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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy couples)….

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 06




“ki|| it, ki|| it please” Jeremy kept shouting while tightening his hold on Freddie.

Freddie started laughing so hard and Jeremy slowly loosen his hold on him, he looked back and saw nothing.

He looked back to the laughing Freddie and frowned.

“Where is the Ç0çƙroach?” Jeremy asked.

Freddie increased his laughter.

“Stop making fun of me” Jeremy half yelled.

Freddie stopped laughing.

“There’s no Ç0çƙroach, it was a prank and you fell for it dummy” Freddie replied.

Jeremy glared at Freddie.

” You fooled me, bastard” Jeremy said and started coming for Freddie.

Freedie took to his heels, running upstairs while Jeremy followed.


Moanna Mõ@ɲed weakly as she woke up, she looked around and saw only her in the room.

“Where is Joanna?” She asked and removed the duvet covering her.

She stretched her limbs and got down from the bed.

She entered the bathroom and took a spare brush and started brushing up, she took her bath after brushing.

She came out of the bathroom and saw Joanna on the chair, painting her face.

“Bestie” Joanna said cheerfully, staring at her face in the mirror.

“Even in the morning you’re still beautiful” Joanna said and Moanna smiled.

“Silly” She muttered.

“Good morning baby” Moanna said and sat on the bed.

“Hope you are feeling better today?” Joanna asked.

“Much better thanks to you”.

“Don’t take long in telling your mum about your pregnancy, you can’t keep it away from her for long, don’t mind her anger” Joanna said.

“I will” Moanna replied with a head nod.

“That’s my baby, but I’m sad, what if you will have to stay in Jeremy’s house”.

“That won’t stop me from my career” Moanna said.

“You’re pregnant, you will have to relief yourself from the stress of writing”.


“You’re so stubborn” Joanna said and they laughed.

“How did I look?” Joanna asked.

“Wow baby you’re hot, guys will be drooling over you” Moanna said.

” Their loss” Joanna said and took her bag.

“Let’s go for breakfast” Joanna said and pulled Moanna up.

They went out of the room.


Jeremy walked out of the mansion and went to the garage.

He was shocked when he saw Freddie in the driver seat.

“I thought you left” Jeremy said.

“No sweet heart” Freddie replied with a wink.

“Have any one told you look like gorilla when you wink, get out of my car” Jeremy said.

“Gorilla?, are you jealous that I’m more handsome than you?” Freddie asked and Jeremy gave out a dry chuckle.

” I’m driving you”.

” Don’t you have anything doing, stop bugging me”.

” I’m free today, no $h00ts or interviews” Freddie said.

Jeremy groaned and entered the car, knowing arguing with Freddie will result to nothing but wasting of time.

Freddie smiled and started the car.


“Mum” Moanna called as she entered the house.

“Baby” Victoria replied and walked out.

“Are you okay?” Victoria asked.

“I’m fine” Moanna replied.

“Are you still feeling sick?”.

“I’m better now mum, I want to go to my room” Moanna said.

Victoria nodded and Moanna went to her room.

” Why do I feel like there’s something she is hiding, the Moanna I know is not afraid to look me in the eyes but she is avoiding my eyes today, I will soon find out” Victoria said.

Moanna entered her room and dropped her purse on the bed, she fell on the bed and sighed sadly.

“What have I gotten myself into?” She asked.

She quickly wiped the tears clouding around her eyes.

” I was is careless” She said and buried her face into the pillows.


The workers kept drooling at Jeremy as he cook.

The white apron was adding more dangerously to his hotness.

It’s like anything white is made for him, maybe that’s the reason white is his favorite color.

Even the way his hand moved while mixing the soup, displayed hotness and perfection.

The aroma coming out from the soup he was preparing was gracious and all mouths salivated.

He kept cooking without saying a word to any of the workers.

He pulled off the apron after he finished cooking.

A worker kept staring at him till she poured hot water on herself.

“Arrrg” She screamed and ran out.

Jeremy smirked and walked out.

“I wish I was created like boss” A male worker said.

“He is so cute, sweet, hot.. I lack words to describe him”.

“A god in human form, I can stare him all day without eating”.

The workers started laughing at the comment.

“Time to start serving” Someone announced and everyone went to changed.


? Jeremy serve my table

? Jeremy my table first

?My table should be the first

The ladies screamed, bargaining among them who Jeremy should served first.

Jeremy looked at a particular spot and saw a pretty Blondie lady sitting.

She has this calm look on her face, she was stylishly looking at him with her hazel eyes.

He smiled and went to her table.

Leaving a disappointed look on the other ladies faces.

“What will you have?” He asked.

“What if I say I want to have you?” She asked flirtatious.

” I won’t mind but I guess eating first before having me will be better” He winked.

” Okay hottie, I will have a soup of chicken and red wine, tasty like your lips” She said and bite her lips, staring at his lips.

Jeremy gave one hot naughty look before leaving.

?Who is that Ɓîtçh.

” A Ɓîtçh you won’t wanna mess with” The Blondie lady replied hotly, ready for any $h|t but the others kept quiet, only glaring at her.


The Blondie lady smiled as Jeremy rubbed his hands on her thighs.

She closed her eyes feeling the sensation.

He hands kept moving on her thighs till it started travelling into her skirt.

She shivered as his hand rubbed her p@zzy.

He smiled and captured her lips, devouring it frenzily.

Her hands started moving around his body.

He bite her lips and she Mõ@ɲed.

“Ahhhh,… f_ck”.

She gasped immediately his finger slipped into her core.

He started moving his fingers, twisting, curving and deeply going to touch her sensitive corners.

“Ahhh” She Mõ@ɲed, clutching tightly on him.

Her legs started shaking on the table as she was reaching her ending point.

But he suddenly pulled out, leaving her disappointed.

She was about to say something when he penetrated her, making her to swallowed her words.


He started hitting his long length into her core dangerously.

Ɓîtçh Mõ@ɲs kept flying out of the Blondie’s mouth.

“f_ck that p@zzy hard, yes daddy, don’t pity me”.

“f_ck me till I will lose my womb, please ah.. ah”.

“Yes, ohhh!!”.


“Yes f_ck”.



Moanna had her head down as Victoria glared dangerously at her.

Victoria has just found out she is pregnant.

“You’re lucky you’re pregnant for a rich man” Victoria said calmly.

Moanna looked at her and smiled inwardly.

“Don’t try to be calm it’s doesn’t suit you” Moanna said and the real Victoria came out.

” You’re leaving my house” She yelled.

“I can’t believe you decided to disgrace me, what if your father was alive?” Victoria said and Moanna kept quiet.

“I’m sorry mum” Moanna said.

“We are going to his house right now” Victoria said and she gasped.

“Why are you gasping,? did you want to raise the child on your own?” Victoria yelled and Moanna shook her head.

“I named you Moanna but you decided to take it personal, Mõ@ɲna ,you were busy Mõ@ɲing” Victoria scoffed.


” Mum please can you stop disturbing mean about marriage” Jeremy said.

” Freddie please beg your best friend to give me a grandchild” Margaret said.

” I have been trying mum” Freddie said and Jeremy glared at her.

” I will ki|| myself if you don’t bet married” Margaret said and Jeremy flinched.

“Mum, why will you ki|| yourself?”.

“You don’t want to give me a grandchild” Margaret said and Jeremy groaned holding his head.

Suddenly the door opened and Victoria entered with Moanna.

All eyes turned on them and Jeremy immediately recognize Moanna.

The crazy girl he f_cked, but what is she doing here and who is that with her?.

“Good morning” Victoria greeted.

“Good morning, welcome, how can we help you” Margaret replied.

Freddie looked and then remembered where he saw her… the girl Jeremy f_cked.

“Are you his mother?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, is everything alright?”.

” My daughter is pregnant for him” Victoria said and Jeremy almost fell from the stairs.

” What?” His eyes widened.

“I’m pregnant for you, I told you that night” Moanna said.

A big smile displayed on Margaret’s lips immediately she heard the news.

“Pregnant for my son” Margaret said happily.

Freddie laughed secretly at Jeremy who his eyes kept widening.

” Pregnant for me? is this some kind of joke or what?”Jeremy asked, climbing the rest of the stairs.

” Are you trying to deny it?” Moanna asked and faced him angrily.

” I don’t know you, I haven’t even met you before what are you saying, Freddie did you know her?” Jeremy asked winking at Freddie.

“I’m sorry but I saw her here rushing out some weeks ago”.


“We accepted the pregnancy” Margaret said and Jeremy screamed.

“Mum, she is lying I don’t even know her, how can you accept a pregnancy from a girl claiming to be pregnant for me?”,.

“I have always being praying for this” Margaret said.

Jeremy started laughing confusing everyone.

He stopped laughing and became serious.

“I know you need money, you don’t need to lie about being pregnant for me, i will want you want, how much did you need, a million dollars, two millions, three millions, how much?” Jeremy asked.

Victoria angrily walked to him and gave him a mighty slap that started making Jeremy to see his his generational ancestors.

Victoria kicked him on the Ďïčk.

” Ahhhhhh” He shouted painfully going on his knees.


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