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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 46

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 46

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





♣️ SERGIO ♣️

I looked around and everywhere was Bl***y as Hell . I couldn’t find anyone that wasn’t Caught up in the fight and I knew that moment that this was it .

” One step just one step towards me and I’d make sure you loose your life ” he said and I smirked Naughtily .

No matter how strong Vito Try to prove he was ,the fear in his eyes was Quiet evident .

He rushed towards me and we got into physical Combat .

For a man his age ,Vito was someone to not be underestimated. He was fast and ski||ed ,Good thing I was just as ski||ed even more ski||ed.

I noticed some men had Giana in their custody .

” I already got everything I wanted from that wh-_-re let her go ! Vito screamed Angrily as I Kk kicked him to the ground.

” Let her go ? Are you f-__-king out of your mind Vito ? Ilaria screamed Angrily .

She looked like a dragon breathing fire as she glared daggers at Giana .

The whole place was scattered and that’s when I noticed I was the only one standing at this Dead end with them and their men .

” Let Sergio go Vito , you’ve done enough Already ! ” Giana screamed frustratedly .

” Really Giana ? You want to act like a changed person now ? We helped you when you Nearly lost your life from Dragon. If we Deserve something it’s definitely your help in this situation ,not you trying to side with your daughters Husband. That too a Worthless daughter you never cared about ! Ilaria yelled Angrily.

” Not a word about my Daughter Ilaria ,I might have things I regret Doing in the past ,but what makes the both of us any different ? You are a sick woman who has her own fair share of skeletons in her dirty cupboard so shut your trash ” Giana yelled Angrily.

” Don’t you dare talk to me like that ” Ilaria said pointing at her .

” Or what are you gonna do ? You claim to be inlove with Vito …then why didn’t you stay with the supposed love of your life ? You used Dominico to Climb the Social leather. At the End we we’re both wh*res ! Giana said and Vito tried to get up as he we fought Dirty .

“Dominico huh ? You sound pained Giana , you’ve always been pained that I married Dominico that he didn’t care Right ? ” Ilaria mocked .

” Didn’t look at the Dirty Sl*t Who was obviously inlove with him and offered to marry her bestfriend…even when he did Look at you ,it was just to satisfy his dirty lust . Isn’t that why you h@ťěd him and anything related to him ? Isn’t that why you went mental ? She mocked and Giana sucked under her breath.

” Isn’t that why you refused to take mental treatment and instead poured your h@ťě on both your daughters ! Ilaria screamed.

” You sl*t” Giana screamed frustratedly and attacked Ilaria who of course was no match for her .

” Let her go you f-__-ker ! Vito screamed Angrily and as he Attacked Giana I tried to fight his men off and get to her .

He pulled Giana by the throat and slammed her to the floor as she groaned in pain and bleed from the head .

I already had a knife in my arm and was bleeding Quite Badly .

” That’s Enough ” I screamed angrily and shot at The men and as Giana groaned painfully.

I push my way through but Vito $h00ts me on my leg unexpectedly .

I groaned from the impact and opened fire at him.

He moved back from my painful shots .

He fell to the floor and falls lifeless.

” oh my God Vito. ..Vito ….” Ilaria screamed Angrily as tears rolled out of her eyes .

She shakes his lifeless body hysterically .

I look around and my brothers seem to have gotten out of the fight . Because everywhere was filled with lifeless body .

I looked around worriedly and sighed in relief , although we all looked hurt everyone of us was alife .

” You will all pay for this I promise you De Luca’s she screamed and Fired at Giana who falls down .

” Sh!t ” Rico Cursed And she laughs like a Deranged woman.

Well it wasn’t a surprise since everyone knew Ilaria was sick in the Head anyways .

” You’re all not getting out of here alife Especially you Sergio ” she screamed and fire spread at all Conners and Massimo looked around.

” You ki||ed Vito we are all gonna Rot In hell ” she said and Eros held his throat .

” f-__-k we need to get out of here ” Enrico said and I looked in their Direction .

” He’s atsmathic ” Kristov Explained immediately .

She fired at me and I groaned from the impact

” You ki||ed my only shot at happiness ” she screamed and that was it before any of my brothers could retaliate someone from her side opened fire at her immediately.

“She fell to the floor from the impact and he removed his mask .

” Cardo ” Enrico muttered from the shock .

” I found a way out let’s go ” Dylan said and my eyes Became blurry .

” Sh!t look at me Sergio open your eyes don’t close them ” I heard the Don’s Voice and Darkness.



*****SERGIO !***” I screamed and woke up with a jolt .

” Neomi it’s just a dream , breath it’s just a dream” Mom said rubbing my back and Grace came over with a glass of water .

” Mom. …” I gasped for air at the pain that Struck my Heart.

” Calm down baby you need to breath ,Sergio is fine drink some water ” she cooed sweetly.

” I dreamt Sergio something has happened to Sergio , something happened to my peace “i said in fear

” Call them up…I need to hear his voice” i said and mom and Grace looked at me worriedly.

” What is it ? I said I need to see Gio ” I said immediately.

” Gio is actually in the Hospital ,he was shot preety bad but he’s out of danger …Dear ” mom said and I covered my mouth as I cried bitterly.

“I need to see my baby please ..” I said and mom tried to Convince me to stay but I refused .

There was no way I would close an eye to sleep knowing fully well the condition my husband was in .

It was already 5am in the morning . When we got there ,Aria drove to the hospital and even Bella Accompanied.

” Is he okay ? I asked immediately I saw Kristov .

He had a bandage on his arm and when I stared at all the men sitted Cardo was amongst them and he looked disturbed too .

” Neomi calm down you are pregnant ” the Don said and looked over to his wife we gave him an Assuring smile.

” Where’s Gio ” I asked as my voice shook in fear .

” He was shot But he’s currently unconscious the Doctor said he’s out of Danger but he’s not Conscious yet ” Frederico offered the answers and I cried .

Bella Walked over pulling me into her arms as I wrote Silently .

” Actually your mom Is also in a critical condition ,she ….” Enrico trailed explaining everything And after hearing how everything conspired ,I rubbed my face as my body shook with Emotions.

It all sounded too scary to even think about ,I always knew ilaria was Dangerous but pulling such a stunt was something I couldn’t Wrap my head around.

And Cardo ki||ed his mom ,I just can’t imagine how hard that must have been for him , because he had always loved and cared about Ilaria ,too bad the woman aloud h@ťě get the better of her .

She was never a good person ,not to Dad or anyone else .

” Come here Dear ” Dad said and I ran into his arms as he stroked my hair .

I just want this pain to stop ,I just wanna wake up and all this is afvxkin dream .

” It’s over My child ,it’s over now ” Dad whispered softly.

Two weeks and Three days Two hours and I sat near his hospital Bed waiting for him to at least shake a finger .

These two weeks had been tough for me . My nightmares retuned Quiet badly and the Donna had to sleep next to me to help .

I was skipping meals because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t do it .

As for my mom she’d regained consciousness and was moved back to her place.

I didn’t visit her ,I could bring myself to visit her even if I tried .

” Wake up Gio ,I’m so scared and I miss you so much ” I whispered as I cried .

” You promised to stay by me , you told me you would never leave me !

” How do you expect me to live without you Gio ? You need to wake up ,I need you ,our baby needs you ,your brothers are nothing without you ”

” I miss you so much My peace , my heart hurts so bad , I’m sorry for being stubborn in the past …just wake up ”

” I’m dieing without you Gio ,I’m not strong anymore I’m done being strong ,I’m so done . …”

I placed my head on the bed while holding his hand as I cried .

I froze when I felt his grip on my hand tighten.

” Gio ” I gasped as his eyes fluttered open and the beeping sounds of the computers filled the air .

I smiled as tears rolled out of my eyes.

” Doctor ! I screamed

***Hours later**

” Is he okay now ? I asked the Doctor as Gio sat down holding my hand sweetly .

” He’s fine Mrs De luca just weak and needs bed rest.” The doctor said and I gave a nod .

” Mia Cara ” he said and I cried .

” I was so cared you’d never come back to me Sergio , you had refused to wake up to me ” I said crying.

” I’m sorry ” he said softly yet his voice still managed to sound segzy and rust.

I guess it has something to do with him being Unconscious for weeks .

” You know I’d never leave you ” he said and I kissed his cheeks.

” He’s awake ” I heard mom’s crying voice as she walked in and the large family followed behind.

” You scared all of us Boy ” Santi said ruffling his hair .

“Dad” he whinned and everyone laughed.

We spent two Days in the Hospital before Gio was even aloud to come back to the De Luca Estate .

Massimo has really been overprotective those two days sending tight Security .

” I can walk on my own ,I don’t need any d*mn wheelchair” Sergio groaned frustratedly as Kristov helped into the wheelchair and offered to push it .

” Oh I h@ťě hospitals , especially Doctors ,they worry for no just Reasons !” He said folding his hands dramatically.

” Oh shut up ,I know you’re dieing for this Attention” Dylan said and the brothers laughed.

“Don’t say such things in front of my baby ” Sergio said immediately .

” Oh but you get to curse infront of our children ? Massimo asked Amusingly.

” My child is still unborn ,they are old already” he said in defense and everyone burst into laughter.

Immediately we got into our room ,he got up from the wheelchair.

” Baby be careful” I scolded and he frowned .

” But I’m perfectly fine ,you’re all over reacting” he said frowning.

” Let me be the judge of that ” i said immediately.

Sergio was being a baby the entire time ,he wanted be to feed him ,bath him it was almost laughable .

He would sleep throughout with his hand folding my B-__-bs.

He said the Doctor said it was healthy for sick people , I just let him have his way because he’s just do it even if I said no .

He loved my B-__-bs anyways.

” But the Doctor said you are fine now “I said one day when he put his hand again and he raised his face .

It was already a month after the accident . Sergio Had Always h@ťěd the idea that we weren’t aloud to do anything segzual because of his condition .

” I’m not fine he said I still have a week before we can make love , so this is all I can do for the moment” he said and I burst into laughter.

” Seriously Gio ? I asked in between the laughter .

” Look ,if you really love me you’d let me Anytime ,this works faster than the drugs ” he said and I laughed out tears .

He chuckled .

” What’s funny? He asked smiling.

” Hahahaha” I laughed and he joined me as we laughed together.

I pulled him close and took his lips in a sweet Passionate kiss and he tried to go further

” Hey you’re sick ” I reminded him .

” Oh …..! Lack of segz is what is causing this sickness” he said and I burst out laughing all over .

” But the doctor said …” I tried to convince him .

” Forget them They don’t know anything” he said and my jaws dropped.



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