order,

He poured the vodka into the glass cup and sipped a little

“Do you need a company?or probably a night stand? He heard a feminine voice at his front

V looked up and saw a slut yeah a slut ,it seems like she is a stripper at the club cos of the lingeries she was wearing

“A night, V replied

” This was what he needs to block his thoughts away from Yerin”.

” Then meet me at this room in an hour, she said giving him a room number which was in paper before swaying her butt away.

V check the room number and smirked

Meanwhile outside the club Yerin was just arriving with her friends Hana and Sun ho

“Seriously you look more mature and beautiful plus irresistible today, sun ho said staring at Yerin lovingly

“Thanks buddy, Yerin winked and sun ho blushed

Hana watch them with jealous and anger piling up in her

She has always loved sun ho since childhood but he loves Yerin instead, which had always made her jealous but tonight she was going to put an end to everything

She planned on getting Yerin drunk and make her sleep with the guy she hired to snapped their intimate moment together

If she shows the pictures to sun ho or probably send it to him using a different number,he would stopped loving her and would only see her as a slut, Hana thought and smile..

“Hana ! She felt a tap on her shoulder and she flinched

She saw them starring at her with concern

“Hana are you okay? Yerin asked with concern

“Yes I am, let’s go inside” she smiled dragging them.
The three walked in fully to the club, they took their seats at the bar stand.

“Your order, the waiter asked

” Give us the strongest liquor you have”

” Hana, you know Yerin can’t take a strong alcohol

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it after all am sleeping over tonight

“Ok,sun ho said and face the waiter

” The strongest liquor it is,he said and the waiter left.

Few moments later, the waiter dropped three cups filled with alcohol at their front

They took it at once and drank it in one gulp

More! Yerin ordered and the waiter poured them another one, they drank it at once

“More! They ordered and that was how they kept ordering till they were drunk except for Hana unknown to them Hana had bribed the waiter

Instead of the alcohol, she was been poured water.

Yerin and sun ho were dead drunk

“I’ll be back” I need to use the restroom” sun ho said staggering as he felt the urge to use the restroom

“Ok, Hana replied and he left.

Seeing he has left, Hana face Yerin

“Yerin, she tapped her arm and Yerin hummed

” Let me take you to a room where you can rest”

“Hmmm, Yerin replied as Yes

Hana walked Yerin to the room and lay her on the bed.

She took off all her clothes Leaving her in pants and bra.

She picked her phone and message the guys she hired the room number.

She look at Yerin and smirked

Let’s see if sun ho will still like you after this, she thought smiling mischievously.

Giving Yerin one last glance, she left the room.

Few minutes later the door opened revealing a tall figure.

The man staggered towards the bed and smile seeing the woman laying on the bed

“So this is the Ɓîtçh ! He thought

He removed all this clothes Leaving him Stark naked

He came on top of Yerin,due to the darkness he couldn’t see the woman’s face but he was sure of the room number he entered.

Feeling a heavy weight on her body, Yerin tried to open her eyes but it was too blurry.

The man’s hand crawled on her body and she became alert

“Who are you? Get… Off… Me!! She said drunkily

” Stay still woman” he ordered huskily and torn her pant and bra at once

“No! No! Yerin struggle but she couldn’t cos she had no strength

“Will she be R@P£D for the second time? She thought as tears found it way out of her eyes and just like the man plunged into her

“Ahhhhhh! She scream silently as the man begins to bang her

Tears rushed out of her eyes,

The man stared at the woman he was f-__-kin and felt some connections

He felt like it wasn’t his first time with her,

Seeing her glitter eyes, he decided to slow his pace,

His pace becomes slow and passionate, that almost made Yerin Mõ@ɲed unexpectedly

He suck on her B-__-bs she Mõ@ɲed in pleasure

“Who is he? And why am I feeling pleasure rather than pain?” Yerin thought

Hana where is Yerin?. Sun ho asked staggering to his seat

“She left, Hana replied simply

” Really? I thought she wanted to sleep over” sun ho said sadly

” Her mom called so she had to leave,

“Ok, then,I guess it’s you and I then”

“Cheers, sun ho said

” Cheers, Hana replied clicking the glass together

A message came on Hana phone and she opened it
A smile crept up on her face as she sees that it was from the guy he had hired.

“The job has been done”the guy sent with pictures attached.

“Poor Yerin, she thought with a mischievous smile and decided not to check the picture now probably tommorow morning.



The Ray of light penetrate the curtain as it reflected on V’s face,

He groaned loudly as he opened his eyes trying to adjust to see the sunlight

He felt a weight on him and he knew that it was the slut he f-__-k

Pushing her away from his body, his eyes widened in shock seeing the woman

This wasn’t the Ɓîtçh he f-__-k, it was another woman entirely

The woman in his thought,

It was her…


?? R@P£D BY A

(She is an introvert…. He is a player)

By, Mha Rhy ♥️



Hana stared at her phone with smile on her face,

She is ready to check the pictures sent to her, clicking on the message, the picture came into view.

Her smile widened as she saw the naked body in the picture, her eyes traced from the smooth thigh to the exposed wall , from there to her flat bellybutton but a frown appears on her face as she saw a tattoo drawn beside her stomach,

“Hmmm, Yerin doesn’t have tattoo on her stomach” she thought and imediately she checked the woman’s face a gasp escape her lips

“What the hell!! She cursed loudly as she saw entire different picture of another woman

She begins to check all the pictures, it all shows the

Angrily she dialed the hire guy number, the guy picked up at the second ring

?Hana you called so early which means you enjoy my perfect work

? Which stupid work Sam?!! Huh!! This is not the woman I asked you to sleep with!! ”

?Calm down Hana, that was the woman I met in the room number you gave me”or you might have made a mistake with the number you sent” Sam suggested

? You are Crazy for saying that, I gave you the right number” you are dumb brain that can’t identify figures”Hana snapped

,? Watch how you talk to me woman” Sam groaned

? Shut up!! You are just useless and I can’t believe I gave my body to stupid animal like you thinking you will do the job perfectly and now am regretting it, you are just useless like your entire generation!! ” Hana screamed and hung up.

” Aish!!! She ruffled her hair roughly

Thinking about what Sam said about giving the wrong room number, she decided to check the message she sent to him.

She clicked on the message and true to his words, she was the one that sent the wrong number, she sent 39 instead of 36.

“That unfortunate b***h !! She cursed loudly tossing her phone aside

“Yerin you might be lucky this time but you won’t be next time” I will make sure of that


YERIN!! He thought aloud.

“How could this be possible? He was sure that this was the room number the slut had given to him or did he made a mistake?

“What would Yerin think of me now? She will think I took advantage of her drunken state” and now she

” I think I should leave before she wakes up and find me here”

*Where do you think you are going? He heard

He turns back slowly and to his surprise it was Yerin

” Ye…. Ye… Yerin” he stuttered nervously as sweat begins to formed on his forehead

*I just asked a question V, where do you think you are going leaving me behind? Yerin asked bitting her lower lips

“Yerin am really sorry,aswear I don’t know how I got here, seems like I was mistaken about the room number” V rushed his words

“V calm down, am not angry” she said and V look at her in shock

” You. Are …. Not.. Angry? He stuttered and she nodded

“Am not angry but instead Happy that it was you that slept with me not a stranger

“Oh! V breath out in relief

It was a relief for him cos he doesn’t want Yerin to think of him as a man wh-_-re and he doesn’t know what that

“Am really sorry again” V apologize

” It’s okay V,I think you should take your bath now cos you reck of sperm” Yerin teased and he smiled

” You are right,I really need a bath” he replied and ran into the bathroom

Yerin watch V’s back and the smile disappeared from her face as it turns to an angry one

The truth is that she had woken up before V

Yerin eyes snapped open as she felt the urge to use the restroom

Her eyes roamed around the room and she frowned

“When did Hana change her room?” She thought with a frown

She tried to stand up but the heavy weight on her body couldn’t allow her which confused her

“Hmmm Hana isn’t muscular build like this” she thought and tried to push the body away from her but she couldn’t cos of how strong the body is

She looked down to confirm if it’s was Hana

Her eyes grew wide in shock as she saw V laying his head on her B-__-bs

” What the hell!! She uttered in shock and just like a magic the memories of last night rushed back

How Hana brought her to a room in the club so she could rest

And how V made love to her

“He took advantage of me the second time” she thought with tears

” Are you sure he took advantage of you? Remember you were also Mõ@ɲing in pleasure during the intimate” a voice in her said

” it’s because I was drunk but he wasn’t, Yerin replied

“How did he even know I was here? Is he probably stalking me? Why did Hana left me behind? Different question in her mind as her eyes lingered on the naked V

” Now he has given me more reason to h@ťě him more”

“I think I should leave” she said trying to stand up but stopped suddenly

On a second thought this might also help me in winning his heart so she decided to stay


Seeing his nervousness now has proven that,her plan is working

“Just a little more V and boom, I’ll ruin you and your family.” She uttered mischievously.

T. B. C

E shock u??

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