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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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It took Tony two hours to get back to the palace and as he soon as he got to his chambers, it was to be told that his father wants to see him.

Tony walk into the room often used for meeting when he saw his mother along with Sierra seated with his father.

“Have you heard about the poisoning?” Tony ask, referring to Sierra’s issue.

“Have you watch the news?” King Lewis ask in return.

“Is there something I have to see there?” Tony ask and Mary turn on the TV.

Tony stood watching a news reporter talk about him and every of his crime.

He even talk about the death of a past minister, a minister Tony had ordered to be ki||ed when he was still the king and then he reveal how Tony has been embezzling the people’s money before ending the news with a speech that Tony should be thrown in jail for the rest of his life.

“It’s not true dad, I didn’t do those things” Tony said but his dad was too angry to listen to him.

“If it had just been the embezzling alone, we might have find a way around it but you had to ki|| someone!” Lewis yelled at his son, utterly disappointed.

“Mom” Tony called with tears in his eyes.

“You did wrong this time, don’t expect me to support you” Mary said, looking away from him.

He stared at Sierra but Sierra heart was harden to him.

“Not only have you try to hurt Luther, you’ve also hurt everyone around you. Don’t try asking for mercy” Sierra said and left the room.

Mary followed suit leaving father and son alone.

“The police will be here soon. Own up to your act like a man and let me be proud of you for once” Lewis told him before leaving the room.

The only thing Tony could think of was the police on their way to arrest him.

Quickly, he tried to leave but the guards position at the door wouldn’t let him since it’s the order of the king.

“So am to stay here until the police arrives, right?” Tony yell at them before closing the door.

He went to the window and began to climb down as gently as he can, he made it to the ground safely and left the palace just as the police arrive.

No one knew about his crime except for …Charlotte.

The Ɓîtçh had betray him and he will be d@mn, if he lets her escape.

With that thought in mind, he went to Charlotte’s home.

Charlotte on the other hand was putting her stuff in her case while watching the news.

After what she did tonight, she’s sure Tony will send someone after her but before that happen, she will be out of the city in no time.

A rattling of her window got her going to it, she open it to see if it’s just the wind or something else but it wasn’t the wind, it was a angry Tony.

She didn’t get to close it back because, he grab her neck, pushing her into the room.

“Let go of me!” Charlotte scream, hoping someone will help but Tony hit her hard on the face.

“Because of you….the police are now after me” he yell at her.

“That wouldn’t have happen if you hadn’t been greedy! Let go of me” Charlotte said managing to pull free but Tony pull her by the hair.

“Am going to make you pay for betraying me” Tony said, looking like a maniac.

He put his arm around her neck, wanting to strangle her but she bit him and took to her heels when he let her go.

Charlotte took the stairs, calling out to the maid for help but she only made it to the landing when Tony caught up with her.

“Come here Ɓîtçh!” He yell, pulling her hair.

“Go to hell” she scream in return, giving him a jab.

“Hell? I definitely will go there but I won’t go alone” he said, pushing her against the stairs railing.

A scream left Charlotte’s lips as she was thrown over and Tony watch with pleasure as she fell to her death.

The maids who had witness this, scream in fear but Tony was too busy to escape.

He left the mansion while the maids call for an ambulance which will arrive too late to save Charlotte since she’s dead.


Sierra sat in front of the vanity mirror, starring at herself.

It had taken the maids all morning to get her into her coronation. Finally, the day has come for her to be crowned Luther queen.

After the accident a month ago, she and Luther have been closed than ever, she realise her feeling for him and ended up telling him about it.

It had been a great day for the two of them when she told him the truth and their love had blossom more.

Life went on for them and finally, it’s the coronation day and she’s meant to be happy but she keeps feeling scared that something bad is going to happen.

Maybe it’s because Tony is still out somewhere, roaming free even after his evil dead.

After ki||ing Charlotte, he hasn’t been seen by anyone and though the police have been searching for him, they haven’t found him yet, it’s like he has disappeared from the surface but deep down, Sierra knew that he’s lurking somewhere, waiting for the right time to do something bad.

“Stop day dreaming and get up, it’s time for the greeting” her mother said, helping her stand since her attire is a heavy one.

“Have you seen Luther today, mom?” Sierra ask.

“I haven’t and there’s no doubt that he’s at his own chambers getting ready for today’s event”

Sierra didn’t get to ask anymore question because her mother was called by the maid and she left the room.

Sierra was nervous and she has never been this nervous before.

The shrill of the phone got her out of her reverie. She pick up the phone recognizing Luther’s number and answer.

“Come to Luther’s chamber” Tony shrill voice came down the line.

“T…t.. Tony” Sierra stammered.

“It is me. If you want your Luther safe, do as I say and come to his chamber alone. Don’t you dare bring anyone and don’t you dare tell anyone about it or I will ki|| Luther” he said and ended the call.

And to prove his word to her, he sent her a picture of an injured Luther.

Sierra took off the clothes weighing her down and went to the Luther chamber as requested.

Sierra was frighten when she got to his chamber to see most of the maids and guards dead.

Did Tony ki|| them….walking into Luther’s room she saw Luther tied to chair, blood tickling down his attire while Tony sat on the window edge, blood on his shirt and face.

“The person we are waiting for is finally here” Tony said.

“What did you do to him?” Sierra demanded, starring at Luther.

“Just hit him with this and he’s been like that ever since. He’s such a sissy” Tony said, wiping the blood off his hand while holding his gun.

“What do you want? Why are you here?” Sierra ask.

“What reason do you think I am here? Do you think I will let you marry this fool, never!” He yelled at her.

“I came here to take you with me. Everything is ready for our trip to South Africa, no one will be able to recognize us there and they won’t be able to find us but if you refuse, I will blast off his head” Tony thr_@ten, pointing his gun at Luther.

“Fine! I will go with you. You don’t have to ki|| him” Sierra said.

“Good then. We will take this place” he said, showing her the ladder he use in getting up to Luther’s room.

Sierra move towards the ladder about to get on it but instead, she change her mind and tried to pull the gun from Tony but he push her and she fell on the floor.

“Trying to act smart, right. Gosh! I really tried, I did my best to keep us together but you….it will never be me, right?” He ask, walking towards her.

“Then it’s best to have you gone. With you dead, no one will be able to have you. I’d rather see you dead than for you to be happy with that bastard” he added pointing the gun at her, he was about to pull the trigger when Luther appear, pushing him off the railing.

Just like he did to Charlotte.

“Are you okay?” Luther ask, moving towards Sierra who gave him a hug.

“I am fine but….Tony” Sierra said and they both stood up to look down and there was Tony body, lying helplessly on the floor with head broken on a big stone.

A wail felt Sierra lips as Luther pulled her in an embrace.

“It’s over now, it’s finally over ” he said soothingly.


The new queen of Denmark could be seen walking down the lawn to the chamber of the king.

They had spent the day with guest who came all over the world for their coronation and now….its their first night together.

As Sierra walk down the hall that led to her husband room, she found herself rethinking the past.

How he approach her from the very begining, how he never forgot her even when she did with him, how she ended up getting married to him and how they fought through the recent hurdle just to get to this point.

It’s been a miracle all through and Sierra feels grateful and thankful at the same time.

“Welcome to my….our abode from now on. Do you like it?” Luther ask the moment she walk in.

“I love it”

“And I love you” Luther said, pulling her into his arms to kiss her.

“Same here, Luther. Thanks for everything, thanks for not giving up on me and coming back into my life, thanks for always being there and thanks for loving me till the end ”

“You don’t have to thank me and beside, it’s a vow I made to myself, I will forever love you Sierra, I hope that this time we will be able to stay long with each other and fight every obstacle that comes our way, I love you my precious”

“And I love you, my psychopath ” Sierra said, initiating the kiss……

End ✌️✌️✌️

Another story has come to an end💃 thanks my babies for going through this ride with me😁😁😁

It hasn’t been easy but you all stood by me which am very grateful for 🙏🙏🙏

Thanks again for being my fan and I hope that you will keep on reading more of my stories 🤗🤗🤗

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