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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Authoress Anita obi


I went back to my banquet with my daughter.

So tell me sweetheart,how did your stay with your mum go” I asked holding her hand”

Very well father, right now I must say I’m already missing mother again ” she said smiling”

So why didn’t you convince her to come back ” I asked”

I tried but she said she’s tired of living with you because you’re heartless ” she said”

Me? I’m i heartless paloma,tell me the truth ” I said”

Father,you already know what my answer will be , please let’s go in I’m very hungry,by the way how are you feeling now ” she asked”

Better,I can see my daughter is very happy today, what’s the secret ” I asked”

Father,I think I’m about to have a friend, guess what, he’s a prince ” she said happily”

A prince? From which land ” I asked”

I don’t know yet but I’ll find out,hey let’s stop talking already, come in” she said dragging me in”

” I saw her looking very happy,she smiled all the time to herself… I’m curious about the friend she’s trying to tell me”
💎 Prince Kadia 💎

Father sent for me.

I got to his palace and saw princess okaja and her parent sitting in the palace.

Greetings my kings… greetings mother and greetings to you my queen ” I said bowing to them while okaja rushed to me and grabbed my hand”

Kadia,I missed you so much, sorry I haven’t come for a long time.. it’s just that I accompanied my mum to her land,how have you been ” she asked smiling at me”

I’m good,thank you” I said removing my hand from hers”

My son, please sit…we need to talk about your marriage with the princess ” father said while I walked closer to him angrily”

Father not again please, I’ve told you times without number that I can’t marry the princess, listen to me father I’m not a slave, I’m the prince of this land,you can’t force me to marry who I don’t want to ,you know it’s against the law ” I said angrily while princess okaja’s mother stood up angrily”

How dare you refuse our daughter ,do you know how many suitors have asked for her hand in marriage,she turned them all down” her mother said angrily ”

None of that is my fault My queen, your daughter is just being stubborn,you should teach her not to force herself on a man ” I said angrily while her dad said ”

How dare you insult us like that,are you trying to say we haven’t be teaching her well?king Bora you should punish your son for talking to us like that,he didn’t show any respect for us knowing fully well that I’m a king ” her dad said angrily”

I’m very sorry, please pardon my son” father said”

That is how he is, always not respectful,you see the kind of prince you want to make the crown prince.. unbelievable” mother said angrily”

Father,if there’s nothing to say,I will like to take my leave” I bowed and left”

Let me come with you ” princess said running after me”

Don’t come with me” I said angrily leaving but she kept following”

” We got to my banquet and I asked her not to come in ”

Why shouldn’t I come in,I know you h@ťě me but please can you control your anger for awhile” she said in tears”

Princess,I don’t h@ťě you..the truth is that we can never be together … I’m married and I don’t want to have a second wife okay,I love my wife so much ” I said while I saw Tessa coming out”

My prince, you’re home, greetings my princess why not you two come in and have something to eat” Tessa said”

No my love,the princess is about leaving ” I said when Tessa walked closer to me”

Okay my husband, let’s go in then” she said kissing me unexpectedly while I saw Aliya standing behind the flowers watching at us”

” I took a glance at Tessa trying to be cool ”

ERM.. princess,if you don’t mind I’ll go inside with my wife” I said taking Tessa inside with full anger inside of me”

My prince, you’re hurting me,my hand hurts” she said as I pushed her to sit on the chair ”

What was that for, have you gone nuts? Have you lost it ,why did you kiss me Tessa why” I asked a angrily ”

My prince,why are you so angry, isn’t this what you wanted,to use me and scare the princess away…” She asked back ”

Shut up,if it wasn’t for your pregnancy I would have given you hard labour, never in your life try that again I’m I understood” I asked angrily ”

But my prince” she was about talking when I cut in”

No but , just do what I said, don’t overdo things I beg of you else you’ll ruin everything” I said while we saw Aliya coming in with a trail of food ”

” I stared at her but she wasn’t giving any eye contact…she looks very sad,I hope there’s nothing wrong with the baby ”

My prince,I brought your food” she said about leaving when I held her back ”

Aliyah 🥺” I called not knowing what to say”

Is there anything you need my prince” she asked facing another direction when Tessa stood up angrily and removed my hand from Aliya ”

Nothing Aliya, leave my husband alone” Tessa said angrily while Aliya left without saying a word ”

Tessa,why did you act that way to her,what has come over you…” I asked angrily ”

Everything my prince,I know we are pretending to be married but I’ve already confessed my feelings for you…and I’m very sad to see you falling in love with a slave”she said angrily”

You’re testing my patience Tessa,what on earth have I done wrong to you and okaja,mind you I’m not falling in love with Aliya okay,I already have someone I love in mind but I can’t be with her because she’s no where to be found,and again Aliya is not just an ordinary slave as you think, she’s the princess of Buda kingdom ” I said while she looked at me surprisingly”

What! She’s a princess ” she asked surprisingly”

You two are pregnant,you should treat her well…if you continue with this act.. I’ll send you back to where I took you from,you know what that means ” I said angrily and left outside”

” I saw Aliya standing on the flower ground alone,I haven’t seen the little prince…”

Hey Aliya” I called while she turned to me and bowed”

My prince,do you need anything” she asked looking very angry ”

No Aliya,I just came to say” she cut in”

Don’t say thank you my prince, I’m just doing my job,if you don’t mind you should leave me alone” she said aloud while I was shocked ”

Why are you acting this strange, did anyone offend you? Where’s your brother” I asked when suddenly she rushed to me and removed one of my swords from my waist and began to fight with me”

” I quickly removed mine too ”

What are you doing Aliya” I asked fighting while she pushed me to land on the ground ”

You’re busy enjoying your life, while I’m suffering in your land,you all ki||ed my friend,you destroyed our land,you think I can Let that go?” She asked angrily jumping on me and giving me a wound on my hand”

” I tried to avoid fighting with her because of her condition ”

Stop it already Aliya, you’re pregnant” I said aloud moving away from her”

I’ll ki|| you all,I will ki|| all of you..this is a promise” she said angrily, suddenly she fainted while I rushed to her and carried her into her room ”

” Oh no Aliya,what were you thinking…”


I layed her on her bed and began to whippe her face with a towel.

Suddenly I saw Tessa coming in with a glass of water.

My prince,how is she felling “Tessa asked coming in”

I don’t know,but she’ll be alright ” I said”

Here, have this..she might want to drink ” she said when suddenly Aliya woke up looking very tired”

What’s happening here ” she asked very weak”

Aliya,you need to rest okay..look Tessa brought you a glass of water ” I said giving it to her”

I’m so thirsty ” she said collecting it from me”

I know you’ll be thirsty, it’s common for we pregnant women ” Tessa said smiling”

Thank you Tessa for bringing me water but unfortunately you can never fool me” Aliya said angrily throwing the glass of water to the ground”

What! What have you done…my prince did you see that, I’m trying to be friendly but look at what she did” Tessa said angrily”

Tessa,you should clean up this place and go back to your room ” I said leaving”

” Goodness, the two of them are unbelievable”


I called some of my men to my banquet ,to alert them on how we are going to ki|| the little prince at midnight.

Listen everyone…we all know that the little prince and his sister lives with prince Kadia,we need to be careful of prince Kadia ” I said”

Yes sir” they responded”

All I want you to do is to sneak into the banquet of Kadia and bring me the little prince, I’ll ki|| him my self…and you bani, where is the poisonous arrow I ask you to get ” I asked one of them”

Sir,it was really hard for me to get it from the blind man in the forest..but happily I succeeded in getting one, here you go sir ” he said handing it over to me”

Thank you,with this arrow,no amount of treatment can save the little prince..all I want is for us to succeed using this arrow to ki|| him once and for all, using the Normal arrow might cause us problems because the king knows all the arrows we have in our land… I’m doing this without his permission,so none of you should mention this to the royal house ” I said”

Yes sir,you can count on us” they said ”

You may all leave and return by 11pm” I said while they bowed and left ”

” I rushed into my room and hid it”

I came back home after checking on the flowers…
I went in calling father but he wasn’t responding.

Father, where are you” I asked going into his room ”

I got there but found no one.

Not again father, you’re always busy,I prefer staying with mother at times.

Anyway,let me go out and look for a friend to stay with.. where should I go🤔

Uhhh..I know where I should go… I’ll go to the place where I saw that prince yesterday..I mean my friend.. hahaha ” I said happily about leaving when I saw something under father’s bed”

I rushed to get it immediately..I brought it out and saw it was an arrow…

Wow,this arrow looks very sharp..I should take it with me Incase I meet an enemy on my way to look for my friend ” I said taking it with me”



I arrived at the place…I looked around smiling to myself when suddenly I saw the prince standing in front of me.

I closed my eyes back and opened them to be sure it was not a dream.

I opened my eyes again and saw him standing in front of me.. OMG it’s not a dream ” I said happily hugging him”

Hey, paloma,how are you” he asked”

OMG,I knew it was you.. your sweet voice has always been ringing in my ears..what are you doing here ” I asked happily”

To find you,and what about you ” he asked”

Of course I’m here to find you too,all thanks to heavens I found I won’t feel bored anymore” I said happily”

What’s that you’re holding” he asked while I quickly gave it to him”

It’s an arrow,I took it for protection,you can have it” I said happily while he opened it and looked at it surprisingly 😳”

What!😳a poisonous arrow?how did you get this” he asked surprisingly”

I don’t know,I found it in our banquet” I said smiling”

My father taught me about this arrow before he died, it’s very dangerous,no one can survive after being shot with it” he said while I kept smiling at him happily 😃”



I no fit laugh oo BODAM 🤣

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