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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHO BEAUTY – Episode 61

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( Be Careful With My Heart… )


By, Marie G

‼️Copy and Remain miserable ‼️

༆༆ ( BLAST ) ༆༆

” Why isn’t she picking? It’s morning in Japan right? Or is she busy in the office?” Larina wondered staring at her daughter’s contact when vespertine’s call came in

? Hey Mom… He smiled

? Your sister, did she call you? She asked

? Yes she did not too long ago.. she said she would be coming tomorrow.. he replied

? Alright son.. aren’t you going to come home? She asked

? Nah.. I’ll wait cos I need to see her and her boyfriend first.. good night Mom.. he said and ended the call before Larina could speak further

He threw his phone on the bed and laid on It. He already told Lydia about Godiva’s arrival so they were preparing..



” My stomach is empty..” she said, standing on her feet though she’s still naked

” I’ll take a bath first..” She said and entered the bathroom while Raphael just stood there smiling at her even when she wasn’t in sight anymore

” How come I love her more? I might just dié if anything happens to her..” he muttered, holding the pillow to himself then she came in minutes later

She dressed right in front of him before lying next to him..

She was about pecking him when her phone shune, signifying she had a call cause her phone was on silent., she groan, thinking it was her mom but it was a strange number

? Ms Moreno, you need to come to the station, the criminal died..” a cop said and she sigh

She was expecting that anyway..

? I’ll be right there. She ended the call and turned to Raphael

” Let’s go to the station, the criminal died ” She said and his eyes widened

‘ Who are they? Why are they trying not to get discovered?’ She wondered

” Let’s go then..” he said and she nodded..

They both left the house and drove directly to the station



” Are you saying you saw her leaving her company yesterday?” Michael asked puffing out smoke from his nostrils

” Yes boss.. in fact she was smiling broadly like nothing happened “. the guy said

” That can’t be possible.. you must have seen wrong. she can’t survive after the attack and again, perfume was poured on her body..” another said

‘ She survived it?’ Michael wondered, bursting into laughter

” This is interesting..” he laughed again then faced Takumi

” What of Skye?..” Micheal asked

” Dead already ” Takumi replied and Michael nodded then his phone rang which Jerome happened to be the caller

? How did it go? Jerome asked

? She’s still alive but I have plans to eliminate her completely though.. Micheal replied

? If that’s the case, I’ll be expecting good news then.. Jerome said and ended the call

Michael threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. He faced his boys signaling to them to come closer.. he whispered something to them and they nodded their heads

” Alright boss, we’ll do a perfect job..” They chorus at once and Micheal laughed

” This will be fun.. sorry Godiva, but you called this upon yourself…” He smirked

” You should have just accepted me and I would’ve given you a less painful death”



” Good morning Ms Moreno..” The cops greeted as Godiva got in with Raphael

” Yeah.. so what happened? How did the culprit die?” She asked taking a seat

” We just found his body not long ago and an autopsy was carried out which showed he took harmful drugs that was very dangerous to his system..” The cop said and Godiva sighed

Does that mean I won’t know who wants me dead? She Wondered

She faced Raphael.

” What should we do? ” She asked

” I see they can go to any length just to hide their identity.. but could it be they’re working for someone in the states?” Raphael asked

” I have no idea ” She breath out and turned to the cops

” Thank you for your time, I’ll leave now.. ” she stood up and Raphael did same

” Alright Ms Moreno.. sorry we couldn’t be of much help..”

” It’s fine..” she did a little bow before facing Raphael again

” Let’s go to the company.. Nana hasn’t called me and I’m worried.. ” She said and he nodded

They did one last bow before leaving the station



” Why is everyone so busy?” Godiva asked as she watch the employees moving in and out.. no one even noticed her

” Is something wrong? ” She Wondered before proceeding to Nana’s office but she couldn’t find her anywhere there

” What’s happening?” She asked

” Let’s go to the board room.. maybe she’s in there and probably doing a presentation since the employees we saw earlier looked like they were busy too..” Raphael said and she nodded

They left the office and went to the board room. She stopped when she heard Nana talking.

” She’s really doing the presentation..” She smiled and turned to leave but Raphael urge her to go inside.

” I don’t think she needs my help.. she’s doing great already. With the few I just heard, she’ll make us great profit..” She replied

” For the sake of the partners here, just take a seat..” he said and she inhaled before nodding.

” Let’s go in..” she told him and they entered the board room

She wasn’t putting on her mask

” Who is this? ” A partner asked and Nana faced the direction only to see Godiva

” Ma’am..”. She smiled

Godiva did a little bow before finding herself a seat and Raphael sat next to her

” In a nutshell, Golden wear communicates Love..” Nana concluded and the board members applauded her for a great presentation

” But before I leave, I’ll like to introduce my boss to y’all”

” Ms Godiva Moreno..” Nana said and noise errupted

That’s the first time they’ll be seeing her. Nana walked to her but she smiled without leaving her seat

” Greetings everyone ” she smiled before introducing herself.

” I actually have nothing much to say since she said it all already but all I have to say is, I believe you all know our company doesn’t disappointed.. And if y’all don’t make any profit from our products, you are free to tell us and we shall terminate your contract.. “she said

” Since I became partners with you, you’ve always been the best.. ” a partner said

” Your products are always unique..” Another said and she smiled at their compliments.

” I need 70% of the product”

” I need 100% ”

” I believe there’s more than enough for everyone..” she smiled

” I’ll be on my way now..” she said to Nana and Nana nodded..

She faced Raphael

” Let’s go home, we need to rest since we’re leaving tomorrow..” she said

He stood up and they both left the room while Nana handled the rest of the meeting

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