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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 43&44
(Final episodes)✔️

Catania Pov

I open my eyes only to meet with a farmiliar environment. I tried to stand up but I discover i was tied to a chair and then I gasps when I suddenly remember what happen.


We were both pacing up and down worriedly and I shivers when I heard ghe the sound of gunshot.

“Hey catania don’t worry too much okay?” Annabella said and I scoffs.

Almost immediately there was a heavy push on the door, probably someone was trying to open it but couldn’t due to the fact we locked it.

“Jax is that you?” I ask but got no reply and annabella gently move to the door.

“I think we shouldn’t open it,” she said and I nodded.

“I am one of jax guard, he ask me to bring you to him,” He said and d@mn…that Voice seem kinda seem farmiliar to me.

We both stare at each other and annabella open it slowly. The next thing annabella was thrown to the wall and he step inside with a smirk on his face.

“You,” I yells angrily and his smirk widened.

“We don’t have much time for this, let go,” he said and got hold of my hand.

“Let me go you bastard,” I yells struggling to move my hand away from him.

“Let my friend go you bastard,” annabella said and tried to drag me away from him but he pushed her and she laid flat on the ground immediately.

“You know your friend never liked me, I always heard how she advised you to break up with me so how about I just ki|| her for that,” he said and my eyes widened.

He started moving towards her.

“Stop, please stop,” I yells but he carried her in his shoulder and move toward the bathroom.

“Let go of my friend,” I yells but my eyes widened when he suddenly laid her on the jacuzzi.

I tried to move toward her but I was dragged back by the bastard.

“Let me go,” I yells and immediately I felt something pierce on my neck and I suddenly dozed off.

End of flashback

I frown trying to move again but I couldn’t.

I hope annabella is okay, also with jax and the rest and I am d@mn sure he is going to be looking for me by now.

Why the heck did he kidnapped me.

“Let go of me you bastard,” I yells at the top of my voice and i groan when I felt a pain in my stomach.

My babies.

Almost immediately the door open revealing the fool and i just stare at him with h@ťěred.

This was once the man I love, I didn’t want to break up with her but instead he broke up with me.

“You are awake,” he said and i scoffs.

“Why am I here?” I yells and he smirk.

“To be with me of course. I know you still love me,” he said smiling and I scoff

“Love? The sentence should be I know you h@ťě me now,” I said and he frown.

“Well I don’t care, I still want you to be mine,” he said and I felt that feeling of fear growing inside of me.

“The last time I remember you never loved me, so what is this?” I yells and he sigh before bending in front of me.

“I know I mess up but I am ready to mend my ways,” he said and I scoffs.

“Am sorry but it is too late. My heart belongs to another right now,” I said bodly and he scoffs

“And beside I am pregnant For him,” I said and he huff.

“I am going to get rid of the baby and then we can leave a happy life,” he said and my eyes widened.

“You cannot get rid of my baby and also jax is going to find me and when he does you are gonna be dead,” I said smirking and he also smirk.

“Not when we are going to leave the country very soon,” He said.

Jax POV.

I walk into the CCTV camera and quickly play the video of a hour ago.

It was really eli… kingsley wh@ťěver name he Is called.

I am going to ki|| him, break him, and make sure his remains of his bone are not found.

If he dare hurt or lay a finger in the hair I my tania, I am going to ki|| him with my bare hands.

I stare at it for a while, the the table shaking due to the way I held it.



“Open the door,” I commanded and the guard open the door. I step inside and he raised his head up to look at him.

“Ha,” he scream when another whip hit his back.

“Stop,” I said to the guards flogging him and they stopped immediately.

His face and body were bruised due to the way my guards were flogging him just like as I have commanded.

“You should just ki|| me,” he said and i huff.

“My wife is going to be the one to do that,” I said and he scoffs.

“I am not here for that, Where the hell is elijah house, I wanna pay a visit,” I said and he smirk.

“Did he do something bad to you?”

“He took something that belongs to me and I am going to end his life if he dare lay his hand on her,” i said calmly but dangerously and his smirk widened.

“I am not telling you d@mn $h|t, he should just ki|| her,” he said and I punch him in the face hard making him blood spit out of his mouth.

I grab hold of his neck making him chock.

“Are you gonna tell me or not?” I yells angrily.

“No,” he answered bodly and I smirk. I raised a finger up and almost immediately cara was dragged In.

“Hey you bastard, this got nothing to do with my daughter,” he yells

“It got everything to do with her,”

“You are gonna tell me where he is or your daughter is going to face the consequences,” i said and his eyes widened as I gently took a knife placing it on the fire.

“Dad,” Cara scream in fear, struggling as i move towards her

“Stop,” he yells but I didn’t anyway.

I just want to hear positive things.

“Fine I am going to tell you where he stays,” he yells and i smirk turning to look at him.

“He stays at germanka, a house painted with green and black, I don’t really know the house number,” he said after a long silence

“Thank you for the co-operation,” i said and ran out of the torture room.

Catania Pov

“Jax is gonna come for me, that I know,” I yells making sure he was to mg hearing.

H left the room few minutes ago and I have been hearing conversation about how to give me a abortion pill.

My mind was beating so fastly like never before. I was d@mn so scared.

Please jax don’t disappoint me, come to me and your babies rescue.

No….I think that will be late.

I need to do something, I can’t allow someone do dangerous things to my babies.

I groan when I heard a kick in my stomach.

I look around the room looking for a weapon and my eyes sighted a knife on a table.

No matter how this situation look, God was really on my side.

I sigh and move back with the chair. It was really hard.

I groan weakly as I stretch my hand taking the knife from the table.

I sigh and started cutting the rope and I groan in pain when I mistakely cut my hand.

I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards the room and I quickly hasten my step and I smile when the rope cut.

I rush towards the window and I sigh staring at it.

It was just a small height though but I was d@mn scared because of my babies.

I heard the sound of door unlocking and I didn’t think twice before jumping.

d@mn that hurts.

“Catania,” I heard him yells.

I started running to only God knows where, the place was filled with bush, but I am thankful I am still with my shoe.

“Oh my gosh,” i said happily when I finally came out of the bush. It was outside of the house and the gate was opened.

I tried to run towards it but I quickly stop when i saw car driving in and I quickly hide.

They might be dangerous people but…..that cars seem farmiliar.

“Jax?” I asked myself and almost immediately the car door was open for him and he step out of the car.

It is him. I know he was going to come for me.

“Jax,” I yelled and he turn sharply to me

“Tania,” he yelled happily and when I tried to rush towards him I felt someone grab me by my waist and my eyes widened when a gun was pointed on my head.

“Get your hands off her,” jax scream dangerously but he didn’t listen.

“I want you to get the hell out of here or else I am going to ki|| her,” He said and I gulp down.

“Okay,” jax said and my eyes widened.

Don’t tell me he is going to leave me here.

“You asked it yourself,” jax said and suddenly brought out his gun pointing it at him….me …us.

I was d@mn so scared.

He shot the bullet and it went straight to elijah head sending him to the ground

Is this one if the advantage of being short?

“Oh my God,” i gasps holding my chest.

“Jax,” i called and rush towards his arm hugging him like my life depended on him.

I am d@mn so incomplete without him.

“Are you okay tania?” He ask searching my body and smile before kissing him on the lips and he didn’t waste time in reciprocating.

Kissing passionately not minding the guards staring at us and I pull my lips away from him.

“I am okay,” i said and he smile before we hug each other again.

“Is my annabella okay?” I ask worriedly and he smile before kissing my forehead.

“She will be fine. We saved her before anything could happen so you don’t have to worry,” he said and I nodded smiling.

“Come on let go,” he said and we enter the car.

As we enter the car he made me sat on his thighs and i could not help but laugh.

“Do you miss me that much?” I ask teasingly and he nodded like a baby making me smile.

It feel okay right, it feel like nothing ever happen a few minutes ago right? That js because I am with my joy giver, my hero.

I smile staring at his handsome face and I laugh when I remember how we met.

Would you have ever think I will get pregnant For him?

“Hmmm I caught your uncle,” he said and I just sigh in relief.

“You didn’t do anything to him right?” I ask and he nodded.

“No, I was waiting for you to do it yourself,” he said and I sigh.

“I don’t want to do anything to him. I just want to take him to court, I just want justice for my parent and I want everything I once lost to be mine,” i said and he scoffs.

“But…. I cut him off.

“And also cara don’t do anything to her, just let her be,” I said and he huff.

“She tried to ki|| my mum,” he yells angrily and i sigh

“I know but just let her go,” i said. He stare at me for a while before nodding his head and I smile kissing his forehead.

“I want you to quit this job too.”


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