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Friday, October 18, 2024
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💗 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi 💗




Father stood up angrily from his throne and commanded the guards to take Aliya out from his palace.

The guards went in and brought Aliya out..I rushed immediately to them and collected her from them.

Let me do it, she’s my slave ” I said taking her back to my banquet”

I saw the little prince running after me asking me questions.

Where are you taking her to, give me back my sister ” he said when I turned to him”

You better shut up and follow me quietly else I’ll give her back to my father to maltreat her.. can’t you see I’m taking her to my banquet? Isn’t that where you two stay now?” I asked carrying Aliya in a bridal way”

I stared at her an saw her she has been pregnant all this while.


Few minutes later we arrived at my banquet..I took her into their room and layed her on their bed…I saw the little prince looking very sad holding her hand.

Hey.. don’t be sad.. she’ll be alright..she just need to rest okay” I said to him”

Thank you for bringing her back my prince” he said while I was shocked”

You just thanked me? Wow.. incredible..this day is full of surprises” I said smiling”

Don’t think otherwise my prince, I’m thankful because you brought my sister back to your banquet but the fact still remains that you’re our enemy and anytime we meet at war again.. I’ll ki|| you” he said angrily”

Oh please,stop talking already and focus on your sister…by the way..who is the father of her baby..I mean who’s responsible..does she has a boyfriend or was she been married before?” I asked while he looked at me angrily”

And who gave you the right to ask me many questions at a time, don’t forget I’m also a prince” he said”

Stop with the blabbing little prince,I just want to know, maybe I can be of help to inform the person responsible” I said” sister doesn’t have any man in her life..the only one she was closed with aside me was Roja but you guys ki||ed him” he said in tears”

Really? How close were they” I asked”

Very close..he always calls her his future queen…and we are always happy staying with him especially Aliya” he said when I stood up from the bed and began to think”

That means..the late Roja is responsible for her pregnancy…gosh I feel pity for them right now.

Hey.. listen up.. I’m going out.. take care of your sister… don’t go out.. stay in okay” I said leaving”

Okay” he responded”




I was sitting under a tree with Roja.

Roja please come back with me..we really miss you” I said in tears”

I would have loved to my future queen..but it’s impossible.. Aliya I know you’re a strong woman…I know you’ll never give up… don’t worry about me okay.. just be strong for Asama…and before I leave I should say congratulations to you” he said smiling”

For what,why are you congratulating me” I asked but he vanished”


I woke up coughing and saw Asama sitting beside me.

Aliyah,how are you feeling now” he asked while I rushed to the bathroom and started vomiting”

” He followed me immediately and gave me a towel”

Thank you asama…what really happened to me,I really don’t want to believe what I heard back there” I said going back to the room”

Aliyah, you’re pregnant” he said and I was shocked”

I’m really Pregnant ?😳 for who ..I mean how” I asked surprisingly”

I should be asking you” he said”

” Is my brother really telling the truth? If so how on earth did I get pregnant…
Oh no..this is too bad…the rapist prince is responsible..what I’m I going to do now…how do I find him.”

Sis.. does the pregnancy belong to Roja” he asked”

” Oh no..what should I say to him.. should I tell him the truth”

Sis,we promised never to keep secrets from each other.. please tell me who is responsible” he said sitting closer to me”

Asama..I will tell you everything…but promise me it’ll be a secret” I said”

I promise sis” he said”

Remember the last time you played your favorite game with your friends in the land of Tengo…I drank ten cups of palm wine for you remember?” I asked”

Yes I do remember sis” he said”

I got drunked..when I was in the bathroom.. another drunked guy came in..he is also a prince.. because he was wearing the princely mask… everything happened so fast Asama.. and he R@P£D me” I said when he looked at me surprisingly”

What😳 were R@P£D by him? Oh no..tell me sis..was he the one you were chasing that very day the guards found you lying on the ground?” He asked”

Yes don’t have to over react my boy..I can handle it okay..I just told you because I want to be true with you..I didn’t tell you to worry” I said”

But do we find him..we don’t even know what he looks like” he said”

I saw his face that very day..if I see him I’ll recognize him” I said”

But that will be very hard because no prince can show his face to anyone except his wife and family…” He said holding my hands”

Don’t worry bro..I must find him” I said”



I arrived at my destination.

I went straight to the palm wine hall… I really need to find that Princess.

You’re welcome my prince,how many cups do you need” the seller asked”

ERM.. actually I’m here because of a princess..I mean do you happen to know any princess.. she’s tall , fair and very pretty” I said”

A Princess? How come you know what she looks like, anyway My prince you know this is a big hall..many princes and princesses do come here to have fun.. I’m sorry I can’t be of help to you” he said”

But you happen to know any of them..I really need your help” I said but he ignored me and left to answer a customer”

If I don’t find you concience will never be clear..I just want to see how you’re doing.. even if it’s from afar… goodness what’s wrong with me.. I’m I going crazy over the princess”


It’s getting late..I need to go back to my land and see how Aliya is doing.

I’ll come back some other time to find the princess.. I’ll look for her everywhere.



Father..I came to see you” I said”

What for holia” he asked”

Father it’s about Aliya.. father I really want to marry her because I’m in love with her” I said”

What! How could you be this stupid, you’re in love with a pregnant girl? She’s pregnant for another man we don’t even know holia..stop dreaming and look for someone else” he said angrily”

But father,I know she’s pregnant..we can fix that” I said”

How do we fix it then young man” he asked”

We can get rid of the baby..I mean make her have an abortion” I said”

Selfish.. you’re very selfish.. leave my presence now” he said angrily”

Father..why don’t you ever agree with me for once.. I’m your eldest son but you treat me like knew fully well that I love princess okaja but you want Kadia to marry that I’m in love with Aliya you don’t want me to marry her..what do you want me to do for you to love me father” I asked in tears”

Stop talking nonsense..I love all my sons equally..I can’t do what you’re asking of me .. don’t ever try to get rid of her baby.. else you’ll h@ťě leave” father said angrily while I left”

” He’s an ungrateful father..he thinks I will let this opportunity pass me.. since I can’t marry princess okaja..then Aliya is all mine..I must get rid of that pregnancy”



I saw prince Kadia rushing in when I rushed to him.

My prince, you’re back” i said happily”

Yes Tessa..I really need to talk to you ..we need to talk.. I’ve been willing to tell you this but I haven’t been chanced” he said when I looked at him surprisingly”

” Oh my God.. he’s about to tell me what I’ve been longing for, he’s about to say he loves me💃..yes yes yes”

Hey Tessa..are you alright” he asked when nodded my head”

Yes prince..I don’t think this is the right place to say it.. let’s go out to the flower ground.. it’s beautiful there my prince” I said happily”

Tessa..are you having malaria? What I’m about to tell you doesn’t concerned any flower in this listen,all I want to say is that you should treat Aliya well..stop being rude and mind your business..I don’t want you two to ever fight because the two of you are pregnant” he said”

What! She’s pregnant?” I asked surprisingly”

Yes.. that’s what I want to say.. just don’t do anything that will get me angry with you” he said about leaving when I held him back”

My prince, is that all you have to say? I mean everything?” I asked”

What else should I say Tessa” he asked”

My prince.. I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time,you took me in and gave me saved me from my prince I want to say that…” He cut in”

You don’t have to say thank you Tessa.. I’m glad I saved you okay.. just be fine and always tell me wh@ťěver you need” he said about leaving”

My prince Wait please..I want to say that I’m ready to give you my prince, actually I’ve fallen in love with you” I said when he turned to me surprisingly”

Holy mother,what did you just say” he asked with his eyes opened”



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