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Friday, October 18, 2024
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The sun had become more hotter and unbearable, Rhett was sweating profusely and his skin was turning red and pale, he was obviously having a skin burn.

“I can’t stay here any longer” Rhett muttered tiredly, he walked to the back of the house and sat on the bench at the back which was under a tree, a very good shade indeed, he rested his head backwards and closed his eyes.

Quincy with a sad face walked to restaurant’s door and knocked.

“The restaurant is closed for this morning, government orders” Ocean yelled from inside guessing it might be a customer.

“It’s Quincy” Quincy said with a shaky voice, Ocean reluctantly opened the door, Quincy quickly hugged her tightly.

“I am sorry for insulting you yesterday, I was upset” Quincy sobbed.

Ocean broke the hug.

“It’s okay, I am not angry with you, dust your feet before coming in”Ocean said and went in, Quincy did as instructed, she walked in and closed the door.

Quincy went to a chair and sat while Ocean sat in front of her.

Quincy looked terrible her face was red, she was a pretty lady, smooth face, quite flawless, she doesn’t deserve what that wretch did to her.

“Quincy, stop sulking over that guy, he doesn’t deserve you or your love, you will find someone better” Ocean consoled her holding her hands.

“I am tired of love, this is the fourth heart break, I am going through. It hurts a lot, I am so tired, I don’t want fall in love again” Quincy sobbed.

“You shouldn’t make that decision rashly” Ocean said.

“But you did it” Quincy said.

“It’s hard, I am not comfortable lying everyone that I am a guy, only you and dad know about it and you have to play along, I don’t like my life, I h@ťě my life, sometimes I want someone to love me for who I am, for what I believe in and like you said for how miserable I am, but I am scared of trusting and getting hurt again “Ocean adviced and held Quincy’s face.

” You are a beautiful woman, you will meet your prince charming “Ocean smiled and Quincy chuckled.

Quincy looked sideways through the transperant glass and saw Rhett sitting on the bench.

” Who is that? “Quincy asked curiously.

” It’s a stup*d rude punk, he’s insane “Ocean said with a sudden irritation.

” He irks me “Ocean ranted.

” Is he handsome? “Quincy chuckled.
” Ya ya ya ya,I don’t care about his looks “Ocean mimicked Quincy.

Quincy laughed and stared at her suspiciously.

” Tell me about it “Quincy laughed wiping her tears away with a tissue.

Roxana was heading to the cafeteria when Axel grabbed her waist from behind, she was stunned and turned to him but he still held on to her waist tightly, her bag fell on the floor.

” Axel “Roxana faked a laughed, she didn’t feel comfortable.

” Congratulations on your new position “Axel smiled handsomely and Roxana blushed.

” Thank… you “Roxana stuttered , she had always been too nervous around him.

” Why are you stuttering? “Axel asked with his fingers strapped tightly around her waist pulling her much closer, her hands landed on his chest.

” Erm…I… am.. not stuttering… “Roxana replied and swallowed hard.

” You look beautiful today “Axel said, he took one hand from her waist and stroked her silk hair.

“Thank you” Roxana replied, she really wanted him to let her go.

“How is your ankle now?” Axel asked.

“Fine thank you”Roxana smiled.

Axel kissed her lips quickly and released her waist, he left from there, she was surprised, she touched her lips, she couldn’t believe he kissed her.

All eyes were on her but she didn’t mind, she picked up her bag and she went to her usual seat .

Minutes later.
Roxana was coming out of the cafeteria and Rosa was approaching her furiously, she got to her and pushed her shoulders hard making her fall.

“Why did you push me?” Roxana asked sitting on her butt.

“Give me the class captain position” Rosa said angrily.

“I can’t” Roxana refused.

“You can’t, you know how much I wanted that position you have no right to get it, I deserved it instead” Rosa yelled in tears.


“I did my best for that position but because Mr Jake likes you that’s why he gave it to you, you should have just rejected it, I thought you were my friend and twin sister and you loved me but I guess I was wrong, if you love me you would give me the the class captain post!!! “Rosa screamed in serious tears.

” Rosa”Roxana said getting affected by her tears.

“You don’t love me “Rosa cried and walked away.

” Rosa “Roxana called but Rosa didn’t turn back.

Rosa smiled and wiped her fake tears as she walked to the class, she brought out a menthol cream from her skirt pocket.

” Thanks for the help “Rosa smiled.

” Nikita, must you always be mischievous? “Pamela asked angrily staring at the mess Nikita had made, she turned her room upside down.

“All you do is bluff and yap all day instead of standing there clean the mess up, that’s your job” Nikita answered rudely.

“You are so rude” Pamela retorted.

“I don’t care what you think, clean the mess up, There’s poop in the toilet make sure you flush it” Nikita insulted and shook her waist as she left the room.

Pamela stood like some idiot.

“That brat!!!” Pamela yelled.

“Roxana had given up her post to Rosa” Mr Jake announced displeased.

Rosa came out and the students clapped lightly for her.

“She’s the new class captain” Mr Jake said and Rosa was smiling all through.

After the entire thing, Rosa went to Roxana and hugged her.

“Thank you, you are the best sister in the world” Rosa smiles and hugged Roxana again.

“I love you” Rosa smiled.

“I love you too” Roxana smiled at her.

Rosa cupped her cheeks faking a loving smile.

Axel’s house.
Axel’s hands are coiled around Rosa’s naked body under the grey and thick duvet.

“Your twin is dumb” Axel said.

“Yes, she’s beyond dumb, the girl is stup*d” Rosa laughed.

“I just cried a little and the idiot gave me her post” Rosa said smiling broadly.

“Your twin really loves you then” Axel said suddenly.

“Love, well I don’t love her” Rosa said with void emotions.

“You just say it so easily” Axel said surprised.

“Yes it’s the truth, I only wish her misfortune, nothing more” Rosa said h@ťěfully, Axel gazed at her strangely.

“I am not a devil, don’t look at me that way” Rosa said and sat up not covering her B-__-bs.

“We should do it again” Rosa smiled trailing her finger on his chest.

“No, suck my Ďïčk instead” Axel said and Rosa smiled, she bent her head to his Ďïčk area , he pushed her head up.

“Are you crazy?? , Were you really going to do it??” Axel asked surprised.

“Yeah, why not?” Rosa muttered shyly.

“You are insane” Axel muttered.

“f-__-k me again please” Rosa pouted cutely, Axel couldn’t resist her cute face, he kissed her lips and pushed her back on the bed.

Rhett stood outside when Ben arrived.

“Son, what are you doing outside?” Ben asked, Rhett liked it when he called him ‘Son’, it made him feel good.

“Ocean kicked me out” Rhett replied.

“What!!” Ben exclaimed, he opened the door and it wasn’t locked, he took Rhett by the arm inside.

“Welcome dad” Ocean smiled but frowned when she saw Rhett.

“This city is dangerous, he is new here, he knows nothing about this area and you left him outside” Ben scolded her.

“Dad, am sorry but he…” Ocean explained but Ben interrupted.

“I am not interested in your stories, he is our guest, don’t maltreat him” Ben yelled, Ocean pursed her lips angrily.

She h@ťěd being scolded.

“Son, make yourself feel at home” Ben said and left to his room.

“I am going to have my revenge” Ocean simply said but Rhett kept a straight face.

The mosquitoes were not giving Rhett any peace, they bit him like crazy, the heat was unbearable.

“I can’t even sleep” Rhett whined.

“I need a glass of water” Rhett said and wanted to take a glass from the drawer but remembered its not his room.

“f-__-k” He sighed and sluggishly got up, he walked to the restaurant side, it was dark , he was about checking a door if it was the kitchen.

Ocean hit him repeatedly with a broom stick.

“Oh my God!!” Rhett yelled as the hits came.

“Thief!!, dad, a thief!!” Ocean yelled hitting him harder, Rhett was confused it was dark and the stick was beating him from different directions.

Ben put on the lights and Ocean was shocked.

Rhett looked up.

“You!!!” Rhett exclaimed angrily and Ocean pouted guiltily.

No, me!!!

What do you think Rhett will do next ?

Rhett has suffered sha.

Rosa is another case ?.

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