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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🌳 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi 🌳




We were all assembled by our uncle for the battle.

Listen everyone, it’s time to ki|| the people of Buda…do not leave anyone alive, especially their prince and princess… make sure you ki|| the little witch ” uncle bodam said aloud”

Yes sir ” we all responded”

” I saw holia rushing to meet us”

Oh no.. I’m late, sorry uncle ” he said holding my hand”

Holia and Kadia.. listen to me…we are going there for a serious battle,the people of Buda might not have a king but they have powerful worriors….the two of you should be serious and don’t play around especially you holia” uncle said”

Yes uncle ” holia responded while we climbed on one horse and began to go”

” This battle isn’t going to be easy…I don’t know which land is called Buda….I just hope I can focus and not keep thinking about the princess I R@P£D…I wonder which land she is from ”

Hey Kadia.. don’t mind uncle.. let’s gist a little okay ” holia joked”

Oh please holia,just stop it already… let’s be focus ” I said”



Still at the field training with Roja and Asama.

Hey Roja,I really do want to know how to fight when drunked ” I said with my sword”

My future queen,when did you start asking about that huh? Do you want to be drinking before going for a war” Roja asked”

ERM..not really… it’s just that… sometime one might be drunk then something bad may happen…if I’m talented to fight when drunked then I can defeat it” I said”

Interesting… anyway.. don’t worry, we’ll look for someone to teach us one day.. common Asama let’s continue ” Roja said while we saw one of the guards coming”

My princess… the people of panya are on their way to our land… their coming for war my princess ” he said kneeling”

What!” We all said surprisingly”

So bodam is not ready to give up yet” I said angrily”

Aliyah,what are we going to do now” Asama asked with his sword ”

Roja….go and gather all our worriors…tell the drum man to hit the drum….close all the gates and get all your weapons and arrows ” I said”

Yes my princess…but my princess..why not the little prince go into the palace… it’s dangerous for him to stay outside” he said bowing”

No need for that,this is going to be his first battle to fight… Asama..get your swords and arrows immediately ” I said”

Yes Aliya I won’t let you down ” he responded rushing out”

Roja,go now ” I said aloud rushing in with Asama to get my weapons”


Listen to me|| anyone you see okay,I mean our enemies.. don’t feel pity for any of them… understood?” I asked fixing my arrows”

Yes Aliya” he responded”



We have just one hour left to reach the land of Buda…
We need to get there before two hours else the poison I gave to Kadia will start reacting on our way.

Hey holia..what with the look.. you’re acting strange ” Kadia said smiling”

I’m just surprised that I’m finally going to see the land of Buda..” I said smiling”

Me too” he responded”



I left our land to go visit Kadia.

I got to the king’s palace to say hello to the king and queen.

Oh look who we have here..our beloved princess ” the queen said while I bowed to them”

Greetings my king.. greetings my queen ” I greeted”

You may rise ” the king said”

My king,my queen..I just came to see how Kadia is doing ” I said when suddenly I saw the queen’s face filled with anger”

Kadia? Listen my child…holia has really been worried about you… before they left for battle he even told me he wanted to go see you but unfortunately his uncle took them away ” the queen said”

Them? You mean kadia has left for war?” I asked”

Yes princess..but don’t worry you can wait for him in his palace, they’ll be back today ” the king said”

No my dear princess… don’t bother to go there else you’ll be heartbroken.. because Kadia has a wife who is living with him ” the queen said while I was shocked”

What! Wife? But how,when ,I mean I’m king why did Kadia get married to another woman ” I asked surprisingly”

My princess, please do not mind the queen..yes Kadia is married but you are the only one I want to be with him… please just go wait for him in his palace,when he returns you two can talk ” the king said”

Yes my king..I will take my live now ” I said leaving”

” No can’t be with another woman.. I’ve always been here for you,you are the only one my heart is beating for..I can’t let any other women have you”

” I rushed to Kadia’s palace.. went in and saw a girl inside Kadia’s room”

Who are you ” I asked angrily going to her”

I should be asking you..why did you badge into my husband’s room ” she asked”

Don’t you see I’m a princess? You should knee before talking to me ” I said angrily”

Knee? Why should I , I’m the prince wife..why should I knee for a princess huh” she asked angrily when I landed her a slap ”

You idiot..” I said angrily ”

How dare you slap me huh..may heavens strike you dead” she said angrily pouring a bucket of water on me”

What! Noooo” I screamed staring at my beautiful dress ”



I was on the roof with my brother.. watching at the enemies coming.

Aliyah.. let’s separate ways” Asama said ”

Yes ..go to the left..stay close to Roja” I said while we saw the enemies $h00ting some arrows with fire to the roof ”

Attackkkkkkk” I said aloud while my worriors began to $h00t their arrows at them”

I saw some of the enemies trying to get in through the gate.

Roja.. take some worriors to the gate” I said aloud ”

Yes my princess” he responded taking some to the gate while we continued $h00ting ”

” We saw some of them climbing up the fence jumping in”

Aliya…stay down” Asama said aloud flying down with his sword ”

Hey all of you protect the prince” I said aloud fighting with the enemies ”

” Oh God.. please protect my little brother for me,I know he’s their target but I need to make him strong through fighting…I can see bodam coming to me ,he knows that if he succeeds in ki||ing me then my brother will have no one to rely on”

Seems like the real worriors are after me and my brother…I can see two princes coming to me with armors on their faces.

I saw one of them flying to me and landed a sword on my head when I used mine to hold it steal.

The other prince left while the other stayed fighting with me.

Why not surrender yourself princess…I know you’re the princess because of the armor on your face ” the prince said while I kicked him with my left leg and he landed on the ground ”

Shut the crap.. your people are evil” I said angrily also watching at my brother ”

You’re indeed a powerful princess…but don’t you think you should give up” he said cutting my right hand with his sword ”

Ahhhhhh” I screamed looking at my bleeding hand”

You’re a bastard”I said angrily wounding his leg with my sword ”’s hurts” he screamed when I saw my brother ki||ing two enemies with one sword ”

” Oh my God, he’ll really make a powerful King ”

You are selfish princess…the prince is still a kid and you want to keep my uncle waiting for the throne” the prince said fighting with me ”

“We were fighting with anger when i saw an enemy going with a sword behind Asama while Asama was focused to the front”

Asama.. look behinddddddd” I screamed but he couldn’t hear me”

Suddenly I saw the prince I was fighting with rushing to the person going behind my brother…I saw the prince ki||ing him his soldier with his sword to safe my brother ”

Kadia what are you doing” bodam asked angrily when suddenly we saw the prince falling on the ground looking very weak”

Holia what’s happening to your brother” bodam asked the other prince ”

I don’t know uncle” the other prince responded while I saw one of my worriors rushing to ki|| the prince lying on the ground when suddenly I saw my brother ki||ing our worrior to protect the prince ”

Asamammmmm” I called angrily ”



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