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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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POWER GAME – Episode 8

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Immediately, Lucy went in. She locked the door and threw herself on the bed. She didn’t even pull her clothes or her shoes.

Her bag was even still hung on her shoulders. She squeezed her chest as flood of bitter and hot tears ran down her eyes.

“I’ve…never been so broken like this before…” She whispered.

She remembered the so called, Incident and swallowed hard.

She remembered that day clearly. It was a day after her 10th anniversary.


“Rowen!! Rowen!!” Lucy screamed and knocked at the door.

Rowen opened the door and stared at her.
“Sshh…Darren is asle- His voice trailed down when he saw her face. It was pale, sweaty and teary.

“What’s the matter?” He asked.

He looked at her shaky hands and saw blööd filled it.

“You didn’t clean yourself after surgery?” He swallowed.

“Rowen…..I…kîllèd someone” She rapidly muttered.

Rowen’s heart skipped.
“Wh…What!” He stammered.

“Help me…Help me. I…I…don’t wanna be labeled a kíllèr. It was a mistake. I didn’t know”

“Calm down. Deep breaths. Come on…It not your fault. De@ths happens. As a doctor, you tried your best”

“No! Its…It’s not that. I really really k. illed someone” She cried out.

“Huh?…Kîlled someone? Like.. mûrdërëd? In cold blööd? Like…to mûrdēr…What do you mean?” He asked.

“The…car…I hit him with my car” She cried.

“The new car I gifted you with,,, just yesterday?”

Lucy nodded.

Rowen inhaled and held her blöödy hands.
“Show me the way”

Lucy nodded and led him away.


Rowen walked closer to the car. He saw stains of blööd on the head light and around the area.

He slowly looked in front to see a man dead in his pool of blö.od. He had a brown paper bag in front of him. Rowen could see a pregnancy test displaying out of it.

He gulped and looked at Lucy who was shaking.
“How did this happen?” He asked.
“This way…doesn’t lead to our place. Where were you going to?” He asked.

“I…I was drunk. I didn’t know I was really drunk so i-

“How could you drink and drive?”

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry but…I just needed to cool off after work so I went to the bar with my colleagues to grab a few bottles”

Rowen stared at her.
“You’re lying..”

“Huh?” She widened her eyes.

“You didn’t drink” He whispered.

She swallowed hard and her swollen eyes twitched.
“Why do you say that? I…really drank”

“You don’t smell of alcoholic drinks”

“I washed myself up immediately. Wait a minute…” Lucy walked closer to him.

“Do…you think I really kîlled him…intentionally?” She asked, slowly.

“That ain’t what I’m saying. You know what? I believe you. And I’m gonna help you. Besides, I’m your husband” He smiled and dried her tears.

Thankfully, that lane was a tiny path and a less busy one especially at night. People rarely passed there and there wasn’t any CCTVs around.

“Are you sure he’s really de. ad?” Rowen asked.

Lucy nodded.
“When I hit him with my car. I got to my senses and ran out to see him. I touched him and checked his pulse but he was gone. I tried reviving him but it was use.less” She whimpered showing him her blo. ody hands.

“Its okay…Let’s do this…. Babe?” He called.

“Yes?” She answered, looking at him.

“Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you and clean your mess. However, I need just one thing from you” He held her shoulders while looking at her in the eyes.


“No matter what happens, Keep on trusting me. Believe me, okay?” He cooed and she nodded with a smile.


Lucy scoffed.
“You want me to keep trusting you? Cóward” She whispered.

That same day though as she recalled, Rowen cleared out the blo. od, took the car, the cor.pse and the stuff he bought far away.

He burnt the car, paper bag and pregnancy test at a small village and that closed the case.

He bur.ied the man deep into the hills.

“Should I play along, Rowen concerning your affair? Its fine,,, You know I love games. Let’s see how far you can last and play?” She smirked and wiped her tears.


Rowen was having his bath that morning while Lucy arranged the bed.

It was a Saturday so it meant more play hours for Darren and more game session for Lucy.

She was still busy with the arrangement, clearing and tidying when she heard Rowen’s phone make a buzz.

“Darling. Your ph- She paused.

“What did you say, babe?” Rowen asked.

“Huh? Nothing” She shook her head and took his phone.

She saw a message notification from ‘My Secretary’.

The message was

*I’ve thought of the location for the fun trip. How about Icy Lane? I heard its so worth it*

“Fun trip?” She dropped his phone down.
“Is it already time for it this year?” She thought.

“And he didn’t even care to tell me” She scoffed.

“Well,,, Its obvious. He wants to spend a alone fun and sweet time with his mistress and his stu. pid alliances while i work my butt off in this family”

“It happens every 23rd of this month and that…next week Wednesday?” She thought.


Rowen came down from his car, inhaled and walked closer to the company.

He noticed something on the stairs and paused.

Curiosity made him bend down and picked it up.

It looked like an invitation letter. It was shiny brown in color.

He slowly flipped the fold up and read the content aloud.

“Wanna Play?. Power Game?”


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