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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]








I shouldn’t have punched because when he retaliated he had me Cadged .

” Let me go Sergio …” I said and the B*st*rdo had the nerve to smirk at me . as he hurt me I winced as it cu`t into my skin Making it drip bl”**d .

” …let me …” I tried to struggle and He slammed his lips on mine.

” Hmmn …” I fought all the while not giving him the entrance he needed .

It wasn’t the first time this Bast*rd was kissing me …

Sergio Was one of those men that would kiss …you and make you weak on the knees …

And I was not about to let his already inflated Ego increase in size .

He cadged my hands and bit my lower lip so hard I mo*Ned from the pain and gave him entrance ….His sinful hands Roamed my Body and When he Cupped my A*s I k@zzed him back .

He came in between my legs and trailed kisses on my neck as I struggled with him .

” Don’t mess with me Neomi ….you might be wise But I always get what I want ” he said and left me .

I glared at him as he Smirked at me .

My lips hurt and I could still feel his sinful hands on my body .

I h@ťěd him … I h@ťě Sergio De Luca so much that if I’m giving a gun to k*LL him I’d do it without thinking Twice..

” What did you think mia cara ? That throwing a punch at me would prove you’re Strong ? He asked staring at my Body

” You better stay away from me ” I spat and as I turned I stormed out of the place got into my Bike and drove off .

I will get Sergio right where I want him. … He thinks he’s All high and mighty …!

I don’t know what’s it and De Luca’s always thinking they have the upper hand… I’ll prove it to him that Genuis or no Genuis he’s stupid when it comes to me. ..

I thought and let myself calm down when I drove into the Estate …I noticed Ilaria’s car packed outside my Apartment .

I got down from my Bike and walked over to her .

” Goodevning Ilaria” I said and she glared at me with Disgust .

I didn’t mind after all this wasn’t the first time she was showing her h@ťě anyways .

“Oh keep your greetings to yourself …I heard you’re the one Handling the case of the De Luca’s ? She asked smirking .

” So ? I asked Arms folded .

” What’s the update so far ? She asked and I frowned .

” I only report to Padre ilaria you should know that by now ” i said and if glares could ki|| I would be dead by now .

” This Attitude of yours pisses me off by the minute …if Dominico even listens to me …you’d be in the Slumps where he picked you from ….! ” She spat angrily and all the while I just looked at her blankly .

That was one of the things that hurt Ilaria the most …no matter what she said I only let her without reacting .

No matter what she was still Padres wife and I owed my loyalty to Padre .

” You better not fail us Neomi ….at least for once in your life show us …it was worth it …” She spat and Stormed out of my space .

I strolled into my House and and removed my outfit .

I Took a long shower Making sure to scrub away all the Sinful things Sergio De Luca did to me .

I Changed into a loose shirt and sweatpants as I wore my reading glasses …I Strolled towards my Tech room .

I leaned properly on my chair and called my trusted man .

” Hello …” I said and smirked .

” No ….”

” Just let him continue with the deal this time Around ….I want to make sure I get it at the long run …ya bye ” I said and cut the call .

There Was this Masquerade Ball that was to be Thrown by the De Luca’s .

Funny Enough those people have there way of doing things.

It was going to be held at the left wing of the De Luca Estate and Every prominent Mafia family would be invited even Valentinos ..

Those people are no fools …if one thing…that’s just a trap to try and get us …And to prove to them that we aren’t ones to back down without a fight I’d make sure we Accept and honour their invitation.

They where hoping we wouldn’t show up but what’s the fun if we don’t Show up ?

I knew father was Thinking of Attending Anyways so if He’s going I’m going and so is Cardo and Enrico .

I opened my laptop and got to work , my mind Went back to what I’d done For Sergio Back then and I walked towards my wardrobe and brought out a flash drive .

I twist it on my hands with a smirk on my face ….

” Too much for being smart Mr De Luca ” I muttered under my breath as I chuckled .

Sergio De Luca was Attracted to me …I knew that but after tonight I knew wh@ťěver he had planned for me wasn’t good …

Who knows he might be planning to make sure I’m Crippled if he eventually gets me on his bed .

Who even told the An*Mal that I’d sleep with him ? That was the fastest way to getting in his head …but never …I’d be in trouble if I even think of doing something disastrous as that .

Padre would ki|| me for Defiling myself especially to the Enemy and not just that , Sergio would become Obsessed with me and that’s not something I want right now .

I could still feel him on my body and his grip on my intimate body …the way his hands Roamed my Hips .

I drank from the Bottle of strong wine And stared at my phone Quietly .

I worked to the Wee hours of the night and went to my room .

I couldn’t sleep I tried so bad and after shifting and turning …

” What do you wanna do ? I asked and she chuckled as she sat with me .

” Try to sleep ”

” I’m not sleepy …Bear …”

” Oh please star … sleep on my laps and you’d fall asleep in no time u have magic laps ” she said grinning from Ear to Ear .

” You’re so innocent …..Bear …” I said and pulled her cheeks .

” Sing for me …” I said and she chuckled.

” You’re Beautiful ..?

” You’re fierce ?

“My Star?

“My Bestie …..? ” She sang playfully and we both burst into laughter .

” You’re my favourite person in the world Star …”

” Promise me .. promise me you’d never leave me Star ..

” I promise I promise Bear ” I said and we both held the pendants on our necks .

” You br*t how dear you steal from me ! Mom screamed at the top of her voice as she burst into the room sweating from wherever she’d ran in from .

” She was hungry I had to get her something to eat ! I said and she growled in anger .

” Hungry ? Do you think I care about the stupid Hunger ! ….how dare you two Sl*ts try and steal from me huh ! She screamed and Tried to H*t My twin sister .

” Mom that’s Enough ! I screamed and she pulled me with her .

” Mom please let her Go ! Don’t go with her Star ! Star ! ” I heard her Scream as mom pulled me with her into the Bathroom and I Whimpered from the pain that bolt into my Body .

” Mom … please ” I cried at each of her Angry P*nch*es .

” Star …!

” Star ! I heard my sister’s voice and a broken smile Graced my lips as tears rolled out of my eyes .

My teddy bear was safe ….she was safe from this monster we call mother .

I struggled to get out of her and My eyes flew open in my room as I tried to breath .

I fought the Feeling as Tears rolled out of my eyes …my chest tightened from where I lay on the Bed .

You’re strong Neomi !

You’re strong

You’re Strong ! I kept chanting in my head and I realized I was getting myself slowly …. little by little my breath came out gradually .

I picked a glass filled it with water and as I drank it down …I sighed softly .

I can’t believe I had another a nightmare Concerning the past .

I Lossed connections with my Baby sister when I tried to reach them they where no longer staying in our old house. …not mom or My Sister .

I’ve Been looking for her for years ….?

I cry each time I think About the fact that I lossed her …worst of All she was with That heartless Woman .

I Went into the Bathroom and splashed water on my Face .

The Next morning I Decided to go over to the Children Quarters and when I got there Cardo Was talking to the Trainers .

” Good morning Ma’am Andrea !.

” Good morning Ma’am Andrea ! They Greeted and I just smiled at them as I walked towards Cardo .

The children where trained by the Best teachers and fed healthy for Padre’s Business .

They all had the Tattoo of Belonging to the Valentino’s .

They knew who the Boss was …they knew better than to try Betraying the familia .

They where to live and die in service to Dominico Valentino who gave them a second chance at life .

Most of these children where children he picked from the streets ….children he Boug`ht their freedom from their Cru`el masters

They knew Better than to try and betray him one day .

” My Sweetie” Cardo said and kissed my cheeks .

” How are you ? He asked as my eyes trailed the kids .

” Fine ” I said camly .

” You’re wearing the pendant again ? You missing your sister ” he said and I stared at him .

” Shut up ” I said and he laughed .

” It won’t make you Weak if you Accept you miss her …Andrea ….you bottle up too much Anger in you …it’s unhealthy ” he said and I chuckled.

” That’s my Business not yours ….you’re not my father ….” I said and he laughed.

” I didn’t say I was ……I just care a lot about you ” he said sadly .

” I don’t need your care Cardo !I don’t need anyone’s care ..
Not you not ….Enrico …I’m fine on my own ” I said and his eyes softened.

” I’m sorry ” he mumbled and I looked away .

” I’m sorry Cardo …just stop worrying about me it makes me sick when people care ! I said and he gave a nod .

” I understand ” he said and I felt bad for him ….I knew …it without a doubt that he had strong feelings for me and have tried to look out for me over the years .

But I don’t want it …I don’t want people to show they care. ..! No one cared when life dealt with me so why now ? I Wondered as I Stormed out of the Estate .

My Phone rang with an unknown number …I stood in front of my car and Picked it up .

” Hello ” I said.

” Hello ..Mia cara ….Did you miss me ? He asked in his ever Egoistic voice .

” Sergio ! ” I said In one breath .

” Cupcakes ….Did you dream of me ? If how I’d Have you on my Bed … Pounding into you with Reckless Abandon ? He asked and I didn’t need a prophet to tell me he was smirking .

” You’re not that important to Dream about Mr Deluca …I even forgot you Existed …” I said smirking..

” Ouch ….! You break my heart ….My Love ” he said and I scoffed at his use if Endernment.

” Let’s meet up …” He said and I chuckled.

I knew exactly how his brain worked he wanted me to fall into one of his Traps one way or the other .

“I’m Busy Mr De Luca …” I said and he laughed.

” Are you scared ? He asked.

” Scared of who ? I asked and he paused .

” Scared i`d Rip you Apart ? He asked .

” Guard your heart Mr De Luca …I’m taking over your mind and trust me the mind and the heart walk together….” I said and he fell silent on the other hand.

Speechless …I rendered him speechless .


The way I love Neomi and Sergio’s scences ehn ….??

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