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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy couples)….

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 014





Moanna groaned and she turned on the bed, her eyes snapped opened and she immediately sat upright.

She looked at the duvet covering her and moved on the bed again.

“How did I get here?” She asked herself.

“I was in the living room.. wait did he took me upstairs?”.

“That jerk” She said.

“Will you stop calling me a jerk, my name’s Jeremy” Jeremy said coming in.

“Huh!” Moanna gasped and looked at him.

He had a frown on his face, his hair covered one of his eye giving him a hotter morning look.

Moanna couldn’t help but admired how handsome he was looking, she bite her lips and immediately Jeremy’s voice brought her back.

“Are you not going to say something?” He asked.

“Something like what?” She asked.

“Stop calling me a jerk, we don’t relate well but start calling me by my name” He replied.

“I will stop calling you a jerk when you stop being one” She said and he scoffed.

“Was I even expecting you to listen to me” He said and opened the door, walking out.

“Why am I even finding him cute this days” She said and get down from the bed.

She saw herself in the same clothes she wore yesterday… somehow she started smiling, remembering Jeremy was the one that took her upstairs.

“Is he beginning to fall for me?” She asked herself and immediately gasped.

“What rubbish am I saying” She said and ran into the bathroom.

Moanna got downstairs all dressed up with her purse in her hand.

The pink skirt and her button shirt on a white canvas fit her body so well, shaping her body and bringing out her hidden curves, she is hotter than fire right now.. she smiled elegantly as she walked to the living room.

Jeremy turned immediately she entered, his eyes fell on her and he got enchanted immediately, he began staring at her, wondering if this was the woman he once h@ťěd or it’s another person, his eyes can’t be deceiving him right?.

His eyes started taking a tour on her body, starting from her face, down to her B-__-bs to her sleeve legs.

“She is so beautiful” He said inwardly.

Moanna didn’t moved as she was staring at him too.

“Come and have breakfast” He said and she gasped with widen eyes.


“Did you really asked me to join you for breakfast?”.

“Who did you think am I?, ain’t stingy, you can come and join me if you want, I reserve your plate” He said and rolled eyes.

” Can’t you be a bit more nicer” She said and he at looked her but said nothing.

Moanna was about taking a step when a sharp pain gripped her stomach.

” Ah” She winced and ignored it, she tried taking another step when the pains resurfaced but this time more brutal.

“Ahhhh” She screamed and held her tummy with a squeezing face.

” Are you okay?” He asked, standing.

” Arrrgh” She screamed more louder and started falling but in a flash she was in Jeremy’s arms, Jeremy too didn’t know how he got to her in a such a speed.

” What happened?”.

” My stomach, pains” She said and felt something down her legs.

She took her hand there and touched it, she took her hand out and gasped.

” Blood!!” They gasped.

” The baby” He said getting scared.

” My baby” Moanna started crying as the pains kept increasing.

” I will take you to the hospital right now” Jeremy said and carried her up properly, he rushed her outside and entered the car, driving out.


Melinda had smiles on her face as she is to $h00t today with Freddie.

All eyes turned to Freddie who just walked out of the dressing room.

The pink suit and black boots he wore made him irresistible, even the director was amazed, he is not called the most segziest and hottest male model for nothing, his broad chest added to his his hotness.

Melinda bite her lips hard, she started getting wet as she imagined his Ďïčk going in and out of her.

“Let’s start” The director said.

Freddie walked to Melinda and immediately grabbed her hand, pulling her to his chest, that’s the pose they will going for.

Melinda wrapped her hands around his body and placed her head on his chest, she turned to the camera.

Freddie smiled too and the camera started clicking.

“Next pose” The camera man said.

Freddie sat on the decorated floor and Melinda lay between his legs, placing her legs on his thigh.

“You two are the best” The camera said before he started clicking the camera.

After some several $h00t it was over.

“I love you two” The director said.

Freddie smiled and started walking to the changing room but Melinda ran after him.

“Freddie” She called but he hastened his steps immediately he heard her voice.

Before she will catch up with him, he opened the door and entered.

Melinda sighed sadly ” Is he avoiding me or what… you will love me” She said before going to change.


A doctor entered the ward Moanna was administered for bed rest cos her case wasn’t that severe..

Jeremy and Moanna turned to him.

Jeremy still had that concern and worried look on his face.

“What really happened to her?” Jeremy asked.

“Didn’t your wife know she is pregnant?” The doctor asked.

“She’s not my…”.

“I know” Moanna interrupted.

“You’re not behaving like a pregnant woman, you are putting much stress on your baby, what happened was a sign, you need to start relieving yourself of some stress or else you might lose the pregnancy, but now you’re perfectly okay” The doctor said.

Jeremy and Moanna looked at each other before facing the doctor.

“She will start doing that” Jeremy said.

“That will be better, I will prescribe some drugs for her” The doctor smiled and walked out.

Jeremy glared at Moanna and she pouted.

“You heard what the doctor said right? if you don’t love yourself at least my child should be of concern to you” He said.

“Stop scolding me”.

“Scolding?” He scoffed.

“I h@ťě you”.

“I already know you h@ťě me, you don’t have to announce it like you picked a rotten bitter nut” He said and she hit him.

” I’m going home” She said and stepped down.

She walked out and Jeremy chuckled before following her.

Moanna got outside with Jeremy and immediately a car drove in and Mr Leo stepped out with Joanna.

“Bestie” Joanna called and rushed to her, she hugged her immediately.

“How are you now, are you still feeling pains… what really happened? are..”.

“I’m fine bestie” Moanna said and laughed.

“I’m relief now, hi Jeremy” Joanna said and waved at him.

He smiled and waved at her.

“Boss” Moanna called as Mr Leo got there.

“Moanna, are you alright, Joanna told me?”.

“I’m fine”.

Mr Leo hugged her lightly and Jeremy started feeling uncomfortable, he almost pushed him away but he controlled himself.

“I was worried” Mr Leo said and broke the hug.

Moanna smiled.

“Jeremy Wealth.. I’m honored to see you, I’m a fan” Mr Leo said and smiled but Jeremy glared at him.

“It’s a good thing you’re here.. I want to inform you that she will be pausing her work in your company till she will deliver ” Jeremy said and Moanna gasped.

” What are you saying? “.

” You heard what the doctor said right? you don’t wanna lose the child then do what I say ” Jeremy said.

” I understand you Jeremy ” Mr Leo said.

” I can’t stop.. “.

” Bye ” Jeremy was already taking Moanna to his car.

” Is he that rude? ” Mr Leo asked.

” Maybe he was jealous when you hugged Moanna, he is not an arrogant type ” Joanna said and Mr Leo smiled.


” Who are you to decide on my life? ” Moanna yelled at Jeremy immediately they returned back home.

” I’m Jeremy Wealth” He replied.

“I’m not stopping my work” She snapped.

“You came back home so exhausted, I believed you over work your @zz yesterday, if you don’t care about yourself care about my baby”.

“When has it become your child?”.

“Cos you said it, or were you lying?” He asked.

” You’re not my husband, you can’t control me”.

” You love your work more than the safety of your child right, okay it’s fine” He said and she bite her lips as he words got to her.

“Fine, you won but I won’t completely stop working”.

“Reduce the stress authoress” He said and she glared at him.

Moanna stomach suddenly grumbled loudly.

“What is that? did you say something?” He asked.

“It’s my stomach, the baby is hungry” She said.

“Or you are hungry, I know of a foodie you’re” He scoffed.

“I can’t believe we are talking to each other, isn’t the rule holding again?”.

“Breaking it cos of my boy” He replied and walked to the kitchen.

“Boy! that jerk who told him I’m carrying a boy”.

She remembered how worried his face was at the hospital and she found herself smiling.

Jeremy suddenly appeared.

“Why did you allowed your boss to hugged you?” He asked.

“What?!.. were you jealous that he hugged me? ” She asked.

” Yes I was jealous ” He blunted and his eyes widened immediately when he realized what he just said.


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