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Friday, October 18, 2024
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POWER GAME – Episode 14

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Eunice walked to the platform and everyone watched her.

She smiled and glanced at Rowen who was in between the many others watching, carefully.

“Welcome…Everyone to Power Game Arena” She started and spread her arms sideways.

? Who’s she?

? What’s this power game all about?

? How did we all escape from bus accident.

“I’m Eunice Rae…and the game director here” She smiled.

“Rowen?? Didn’t you tell them about the game already?” She raised a brow.

Rowen scoffed lowly.
“Excuse me but you really caught me…No,,, I mean us. You caught us…all of us unaware. Who does that?? I thought we would hold a meeting and talk better”

Eunice only grinned.

“Power game, my @zz! You even changed our outfits and gave us numbers? You even gave us rooms and beds?? What’s in the name of a sh!tty game is this??” Rowen demanded.

“Do you still want Mr Harrisburg help?”

He blinked.
“Of course, I do. I…do. But…but this is so-

Eunice snickered.
“Everyone. I’m gonna explain all this cause I see the utmost confusion in y’all faces” She began.

“Power Game are the games you are gonna play in this arena in order to get yourself and the company to Mr Harrisburg good side. If you all play this game…Then,,, your company will be a big one. I can assure you. I thought Rowen already explained this to you”

“So,,, Here at the rules of the games” She said, and pointed at a TV above her head.

They all looked and saw them all, as written on Eunice and Rowen’s contract.

Someone quickly raised his hand.

“Yes…You? Do you have anything to ask?” Eunice asked.

“Yes” He nodded.

“Go on”

“Are we dead?”

Eunice laughed.
“No. You can pinch yourself to confirm”

“But,,, the last thing we saw going deep into the waters”

“Well,,, I and my fellow game conductors saw y’all and saved every bit of you. Any more questions?” Eunice asked.

A woman raised her hand next.

“Where are we right now?”

“We are at somewhere…I shouldn’t disclose. Let me give you a tip. We’re in the middle of a big vast ocean….An island” She only smiled.

There was a big chattering later on.

Leah suddenly raised her hand.

“Yes,,, You?” Eunice said.

“I…wanna leave…with my brother” She said, flatly.

Eunice scoffed.
“You can’t leave. Rowen already sighed the contract. Its a breach if you do so”

“I don’t care. The rules of the game clearly stated we would be staying here for 11 days!! 11 good days?! My brother h@ťěs somewhere like this. My mum will be worried too. Who would ever understand that I was at some secretive island place playing childish games. I wanna back out. I’d better resign”

Eunice sighed.
“You can’t resign, Leah”

“What?” She muttered.

“I know a lot about you. You can never resign cause your brother wouldn’t. If you leave the office, who would take care of your brother who wants to stay??”

“Excuse Me!”

“I know everything single thing about each player here. Leah,,, Your dream was changed cause of Gerald-

“Shut up!!” Leah screamed.

“Well” Eunice smirked.
“If you wanna leave,,, you will be…eliminated” written by sommy pearl f.

“Let’s get straight to the point. I smell quietness” Eunice said and just then, the TV above her showed; 116″

“We are 116 in numbers for now. Y’all will be divided to stay in 5 different rooms. Team A, Team B, Team C, Team D and Vips Teams”

“I wish you good luck cause the game starts tomorrow. Rest well. Be prepared” She winked.

“Excuse me,,, Eunice or wh@ťěver your name is called”

Eunice turned to the man. He was the CEO of Ama-Tech.

It was Mr. Victor.

“Yes,,, Mr Victor?” She answered.

“How…How do you know my name?” He asked.

Eunice chuckled.
“I told you before. I know everybody here. Profiles? Life? Past? You name it”

“Anyways,,,, I wanna leave. I have a company and none of this concerns me! I wanna go”

“Are you sure cause you’ll be eliminated if you-

“Do I look like I care?? I wanna go!” He snapped.

Eunice smiled. Immediately, some game conductors came out and stood beside her. They were about 20+

They were all females.

They were wearing green jerseys just like them.

Just like Eunice, their faces were burnt and scarred. Not easily, identified or recognized.

Some looked reallly bad.

They all looked at their hands and they could swear…They saw a-

? Gun!!! Is that a gun?!!

They all screamed. Some started scampering away. They hit the iron door violently but it wouldn’t bulge open.

Eunice rolled her eyes.
“I knew this would happen? Why kíll the fun now?? C’mon,,, The game hasn’t even started yet” She scrowled.

One of the girls raised her gun, and kept her eye on the target hole.

She touched the trigger and made it release the bullet which ran to Mr Victor.

It hit him on his forehead. And straight away, he fell down and díed.

*Player 112 has been eliminated* The speakers at each sides hollered out.

This made the people scream more that the whole place turned to a whole stampede.

Eunice slammed her head out of frustration.
“Quiet, Players!! Or just like him,, You will…be eliminated!”

There was a sudden calmness suddenly. Not even a wind passed by. If a single pin had dropped then, It would have loudly echoed.

A quiet sobbing came afterwards. Everyone looked to see Gerald crying and shaking his head, vehemently.

He tapped his both ears with his palms like it was a drum set. He was on his knees.

“Mum…Mum…Mum” He kept muttering.

Leah quickly knelt before him and held him close.
“It’s fine. It’s alright. We’ll be fine” She said.

“I’m scared. I’m scared. Leah…” Gerald sobbed, shivering, helplessly.

“I’m here” Leah smiled.

Eunice smirked.
“Everyone…Look” She whispered and pointed at the TV screen. It was showing 115 now, instead of 116.

One person had been eliminated so…

“For every player that gets eliminated, the number count reduces” She explained.

“AND WHY MUST WE DÍE TO GET ELIMINATED?!” Rowen barked from the floor where he was sitting on.

The crowd has pushed him all around and he ended up falling and sitting on the ground.

Eunice smiled.
“You all were de@d anyways. You should be grateful we saved you in time. Or,,, rather than eliminating you with guns? Why don’t we take you back to the deep waters”

Rowen sniffed hard.
“Please…Please…I don’t want this again. We…We all here have a family, loved ones…We- Gosh!! We’re so grateful you saved us but you can kíll us like this”

“Let’s put it in a simple and better way. You want to terminate the contract?” She asked.

Rowen quickly stood up.
“Yes. Yes. Yes” He nodded.

“That’s a breach of contract”

“I’ll pay for the damages, please”

“Good” Eunice smiled.
“Who else is with him? If you want the terminations, please…move to the right side”

Rowen quickly moved. Others followed instantly.

However, Only two ladies remained.

Helen and Pheobe.

Gavin scoffed, seeing her.
“What’s her problem? Well, If she wanna die…That’s her business”

“What’s life anyways. Let’s just end it” Karen muttered to herself.

“Hey!! Phoebe!! What are you still doing there!!” Freddy screamed, and
this jolted her.

Phoebe quickly took her teary eyes to the right side and she scanned the crowd thoroughly to get to her grandpa.

After she did, she shouted and waved both hands.
“I know what’s this is about!” She screamed.

“What??” He widened his eyes.

Her lips vibrated
“Everyone move here right away!! Its a breach of contract and y’all are gonna pay…Pay with your lives. You’ll be eliminated!!”

Everyone at the side swallowed hard and took their heads to the front..

Eunice had a smirk on her face. She raised her scarred burnt arm up.

The girls were all holding their guns above now.

“Firrreee…” She muttered.

And with that, all triggers were pulled.

“STOP!!” Rowen suddenly screamed.
“We…will…play!…Power game, huh?? We’ll all play!!” He was breathing really fast that you could feel the air coming in and out of his nostrils.

His chest was rapidly racing, noticeably.

Lucy and Tasha who were almost in tears turned to him. Their eyes were reddish too.

“So,,, What do y’all think? Do you wanna leave and while trying to do that, you get eliminated since you were even gonna die anyway in the deep waters” Eunice rolled her eyes.

“Or,,, Do you wanna stay back and play. Then,,, when you get through all the games…You leave safely and sound…”

“Bring it on!!” Most of them all screamed except the whole of Team A who looked on, numbly.


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