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Friday, October 18, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 8

Catania pov

I laid on the bed trying to get some sleep but I couldn’t, it was morning already but I couldn’t sleep last night, I mean I needed to think of what he told me but also I have made my decision and it is final. I am not going with him and I will not allow him take me by Force.

Annabella left just now and I am all alone in this big house. I hiss

My phone ringing tone disrupted me from my taught making me stare at my phone beside me but I frown when I saw it was a strange number.

“Hello,”I said immediately I pick up the call.

“How are you doing?” He asks softly and j could recognize that voice from anywhere and how did he even get my number.

“How…..did you even get my number?” I said and I heard him chuckle through the phone.

“Your friend gave it to me,” he said and I frown in anger.

How can she gave him my number when she probably knows what is going on. I taught foaming in anger.

“Tania you have no right to be angry because I own every right to have your number not while you are still carrying my baby, ” he said and I scoffs.

“Oh really now, what right exactly huh? All you paid for was a one night stand so I see no reason for you showing up again,” I said.

“Can you even listen to yourself, you are carrying my baby inside of you tania and I have every right to show up,” he said and I huff.

“And also you must be so silly to think I just wanted a one night stand with you, I searched for you after that night but I couldn’t find you not until that very day at the hospital and you have a bond between us which is to my own advantage,” he said and I gulp down.

“I have a boyfriend you know,” I said and he bursted into laughter immediately like I said something funny.

“Boyfriend? An unfaithful boyfriend i think. Isn’t elijah?” He asks and I gasps standing up from the bed.

“How do you know his name?” I asks surprise and I heard him huff.

“I figure out myself and must also dissapoint you to know I gave him 5 million dollar to break up with you and he took it without thinking twice,” he said and I felt like I could not here anymore.

“He said to me that he never love you but only wanted to get into your pant,” he said and tears flow down from my eyes immediately.

“You cause it you f-__-king bastard,” I yells crying the more.

“Oh tania stop crying, the bastard don’t deserve your love,” he said and I ended the call when j couldn’t take it anymore.

He called again but I ended the call immediately.

“Why me,” I yells crying loudly. My chest was vibrating so loudly due to how I was crying but it hurt so much.

My phone rang again and I scoff trying to end the call but I was surprised when I saw it was elijah calling.

“It is Elijah,” I whispered to myself as I stare at the number.

Or maybe he forgave me and that bastard is just lying. I gulp down and gently pick up the call.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hey cat how are you?” I heard his husky voice I miss so f-__-king much and that name he likes calling me “cat” and a tear roll down from my eyes.

“Are you there?” He said.

“Yeah. I miss you so f-__-king much,” I said tearing up.

“Yeah me too,” he said and I smile. After all he was just lying.

“So hmm do you forgive me?” I asks excitedly but I heard him scoffs.

“Actually I just wanted to make it clear to you that I don’t love you and also you should stop saying you have a boyfriend because I belong to another,” he said

“What? That is not true, please don’t do this love. We are perfect for each other,” I said and I heard him scoffs.

“Am sorry cat but there was not any relationship since then now you just realized it,” he said and the phone fell from my hand immediately.

“No…… maybe this is a nightmare.” I whispered to myself cleaning my eyes but….if was not.

A relationship I invested my two years has finally crash.

He can’t do this to me.

“No,” I scream crying that I felt my throat hurt.

The door open revealing the unexpected person.

“You cause it,” I yells standing up trying to walk towards him but I starggered backward but he was quick to hold me from falling.

“Geez calm down,” he said holding me but I push him away.

“You f-__-king stay away from me,” I yells and he sign but ignore me anyway.

“Just calm down,” he said but I push him off again.

“You cause all this, if you didn’t give him 5 million dollars this won’t have happen,” I said crying bitterly and immediately he hug me which I reciprocated immediately because it was all I needed right now.

“He…(hiccups) told me(hiccups) he don’t love me (hiccups,” I said and he just kept quiet kissing my forehead while robbing my hair at the same time.

“I invested two years in my life(hiccups)… that rela……..(hiccups) relationship and now he just end the relationship like that,” I said and he kiss my forehead again.

“Am I not pretty?” I ask staring at his face and he chuckle.

“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever see tania,” he said staring at my face and I hug him again.

I don’t really care who it was but I needed comfort, I am broken, I am depressed, I am sax and all I need right now is comfort.

“He is so stupid to leave you an angel to go for a devil,” he said and I Bursted into tears again.

“Hey stop crying, you don’t want our baby to get hurt right?” He said and I nodded childishly as tears flow down from my eyes and he smile.

“Forget about him tania, he don’t deserve you,” he said and j found myself crying the more.

“Is okay, is okay tania,” he pet roughing my hair and i clutch on his shirt tightly.

“Tania come sit,” he gently gesture me to the bed and made me sat on it.

“Have you eaten?” He asks softly and I nodded my head negatively.

“What would like to it?” He asks gently.

“Anything?” I replied and he scoffs.

“Anything?” He asks again raising his eyebrows and I gulp down nervously making him laugh.

“Pasta,” I said and he smile.

“Okay be ready in a jiffy,” he said and stood up from the bed before walking out the room.

“d@mn it,” I scream in embarrassment when I remember how he was comforting me.

“I should not have allow him comfort me,” I said but surprisedly my cheek was red.

*. *. *. *. *. *.

The door open and he walk holding a plate of pasta. He placed it gently on the chair and draw it closer to me.

“Come eat tania,” he said and I gently sat on the bed.

“I also made you soup seems your body is burning up,” he said touching my neck and I bite my lips nervously.

Am d@mn so shy right now.

“Come on eat your food,” he said and I gently took the spoon ready to dig in.

“Or do you want me to feed you?” He asks and I widened my eyes in shock.

“Of course not,” I replied almost immediately and he laughs.

“So cute,” he muttered under his breath but I heard him clearly and I could not help but blush.

As I took the pasta into my mouth I could not help but wonder if he was the one that cooks it. It was d@mn so amazing.

“Do you like it tania?” He ask and I nodded shyly making him chuckle and then he started operating his phone.

I could tell he was little bit tired and there was trace of dissapproval in his face and he press his phone.

I hope everything is okay.

I stood up trying to walk out of the room trying to get some water.

“Where are you going?” He asks staring at my face and I gulp down.

“I am going to get some water,” I said and he diverted his gaze to where my food is.

“My bad I will get you water,” he said standing up and I smile as he walk out of the room.

He is a nice guy.

My eyes move to his phone on the couch and j gently took it.

“Sir there are here already and they are ready to make a deal,” I read the WhatsApp message.

“Cancel it, something important came up,” I read his test.

Or could it be is because of me.

I heard footsteps and I quickly drop it before running back to the bed prentending to be eating.

“Here you is it tania,” he said and drop the water before walking back to the couch.

This is like the fifth time he is calling me tania, I know is half of my name but I don’t even know the meaning, I only know the meaning of catania which was derived from a city name.

I look up at him and his gaze was fixed on me staring at me like he wanted to devour me and I felt naked under his gaze making me bite my lips nervously and I heard him cause under his breath.

“Jax right?” I asks and he just stare at me with a blank expression.

“Hmmm why are you calling me tania,” I said looking down at my food.

“Because you look like a fairly queen,” he said and I just stare at him confused.

“That is the meaning of tania, fairly queen and you look like one which make you my fairly queen,” he said and I found myself blushing…..

T. B. C.

This is getting hot o?

Love in the air?

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