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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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The bullet passed through their middle and hit the wall.

Rhett already shut his eyes.

Tyson laughed loudly, he was acting like a psychopath.

“Were you scared?” Tyson laughed loudly.

“You really think I will give you such an easy death, no way, I will make you beg for death to come, beg for death’s venom to run through your bones but it won’t come that easy” Tyson snarled.

Rhett opened his eyes and shot glares at Tyson.

“Why don’t you leave her alone?, Haven’t you tormented her and ruined her life enough?!, You put her through hell, what else do you want?” Rhett yelled.

Fernando grinned watching the drama unfold.

“What I want from her?” Tyson laughed and pointed the gun dangerously at Rhett.

“I want everything, I want her body, Arabella has an amazing body you know, a good audacious attitude, I loved when I broke her hymen you know and it felt good, she went, please, it’s hurting, I beg you, please, ouch,, she went on Mõ@ɲing and wailing for me to stop, to go easy on her, I want that back, I want her to Mõ@ɲ my name not yours “Tyson snarled at Rhett.

Marcello blinked multiple times and his vision cleared a bit.

” You are a devil, you are a psychopath, you are insane to derive pleasure from hurting women, you are a scoundrel and $cvmbag”Rhett screamed, his voice echoed in the room.

Tyson walked to him and raised his gun up.

He hit it on Rhett’s face many times, it made the side of his head bleed and his mouth too.

“Ahh” He Mõ@ɲed painfully.

“Does it hurt?” Tyson laughed.

“That’s just tip of the ice berg” Tyson smirked..

“Arabella was a bit smart involving the police after she saw me that day” Tyson smiled evily…

Rhett was shocked, blood dripped down his face.

“So she really saw you” Rhett said and gasped.

“Yes she did, you didn’t believe her, you thought she was hallucinating” He said and laughed.

He walked away from him and smiled at Fernando, Fernando understood the crooked and mischievous smile and walked to Rhett’s side.

He put a plug in the socket and switched it on.

Another hoodlum came and splashed water on both Rhett and Marcello, he made sure the water didn’t reach where Fernando or Tyson stood.

Fernando smirked and threw the wire which had a naked tip.

It touched the water and Rhett and Marcello vibrated as they were being electrocuted.

They were electrocuted for seconds.

“Enough!” Tyson commanded and Fernando switched off the socket.

“Your punishment has just begun” Tyson said with a smirk.

Rhett was breathing heavily, Marcello had passes out again.

Police station ***
“You really have a tab on him” Detective Raphael asked.

“Yes I do, we are friends and I do this type of things, when he told me about his wife having nightmares, he had to taken precautions, so he bought a locket and I put a tracking device in it,just in case anything happens to him, we would be able to find him “Den explained.

” I’m glad I contacted you then “Ocean said.

” Now this is the location “He said and showed them a red dot on the screen.

” That’s where Rhett is no doubt about it, I hope they don’t notice the necklace on his neck “Den said and Detective Raphael nodded.

” Good job “He patted his shoulder.

” But we will confirm tomorrow, if there is a call which I am sure he will make “Detective Raphael said and walked out of the room.

” Phew!, I thought he would arrest me for illegal activities”Den sighed.

Ophelia walked away from the corner she stood.

“I have been calling Marcello for a while now and he isn’t answering my calls” Ophelia said.

“Do you think he might be with Rhett?” Ocean asked and Ophelia became scared.

“What do you mean?, What business does Marcello have with your past, why would that guy want to harm him?” “Ophelia questioned.

” I don’t know, I’m just stating my opinion”

“Well your opinion is impossible, my wedding is two weeks time” Ophelia snapped.

“You shouldn’t get worried, it was just an assumption, I’m Rhett has been found, Marcello too would be saved if Rhett is with him” Ocean said with a calm voice..

She felt a bit better that at least his location has been found.

“I am sorry for snapping at you” Ophelia apologized.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too for the problems am bringing to you guys” Ocean muttered with a sad face.

“It’s not your fault and if Rhett and Marcello were kidnapped, I’m sure that they would be rescued and both of you will have your men back and I would have my friend back too” Den said with an unsure smile.

“I hope you are right” Ophelia said skeptically.

“I have to call Marcello’s secretary” Ophelia said and stared at phone.

*Unknown location*
After the electricuting them multiple times, Rhett could his organ failing him, he couldn’t breathe properly, his brain felt like it had been drained.

“Boss looking at them, I think by tomorrow they might be dead” Fernando chuckled.

“Dead is an understatement, they are already dead, these two men might not even make it till sunlight tomorrow” Tyson said with a sinister grin that plastered his lips.

“i think we should let them rest boss, so that they won’t die easily” Fernando said and Tyson smiled.

“I’m really liking you boy, you might be my next successor” Tyson said and Fernando felt happy.

“Thanks boss” He smiled.

Tyson turned to leave the room.

“That would be in hell though” He said inaudibly and left the room.

Ocean’s apartment ***
Ocean ate a bit of food prepared by Elsa, Elsa explained to the police everything that happened, how she was thr_@tened and forced to send the false text.

It was morning now, the police surrounded the house, Ocean didn’t sleep a wink, she has been holding her phone waiting for a phone call.

Her phone suddenly rang, she answered it, detective Raphael rushed to her.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Rhett’s number” Ocedn said excitedly.

A police man was sitting in front, a computer was set up to trace the call and confirm the location given by Den.

“Answer it”

Ocean answered it.

“Rhett ” Ocean said and put the call on loudspeaker.

“You guessed wrong” He said.

She heard his voice after a long time, his evil voice that tortured her almost every night.


“Where is my Rhett?, where is my husband?” Ocean yelled.

“I like how you call him, your husband but its a pity, you will soon be a widow”ghe said with a husky voice.

Detective Raphael urged her to lengthen the call.

“I h@ťě you so much, I can never be yours, you can’t have me with you, if you hurt Rhett, you will regret it, I swear it Tyson, you will regret it dearly” Ocean said with a shaky voice.

“You can’t do anything, you are just bluffing, I called you to tell you that Rhett is fine and his brother too, your ex boyfriend I suppose” Tyson said.

Ophelia gasped from where she stood.

“I’m pointing a gun at hid head now and I think I should $h00t, somewhere” He said and a gunshot sounded.

“Ah!” Ocean screamed.

A voice louder groaned at the background.

“Ahhh !!” Rhett screamed obviously in pain

“Rhett!!!” Ocean yelled but he hung up.

“We didn’t get the location sir, he hung up early” The police officer said.

“Rhett is in trouble please save him” Ocean said almost sobbing, Ophelia was devastated too.

“Boys let’s move” Detective Raphael said.

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