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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Written by Teachable stories)
“Eric, I will k’ll the ma’d man. Ada said.
“My love, are you serious? Eric asked.
“Yes, I am pretty serious, I have made up my mind to k’ll him, so please enlighten me on what to do right now before I change my mind again. Ada said.

“Thank you very much, baby, I am transferring you 10k right now to your Opay account, use it and cook the ma’d man’s favorite food, I believe before you are done cooking I will bring you po’sonous substance to put in the food, and his drinking water before you give him. Eric said.

“Okay, but that would be in the evening, not this morning so that when he eats it, he would sleep and never wake up. Ada said.

“You’re very smart, that’s a wise plan, but I will make the substance available before then.

“Okay, are you still traveling to Abuja tomorrow? Ada asked.

“Pretty sure, so what do you want me to buy come for you?

“Anything of your choice Obim.

“Don’t worry, I will surprise you beyond your expectations when you term’inate the ma’d man.

“Eric, I am willing to sacrifice anything for our love. I believe when the ma’d man dies the weird feelings and love I have for him would surely die. I will never ruin our relationship because we’ve gone extremely far. Obim I am off to my shop, don’t forget to bring the substance to my shop. Ada said.

“Eric became extremely happy, he couldn’t control himself because of over-joy and happiness.

*A few hours later*
“They discharged the Queen.
“Doctor, please, have you been able to figure out what’s wrong with the King? Because is been 5 days now since we brought him here, and you haven’t told us what’s wrong with him. Prime Minister(Onowu) asked.

“Sir, we’ve conducted several tests, but there is no iota of sickness in his system, so there is nothing medically wrong with him. The Doctor responded.

“This is strange.. My Queen, I think this is high time to take the King to India for medical check-up. The Prime Minister suggested.

“Onowu, I agree with you, I thought of this lately. I will inform our Indian Doctors in India that we’re bringing the King to India anytime soon. The Queen said.

“Mum, my father is not going anywhere, If he wants to die let him die, he’s old enough to die. Ebuka replied arrogantly.

“Prince Ebuka, have suddenly forgotten who your father is? Don’t you know if the King dies in this state without knowing exactly what k’ll him that there will be big problems in this Kingdom? The Prime Minister asked.

“Onowu, My father is old, so there is no need to waste money and resources on him. Ebuka responded.

“Ebuka, how dare you talk to your father in that manner? Are you ma’d? The Queen woos him slap on his face.

“Mother, did you just slap me? Ebuka asked rubbing his cheek.

“Ebuka, I will slap you again and again if you don’t behave like the High Prince and Heir that you are. The Queen said.

“…ka.. Will will ne…ne..ver be my-my successor. The King muttered.

“Oh!! your Majesty, you’re awake? The Queen and the Prime minister asked coincidentally.

“Doctooooor, Doctooooor, please come.

“Ebuka squeezed his face and angrily left the Hospital because all his prayers were for the King to die so that they would crown him a King.

*5 hours later*
“Ada, came back from work with food items and the po’sonous substance that she collected from Eric and she began to prepare the food, after she prepares finished, she packed the ma’d man’s food in a food flask and put the po’son in the food and water after she finished everything she had her bath and dress up.

“Thereafter, She carried the po’sonous food to go and give the ma’d man, when she got to their parlor, she got a video call from Eric, so She sat on the couch in the parlor to answer the call.

“Good evening babe. How far for our plan? Did you give him the food? Eric asked.

“I am about to go to his place right now.

“Did you put the po’son very well?

“Yes, In fact, I put all the substance. Ada replied.
“My love I am proud of you, when you come back do not hesitate to call me , please.

“I will not hesitate. I love you Obim.
“I love you more and more baby. Eric replied and ended the call.

“After, the call ended, Ada, began to reply to some of WhatsApp messages, while she was typing she dozed off and had a strange dream.

“In that dream, she saw the ma’d man dressing like a very wealthy and Famous king and he was sitting on a Golden throne and she was extremely stunned to see how Kings, Governors, Senators, Traditional rulers, and other top leaders honored the ma’d man in the dream and she was standing outside the gate and when she wanted to go inside Eric held her tightly from behind and attempted to stop her from entering inside.

“Leave me let me go inside. Ada screamed.
“No, you don’t belong here, let’s go home. Eric replied.
“No, I can’t go with you, leave me let me go.

“While they were dragging in the dream, the gate man came out to close the gate and when he wanted to shut the gate, Ada bit Eric’s hand painfully Eric quickly left her and she hastily rushed inside and immediately after she entered the compound, she woke up.

“So it was all a dream, that ma’d man is not an ordinary person, there is a deep mystery behind him. I will never give up on him. Eric, you can never foool me. Ada said.

“Thereafter, she threw away the po’sonous food and packed good food in another food flask to go give the ma’d man.

“When she got to where the ma’d man was staying, she began to ask the ma’d man questions and the ma’d man didn’t even bother to answer her, he was just busy laughing and eating his food.

*A few moments later *
“Eric started calling Ada to find out whether the ma’d man ate the po’sonous food but Ada kept on ignoring his calls.

“The next morning, Eric went to Ada’s shop.

“Babe, what’s going on? I have been calling your line since yesterday but you kept on declining my calls, what is my offense? Eric asked.

“Honestly, I am fed up with you completely. I told you well and clearly that I am deeply in love with the ma’d man but you kept on persuading me to k’ll the innocent po’or m’ad man. If you could persuade me to k’ll the ma’d man because I am obsessed with him that means you would also k’ll me when you find someone better than me. Eric, I am very sorry to say this, I am no longer interested in marrying you, so here is your engagement ring, I will refund the bride price to you before tomorrow this week runs out. I know how much you spent, I am just tired of everything. Ada said.

“Eric became extremely a’ngry, he disclosed everything to Ada’s family and His. Ada’s family became extremely @ngry with Ada.

“The two families summoned Ada and Eric to resolve their issues, at the end of the meeting, Ada still stood by her decisions regardless of all the advice, eventually their wedding and everything was canceled and Ada’s family refunded Ada’s bride pride.

“After the meeting, Ada’s parents threw Ada out of the house because the house was rented by Eric. Eric seized Ada’s shop, she collected the phone and all the things she bought for Ada, and Ada was very much okay with her decisions.

“After they threw her out of the house, she went to another town and rented a self contain for her and the ma’d man, and she was living under the same roof with the ma’d man because both of them understood each other very well.

“One night she was very horny and she needed someone badly to sleep with her to quench her feelings, so when the feelings were beyond her control, she decided to seduce and sleep with the ma’d man unashamedly without protection.

“A few weeks later, Ada got pregnant for the ma’d man and when Eric heard that Ada was pregnant for the ma’d man, he became as ma’d as a bear with a sour head and took Ada’s clothes and picture to a deadly shrine to k’ll Ada with the pregnancy.

“Young man, what brought you to my shine? The Native Doctor asked.

“Great one, This girl ru!n my life and ran away, so I want you to k!ll her. Eric said.

“Young man, drop the picture and the clothes inside here and call her name 3 times. The Native Doctor instructed.

“Ada!! Ada!! Ada!!. Eric called.

To be continued…

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