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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Alora was buried and Raphael was discharged too

Godiva lost all her contracts with different companies since she refused to air online about her allergy being fake, so everyone believed the video..

Vespertine was done with his exams also so he just stayed at home while Trisha always comes to visit him along with Jerry.. They actually became friends during the burial of Alora.

Wendy died too and Godiva made sure she arrested cerlia for an attempt murder when she came to her house with perfume

Things weren’t that hard for her.. Gianna and other employees didn’t stop working for her

Infact all her employees at every branch didn’t stop working for her too even when they had no one to purchase the products any longer..

” You should face your fear Barbie, you need to make them believe you’ve overcome your ailment.. ” Raphael said and Vespertine nodded his head

” You can’t continue living like everything is fine when your dream is crumbling gradually..”

” What should I do then? If I’m to go live like they want, you wouldn’t be allowed to stay beside me.. what if I ended up falling? And my veins gets visible? Gosh that’s the worst, it frightens me alot ” She said

” Then think of me diva.. at moment like that, believe and imagine it’s just two of us, only us” Raphael said and Vespertine nodded again

” Can you stop nodding like a lizard?” She rolled her eyes and Vespertine chuckled

” I’ll do so tomorrow.. ” She said and kissed Raphael

Vespertine shook his head and left their presence

” I need to see my girlfriend..” He said allowed while Raphael and Godiva chuckled



Many reporters were present in the room so were other partners.. They all came to witness for themselves if truly the video of her allergy was fake

Godiva smiled then faced the audience..

” Do you know everyone around the world will be watching you right now?” A report asked since it was a live show

” Sure, and I’m here to prove to y’all that the video posted weeks back is fake ” she smiled as her eyes trace the crowd and it fell on Raphael who gave her a thumbs up..

Vespertine winked at her and she chuckled.

” Truly, I’ve been with mask for years and I know many have been wondering why I always wore one but the thing is, I just love wearing it. It has nothing to do with an allergy, I’m not allergic to perfumes ” she said

” But the rules in your company says no employee should wear a spray..” Someone from the crowd said

” Sure, how can I be a master perfumer and let my employee wear cheap perfumes? Most of them wear spray which weren’t even as good as mine.. ” she said and the crowd laughed

” You’re surely confident in your work..” Someone said and she chuckled

” Of course cause I’m good at what I do.. ” she smiled

” Enough of the long talk Ms Moreno.. remove your mask then use a perfume on your face so we can believe you.. ” someone said and She gulped, staring at the person..

She stared at the perfume then at Raphael who nodded his head though he was kinda nervous too

Gently, her hands reached for her mask and she took it off

Larina held her husband tightly as the watch the live broadcast on Tv.

Nana and the rest of her employees in Japan also watched the show

” Umaku iku koto o negatte imasu ( I hope it goes well )” Nana muttered as she clasp her hands together praying silently..

Godiva removed the lid of the spray then gulp again..

She stared at the reporters, Gianna, Raphael, Vespertine then at her partners.. she exhaled then smiled slightly before spraying the perfume directly on her face.

She blinked continuously and nervously as she felt the liquid rest on her face.

” Check her skin to confirm it.. ” someone said and she gulped fighting back silently..

She closed her eyes and did exactly what Raphael said.. she imagine his lips on hers, the way it feels anytime his soft lips met with hers

” No rashes or any sign of allergy” The person who went to check her body said and a loud screamed was heard from her employees

Gianna ran to hug her and that’s when she opened her eyes

” You did it ma’am, the company will be fine again” Gianna said and her eyes widened..

She checked herself and she was totally fine.

” I’m fine? ” She wondered unbelievably

She disengage from the hug and went to Raphael.. She jumped on him and kissed him right there while he responded to it immediately.. Their make out session scene was aired online too and everyone cheered for them

All the partners who left all came back asking to partner with her and within minutes, everyone wanted to partner with her..

Alston and Larina couldn’t stop smiling.. same goes to everyone who knew her

” I made it Lora, I wish you were here to scold me for not wearing my mask..” She muttered lowly with tears already gathering in her eyes

” Let’s go home..” vespertine said and She nodded..

She did a small bow before leaving while Gianna took responsibility for the other things happening



Raphael and Godiva got married after everything went back to normal five years back. They always visit Alora’s grave every year and they made sure they gave her lots of beautiful flowers

Godiva had a baby girl who’s a replica of her dad, a real work of art. As small as she is, she’s madly troublesome.

Her name is Alora and She practically took late Alora’s attitude, you say $h|t about her parents, she beats the hell outta you..

Godiva made sure, she told her about her godmother Lora who died saving her.. she also made sure she told her about how loving Lora was.. even without seeing her in real life and only through pictures, Alora loved her godmother very much

Vespertine was also done with school and working in the same company as Jerry.. They were the best of friends anyone could ever wish to have..

Trisha became a model while Hannah became an artist.. They decided to let go of the past and get along..

Hannah also found a guy she’s dating while Gift became a business lady.. Things were working really well for them.

Grandma Jane made sure she always had time for her great grand- child and Larina loved her granddaughter a lot too..

Godiva was dressed for work with Raphael and they were about leaving the house when Godiva’s phone rang.. she knew it was from her daughter’s school

? What again ma’am? She asked

? Check the Tv… The headmistress said and She stared at Raphael before ending the call..

They turned on the TV, then boom their daughter was on TV, a live broadcast

” What’s she doing there? ” Godiva exclaimed

” My daughter is making me proud, she’s already on TV ” Raphael smiled and Godiva rolled eyes at him

” So why did you beat up your class mate Alora? ” Someone standing beside Alora asked and little Alora shook her head in frustration

” She reminds me of Alora entirely..” Godiva chuckled

” How many times would I tell you she said my mom is a devil? I really h@ťě it when someone talk that way about my mom..” She said sternly and Godiva chuckled again

” So is that why you asked for a live broadcast?”

” Why not? Isn’t it enough reason? No one has the right to call my momma names else I’m gonna beat them up” She said and Raphael laughed

” She’s you, your old self ” he said

” I doubt that, she took after Alora.. ” Godiva turned to Raphael and kissed him

They opened the door only to see little Alora

” My Dad..” she hugged Raphael

” My angel” he carried her in his arms

” And why’s my little angel not in school?” He asked and kissed her cheeks

” I might end up getting into a fight with my classmates since they wouldn’t stop talking trash..” she pouted

” Yeah, don’t let anyone bully you, cause your mom couldn’t defend herself back then.. I didn’t birth a weakling..” Raphael hit Knuckles with little Alora and she hugged him

” I’m still waiting for the day, the cops will carry you both from here..” Godiva rolled her eyes

Raphael and Alora chuckled

” See who is being cool, dad told me you were just like me back then.. can’t believe you even push him down the bridge.. ” Alora said and Godiva stare at Raphael who shrugged

” What? You told her all that ” She exclaimed then laugh slightly

” I’m the bad one here I see.. ” She feigned annoyance and walked back to the room

” I guess no work today..” Raphael muttered and Alora laughed

” Gosh, mom’s still very cute with an angry expression” Alora whispered

” I know right, that’s why I’m madly in love with her ” Raphael whispered back and they both chuckled as he carried her to meet Godiva in the room

” Anything to say to momma so she wouldn’t be mad anymore?” Raphael asked and little Alora left his arm to meet Godiva on the bed

She climbed on the bed and Pecked her mom on the cheek..

” I love you Mom, you’re definitely the best..” Alora said and hugged Godiva.

Raphael smiled before hugging his family..

” You both have always been my source of joy..” Raphael muttered still in the hug

” No more work today.. so Lora, from henceforth, be a good girl and become successful as your mom and dad okay?” Godiva said and Alora nodded

” No more causing trouble okay?” She said but Alora kept mute

” Alora! ” Godiva called

” Fine, I’ve heard mom.. I love you and I’m hungry.. I didn’t get to eat in school cos I was busy doing a broadcast ” she pouted

” I have a question dad, why do you always want to kîll mom? I mean, she’s always saying, ‘ ki|| me Knight, ki|| me faster” she mimicked and Godiva choked on her saliva.

She exchanged glances with Raphael and he smothered a laugh

” Why are you always trying to kîll her ?” Little Alora asked and Raphael cleared his throat

” It’s just, your mom and I always ride a rollercoaster at night and she loves it alot that sometimes she talks nonsense”

” Oh, is that it? ” She asked and Raphael nodded. ” Then I want to ride a rollercoaster at night too ” She said and Raphael chocked too

” No angel, you can’t ride a rollercoaster yet, not now” he said and she pouted

” So when can I ride it?” She asked,.

” When you get as tall as me ” he said

” But….

” Stop talking about rollercoaster ” Raphael interrupted and Godiva laughed secretly

” Let’s just get something to eat huh? ” Godiva intervened and carried Alora to the dining room

” Rollercoaster? Where did I get that lie from?” Raphael ruffled his hair before going after his family and they dined and laughed together
The end

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