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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHO BEAUTY – Episode 34

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Godiva stood on the spot unable to move or comprehend what happened, she went dumb and numb that moment

” I didn’t want the f*ucking job in the first but the kid wouldn’t give me some breathing space and that’s why I came. Stop making it look like you’re doing me a favor young lady, I’m the one doing you a favor here!!

” And what? You poured water on me? Who are you to do that?” Raphael asked

Godiva made to slap him but he caught her hand and drew her closer to himself, her chest pressing against his

” I’m not nice at all, I refuse to play dumb for the second time” he whispered releasing her and with that, he walked out of the house leaving Godiva in total shock

Vespertine left the dining and went after him

” OMG.. what just happened?” Alora asked shocked..

Godiva couldn’t help but blink non stop, everything that happened felt like a dream to her

He humiliated her, he f_cking humiliated her in her own house

She balled her fist tightly and stormed out of the house, going after him

She was surely going to show him how crazy and dangerous she could be


” Raphael wait.. ” vespertine held him back

” I should wait? Why’s everyone taking me for a fôól?” He yelled, almost tearing up when he remembered how he got played just because he loved a girl

” She poured the water on me cos She thinks I’m a fool too right? Yeah, she has the money and everything but does that justify her actions???”

” I never for once wanted this job but you guys wouldn’t let me be… Well, it’s a good thing I won’t be working with someone who’s mentally unstable and behaves like a wild dog.. ” Raphael said

” What? Wild dog? ” Godiva asked from behind walking to them..

She stood in front of him, glaring at him from head to toe

” You said you aren’t dumb? Of course you’re the dumbest thing in the world.. if not, your girlfriend wouldn’t have cheated on you to the extent of getting pregnant behind your back and aborting the child without your knowledge!

” You look so pathetic right now.. if you know what’s good for you, you should leave cause I h@ťě having dumb broke people around me, they disgust me” She said and walked back into the house

She was very angry..

The maids weren’t outside anymore, they were all in their quarters else, no one was gonna escape her wrath that moment

” Raph.. “vespertine called but he just stood on the spot staring at Godiva’s direction

He was hurt, it hurts even more cos he knew what she said was true; Since his parents dismiss, he has never had a good memory in his past which he could hold unto

” I’m sorry about that Raphael.. she’s not as nice as you think. I….” Alora didn’t get to complete her statement when he left hurtfully

Godiva mentioning his past made him heartbroken and he wouldn’t deny that.

Vespertine exhaled as he stared at Raphael till he could see him no more..

He turned and headed into the mansion and directly to Godiva’s room

She was done Changing into something else

” Why did you mentioned his past? Maybe he’s acting that way because he is trying to forget about his horrible past and not for you to add more flame into his hurting wound” Vespertine shouted

” Are you blaming me now? The guy poured water on me.. ” Godiva snapped

” You started it!! You didn’t have to come back at him using his past, you have a horrible past too have you forgotten? The sauce falling on you was your mistake not his!!!. You made that to fall yourself because you were careless!!”

” Are you scolding me right now?”

” Take it anyhow you want but you were at fault.. he wanted to apologise for a mistake he didn’t do but you wouldn’t listen and had to pour him water ”

” He did same to me.. ” She said, her voice getting soft

Vespertine was somehow making her feel guilty

” Yes and if I were him, I would have done more..” he said and turned to leave

” Are you mad at me because of a stranger?”

” A stranger? The same stranger you need to overcome your ailment” Vespertine turned to her again

” You should be more polite when you see someone who volunteers to help you.. I might be your brother but your actions of bringing up his past is what I detest. That guy looks calm and cool.. he was ready to apologise, he only said all that because he didn’t want to see himself as a fôól any longer ”

” Try putting yourself in one’s shoe before acting like you did.. hope you go back to being the sister I use to know.. I really h@ťě you right now” He said and walked out of her room.

” OMG.. ” Godiva exclaimed cleaning the tears that left her eyes unaware

Her brother has never looked so hurt before and it was making her regret her actions

” I’m horrible ” she sighed sitting on her bed.


Godiva left her room after thinking about what her brother said..She got to the sitting room only to see Vespertine there alone

He was busy on his phone

” Where’s Lora? “She asked, looking around

” She left for Mexico, she couldn’t tell you because you still looked so angry.. ” Vespertine replied

” Why would she leave? I didn’t chase her did I?”

” Of course you did.. what’s the assurance that you won’t insult her too because she’s living on your money and managing your company.. Of course she’s trying to be careful not to get insulted”

” I wouldn’t do that to her.. ” Godiva snapped

” Who knows, you’ve done it to a total stranger” Vespertine shrugged, making his sister even more guilty

‘ was that how bad she sounded?’ She wondered, leaving the house

” Going somewhere? Vespertine asked but she didn’t say a word as she left the house. She decided to drive herself this time around

She drove directly to Mola Club where she met Arnold instead

She looked around the club but she couldn’t even get a glimpse of Raphael

” Hey, greetings. I’m looking for Raphael.. ” she said

” He didn’t come to work today and I thought he left for your place this morning? Did something happen?” Arnold asked

” Can you take me to his place?” She asked back ignoring his question

” Sure.. ” Arnold shrugged, walking out of the club with her..

” We should use my car, you know the way, so you should drive ” she said and he nodded entering the car with her and igniting the engine

” I should leave now.. ” he said as they alighted the car

” But…. She trailed off when she realized he was already leaving

She inhaled deeply as she stood in front of the door

She placed a soft knock on it and in minutes, the door opened revealing Raphael

He stared at her with no expression on his face

” I….

” Get lost ” he interrupted, shutting the door at her face





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