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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?By: Authoress Succy ?

Episode 35

Annabella POV

“Thank you,” I said and trying to come down from the car but he drag me back.

“Go on a date with me,” he said and my eyes widened. I was d@mn so excited to hear him but like the stubborn girl I am I decided to act stubborn.

“Nope, am busy this week,” I replied trying to walk out again but he wouldn’t let me.

“I am not interested,” I said glaring at him and he roll his eyes.

“Am not sure about that, not with the way your cheek is turning red,” he said and I quickly cover my cheek making him laugh.

“On Friday I I’ll come pick you up, get ready,” he said and I scoffs before coming down from the car.

“Dream about me,” he said as I came down from the car and then he drove out of the compound.

I really like him so f-__-king much but…..

I sigh and walk into the compound.

Catania POV

“Aren’t you going anywhere tomorrow? I ask as I bite from the apple.

“Nope, no business, am going to rest,” he said and I nodded.

I stare at him as he type on his phone and I sign.

I want him to quit being a drug dealer, I mean i don’t like it. He might even get arrested one day but I am just so scared to bring the topic.

“Babe,” he called softly disrupting me from my taughts.

“Are you okay? You seem lost In taught,” he said and I fake a smile.

“Am good, just thinking about today,”

I wrap my hand around his neck and he just smile kissing my cheek.

“Come onlet get some sleep, it is late already,” he said and my eyes move to the war clock only to see it was 9: 50.

“Okay,” I simply replied and move to the bed.

“Come here,” he open his hand and I smile before hugging him.

“This feels so good,” I said as we cuddle each other and he kiss my forehead.




“Babe,” I heard someone whispered in my ear making me open softly only to meet with jax staring at me.

“What?” I asks closing my eyes back and slowly I felt myself being pulled from the bed.

“You sleep too much babe, we have an appointment with wil remember,” he said as he held me up and I quickly jump down.

“Why didn’t you wake me,” I yells and he scoffs.

“I think I just did,”

I rolled my eyes and quickly move to the bathroom.




“Hey man,” will said as we enter his office and they hug each other.

“Looking pretty as always, even with that baby bump,” will complemented and I blush while jax just glare at him.

“Stop making her blush,” jax said and we both bursted into laughter.

“Come sit here, and keep the jealous freak standing,” will said and I smile before sitting down on the chair.

“Like you won’t be jealous if i call annabella segzy,” jax said and this time wil glare at him.

“You guys are really something else,” I said laughing.




I laid on the bed nervously as they move the scan machine around my stomach while I stare at the screen.

Jax stood at the entrance of the door staring at the screen too, and almost immediately our baby was seen on display.

No…..I am seeing two object there.

Tears of joy flow down from my eyes as I watch the screen.

“Can you see that, she is hiding behind her brother,” wil said smiling making me look at him confused.

“It is a twins man,” he said and my eyes widened.

“Jax,” I called looking at him and his eyes was glue to the screen with a smile on his face.

*. *. *. *. *

“Hmmm hmmmm,” will cleared his throat as he say down with a smile on his face.

“Man you did a great job,” he said Looking at jax and we all laugh.

“Their gender?” I ask curiously and he smile handling me a envelope.

“It is a boy and a girl,” he replied and I turn to look at jax giving him I told you look while he just rolled his eyes.

I open the envelope and I smile when I saw it was the scan picture.

“I told you,” I said happily and jax smile and then he kiss my cheek.

“Thank you for bringing happiness into my life,” he said his voice showing his sincerity and I could not help but smile

“Am still here,” will said and we both bursted into laughter.

“We need to get going now,”

We both stood up from the chair likewise will and they both hug each other.

“Bye,” he waved

“So tell me why you wanted to have a girl child,” I said.

We were currently inside the car heading home.

“When I was working for Alex, he has a daughter who he always refer to as his princess, the best part of it is that I just love the way they hug each other, the way the girl will look into his eyes and tell him “daddy I love you so much,” he said and I smile kissing his forehead.

“You have her now, and our boy will be the one to protect her,” I said while he chuckle.

He stare at me for some moment and then his lips attack mine kissing me softly which I reciprocated immediately grabbing hold of his hair.

He grip my @zz tightly and I couldn’t help but Mõ@ɲ. Our tongue tease each other biting and sucking each other lips.

My eyes widened when I saw the driver staring at us and I quickly push him away.

“What?” He asks pouting his lips, he tried to kiss me back but I push him away.

“The driver is staring at us,” I said.

He hiss angrily glaring at the driver like he wanted to ki|| him and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Calm down hubby, you will have all the time to kiss me when we get home,” I wink at him and he smirk.

“We are home boss,” the driver said.

The big gate open and he drove in . We both came back from the car holding hands, smiling at each other.

The guards bow down as we walk past them

We walk inside the sitting room but my smile fade away when I saw cara sitting down comfortably in my couch watching TV.

What the hell is going on here.

Her eyes turn to look at us and she smirk.

“Honey welcome back,” she said referring to jax and I scoffs.

“What the hell are you doing in my home?” Jax yells angrily and she scoff before standing up.

“Come on sweetheart, don’t be hard on me,” she said moving her hair backward making me scoffs.

“Lora?” Jax yells angrily and almost immediately lora was in the sitting room shaking In fear.

“What the hell is this Ɓîtçh doing in my sitting room,” he yells and I watch as she lick her lips in fear

“I didn’t…. didn’t want to allow her….her but she will not leave,” she shuttered and jax scoffs, almost immediately he slap her sending her to the floor.

“Jax?” I called angrily and quickly help her up.

“You have no f-__-king say in my home, Ɓîtçhes like her are not allowed into my compound, do I make myself clear?” He yells and I sigh as I watch her bow down.

Is not entirely her fault, I mean where were the guards.

“Goes to you Ɓîtçh, what the hell are you doing in my home?” Jax ask and he rolled his eyes.

“What crime did I commit by coming to my baby father house,” she said and I frown.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I was the one that asks the question now and then she smirks evilly.

“I am pregnant,” she said and my eyes widened likewise jax who seem shock.

Okay maybe it is not for jax but….

“I am pregnant For jax,” she said like she knows what was I thinking about and then I felt it…….I could not breath anymore.

I heard distant argument and then I felt myself falling to the ground but someone was quick enough to hold me.

“Tania,” I heard his voice calling me and I became conscious again.

Tears were beginning to fall down from my eyes and I quickly rush upstairs ignoring his voice.

“Tania,” I heard him called as he ran after me but I didn’t mind him.

I tried to lock the door but he was quick enough to get inside.

“Tania don’t tell me you believe her,” he said and I scoffs tears falling down from my eyes.

“Of course I don’t, but….you had segz with her,” I said and he hug me immediately.

“We had segz, but I am sure she is not pregnant For me, she is trying to use this to pin me down,” I said and I huff.

“But what if it is truth,” I said crying and he sign.

“Do you trust me?” He asks and I slowly nodded.

“Then have faith in me for I know that pregnancy does not belong to me. She is leaving here this minute,” he said and I nodded still crying.

“I don’t want someone else to take you away from me,” I said sincerely crying and he chuckled.

“No one is taking you says from me,”

“Boss,” we heard a knock on the door.

“Yes,” jax replied.

“I think cara father is here,” he said and jax eyes widened.

“d@mn it,” he yells and turn to look at me.

“Am sure he is here to join his daughter in his evil deed,” he said and I sigh.

“Don’t cry okay,” he said and I nodded. He kiss my forehead before walking out of the room.

I sat down on the floor in tears and then I decided to walk downstairs.

I needed to know what they were talking about.

I stood at a step looking at them and then I suddenly froze when I saw someone farmiliar.

Is it that Anthony… uncle……

T. B. C.

Trouble in paradise ?

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