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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHO BEAUTY – Episode 29

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( Be Careful With My Heart… )


By, Marie G

‼️Copy and Remain miserable ‼️



༆༆ ( UGLY MOTHERf-__-kER ) ༆༆

“What did Mary say?”Vespertine asked as they left the hospital

” Nothing much..” Godiva replied

” Nothing? Then why did she ask us to leave the ward?” Alora turned to Vespertine who shrugged

” Diva, you’ll tell me right? Alora pouted as she held her hands but Godiva just smirked untill they got into the car and drove home



Raphael sat down on the sofa, his back against the wall. His mind was occupied and he was confused.

” Raphael..” Zach, his boss called walking to him . ” Is something wrong?”He asked

” Is there something you want to ask me?” Raphael asked back and Zach sigh

“Not really, you don’t feel good today so I was concerned”

” Thanks for getting concerned, I should be home now.. ” he said and stood up. He didn’t bother to tell pepper he was leaving

” Rude as always” .. Zach laughed staring at him as he left the club


Godiva laid on her bed as she thought about what happened in the forest and what Mary told her..

Was she gonna employ him? Will the guy even accept her offer? She wondered

” I don’t even know his name or his place…. ah, Mola club”

“Should I go talk to him tomorrow?” She sigh closing her eyes

“Can’t believe I almost ki|| myself. You must be crazy Godiva ” she yawned, drifting to sleep



Vespertine drove into the school premises and alighted his car. That moment, Jerry drove in too and they glared at each other

” Why does this àsshole always comes to school exact time as me?” Vespertine wondered, tearing is gaze off and heading to class

? I wonder what happened to him.. he hasn’t been in school for days now

? I heard the news. Godiva Moreno who happens to be his sister jumped into the water

? Was she trying to kîll herself?.

Student murmur as they watch him entered the class

” When did the fóol become quiet?”Jerry wondered, heading to class too.

He sat down staring at Vespertine who looks real calm. Soon after, Mr Harmsburg walked in with a new student

Jerry eyes went wide and his mouth dropped opened at her beauty. She was d@mn beautiful.

Vespertine just stared at her briefly before looking elsewhere

” Hi, I’m Gift herris. Nice to meet you all ” The girl did a little bow

” Take a seat” Mr Harmsburg said and she walked towards Vespertine.. There was an empty seat in front of his

Hannah and Trisha just watched to know his reaction toward the girl but he looked calmed

The girl sat down and turned to him

” Hi.. “she said

” Hmm.. ” Vespertine hummed a reply, his gaze on his phone..

The girl just shrugged and faced front without saying anything else

A lecturer walked in and classes began at once
It was lunch time and everyone went out for lunch apart from a few students and Vespertine who doesn’t like eating food unless it was from his home or his sister’s.

” Hey..” Jerry smiled at the new girl

” It’s Gift. I already introduced myself earlier ” gift said

“I’m sorry about that..” Jerry let out a charming smile and she chuckled.

” Mind going to the cafeteria with me? “He asked but she shook her head in denial..

” I’m fine, I will just stay here..” She said

Jerry’s gaze met with Vespertine’s who was now staring back at him.

” If you insist, then I’m gonna just stay.. ” Jerry smiled and walked to his seat

“Hey, can you see me off to somewhere? I need some ice cream..” Gift turned to Vespertine

He stood up and placed his phone in his pocket

” You can ask someone who is interested instead, I’m not” he said and with that, he walked out of class

” What’s wrong with him? ” She muttered

“Should we?” Came Jerry’s voice and she nodded, leaving the class with him afterwards

? Jerry won the new girl’s heart?

? The beef between Jerry and Vespertine is gonna reduce since Jerry got the girl’s attention..

? I know right

The Student murmured as they watch gift and Jerry entered Jerry’s car and drove out of school


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