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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Willow walked into his office, Rhett heard footsteps towards him but didn’t bother raising up his head, Willow smirked and walked to his side.

The perfume sold her out, it was intoxicating as usual, she always added too much of it.

Rhett raised up his head finally and smiled flirtingly at her, she dropped her bag on his table.

“Hello my love” Willow smiled broadly, her face filled and powdered with heavy make up, she practically looks like a witch, her B-__-bs popping out of her strapless gown.

“Willow, I wasn’t expecting you” Rhett smiled sheepishly, his hand went to her laps and she turned his office seat to face her.

“Did you miss me?” Willow asked seductively rubbing his legs and slowly taking her hand to his Ďïčk.

He bent towards her, placing his pick lips on her ear.

“I f-__-king missed every bit of you” Rhett whispered and she laughed, she slammed her lips on his lips kissing her like crazy, he was sucking, biting her lips hard, it wasn’t a passionate kiss, it was a hungry one.

She got up and spread her legs over his laps, she continued kissing him, her red lipstick staining his lips, cheek and his collar, his hands were already gagging her @zz,his lips kissing her her cleavage, his hands quickly went to her gown and he pulled it down hungrily bringing her gown to her stomach.

Not wearing any bra, he sucked her pink Ɲīpplës like a baby biting it as she Mõ@ɲed savagely. His hands were moving all over her body, she was about to remove his belt and get into the main business when someone barged into the office.

“Baby!!!” Laila said loudly but was shocked to the core, Rhett heard his name and he immediately recognized her voice, Willow’s Ɲīpplës came out of his mouth.

He pushed Willow off him so hard that Willow fell flat on the floor.

“What’s going on?” Laila asked with tears in her eyes.

“Babe, it’s not what you think” Rhett said nervously, there were lipstick stains on his face and collar.

Willow hastily wore her gown and wanted to leave but Laila gave her a push that landed her heavily on the floor.

“You are cheating on me Rhett, Rhett how could you do this to me?” Laila yelled angrily.

“We have just been dating for two weeks. How easily you get tired of me,” Laila said laughing sarcastically.

“Two weeks Rhett”

“Babe, I am sorry okay, she came into my office and seduced me, I couldn’t resist, I am sorry babe, I am a man with needs and you have been gone for so long, I just couldn’t control myself” Rhett said all in one breathe, ruffling his black hair.

“For long, it has just been three days Rhett, three god darn days, I left and you are already having s*x with this chubby hippo” Laila yelled loudly, showing him her three fingers.

“Babe, am sorry” Rhett apologised sincerely.

Willow groaned and got up from the floor.

“Let me leave its between the both of you” Willow pleaded almost in tears, Laila stared at Willow’s B-__-bs that were large and almost coming out of her gown, Laila felt intimidated because her own B-__-bs were small.

“You slimy Ɓîtçh!!” Laila yelled, she dropped her bag on the floor and began pulling Willow’s hair,the force Laila was using felt like Willow’s brain would soon be removed.

“Aaahh” Willow screamed in pain, Laila was landing on her face hard slaps, Laila might be skinny but not weak, Rhett watched in confusion.

He was rubbing his cheeks confusedly, the fight was becoming intense, they were already close to his table.

“Babe this is an office, stop” Rhett pleaded and went to the both of them he separated them.

Laila was so furious, her blood was heated.

“Laila that’s enough” Rhett said Laila wanted to give her final blow, she threw a resounding slap to Willow but Willow dorged it and it landed on Rhett’s right cheek.

The slap was so hard that Rhett ‘s head started spinning immediately, he had to hold the table for support.

Laila was shocked, Willow used the opportunity to pick up her bag and run out of the office.

Rhett’s cheek stung, it became red, he blinked repeatedly to have his head clear up.

“Baby, I… am..sor.. ry.”Laila apologised and tried touching him.

” If you dare lay your fingers on me, I swear I will not hesitate in hitting you back”Rhett said angrily, he staggered before standing straight.

“Pick up your $h|t of a bag and get the f-__-king hell out my office now!!!” Rhett yelled, Laila flinched.

“Baby, I didn’t mean to slap you,” Laila said with tears dropping down her cheeks.

“I don’t care, just get the f-__-k out if my office or I call security” Rhett said angrily, he was his face might be disfigured with that slap.

“Babe, please” Laila begged.

“Are you deaf? Or did you sell your ears in the modelling industry?, get the f-__-k out of my office, it’s over between us I am breaking up with, it’s over, I don’t want to ever see you again in my life, just get out of my office now!!!” Rhett said pointing at the door, Laila still tried to plead with him but he shifted away from her.

” As my eyes are f-__-king closed, Laila before I open them in five seconds, get the hell out of my office “Rhett said and shut his eyes, Laila went to her bag, she picked it up and left his office in tears.

” Stup*d Ɓîtçh “Rhett cursed breathing heavily, he touched his red cheek and it stung, it was even slightly swollen.

” Oh $h|t, $h|t “Rhett almost cried.

” My handsome face “Rhett muttered and went to the drawer on top of it was a bucket of ice cubes , he took the handkerchief on the drawer and put some ice cubes on it and massaged his cheek, he went to the bathroom and stated at the mirror.

” My handsome face “He mumbled touching his cheek.

” Aaah “He groaned.

” Daddy!!! “Nikita chuckled and ran into Marcello’s widened arms, he was squatting.

” My baby, Nikita “Marcello hugged her and kissed her both cheeks.

” You came to see me, what a pleasant surprise “Marcello smiled and poked her nose.

” Dad, stop being childish “Nikita pouted, she was only five years old but she’s funny, exciting and sometimes rude.

” Don’t talk to daddy like that”Pamela cautioned.

“Oh just shut up!!” Nikita snapped.

“Hey, Nikita,” Marcello muttered.

“Dad keep quiet as well, I came to see you and have fun with you, let’s go buy vanilla ice cream and have loads of fun” Nikita giggled cutely.

“Erm .. I am a little busy” Marcello said, making Nikita sad.

“You are always busy, you never have time for me anymore, everyday you say you are busy, no outings, no cinemas, quit this f-__-king job” Nikita cried.

“Wait, where did you hear such a word?” Marcello asked surprised.

“What word?”


“Oh, it’s from Ajussi(uncle), Uncle Rhett, his always like’Shut your f-__-king mouth up, f-__-king get your behind from my face’ “Nikita said imitating Rhett.

” Jesus christ!!, that’s what would be exclaimed in America, why would Rhett be teaching you such foul language? “Marcello said angrily.

“Dad, stop over emphasising on all these menial things’ ‘ Nikita said, almost making Marcello nuts.

“Over.. Emphasising , wait, where did you hear that big word from?” Marcello asked in amazement.

“From school, particularly, Mrs Silver” Nikita replied and Marcello kissed her.

“My daughter is super intelligent,” Marcello smiled, kissing her cheeks.

“Okay dad stop, let’s go for the ice cream, deal or no f-__-king deal” Nikita said stylishly standing while stretching out her hand.

“Deal” Marcello smiled, he shook her hand and stood up.

He went to his table, arranged a few documents and took his briefcase.

“I don’t want to hear that word ‘f-__-king’ again” Marcello instructed.

“I won’t listen to you, Uncle Rhett knows best,” Nikita smiled.

“Either you listen or I spank your butt” Marcello said and Nikita touched her butt.

“Ou, teacher said father doesn’t spank but he is a boy” Nikita argued and walked out of the office along with her nanny while Marcello followed behind.

“Really, well daddy isn’t a boy,” Marcello said.

“Daddy is a boy”

“No I am a man ”

“You are a boy”

“No, man”



Both of them kept arguing till they got to the car.

“Roxana!!!” The crowd of students cheered standing at both sides of the racing track.

“Roxana” They all hailed and clapped.


Roxana was running as far as she could and she was winning, Rosa, her fraternal twin sister, was behind her, she purposely pushed her making her right ankle twist and she fell face flat on the ground.

All the cheering stopped , Roxana could hardly get up.

“Miss Alessandro” Mr Jake said and went to her, Axel saw this and smiled, he walked to them.

Roxana was groaning, Mr Jake helped her sit on the racing track.

“Where does it hurt?” Mr Jake asked.

“My ankle” Roxana replied in pain.

“Mr Jake, don’t worry, I have got this” Axel said and carried Roxana in bridal style to the school’s hospital.

Roxana was staring at his handsome face as she yelped, her heart was palpitating being so close to her crush.

Axel turned his face and winked at Rosa, Rosa gave a smirk in return.

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