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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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[ Guns and segz]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





♣️ SERGIO ♣️

” Do you even think That Bartender knew what he was saying or he was just being influenced by Drinks .? I Bursted frustratedly .

The Event had just begun and for f-__-k sake I had seen no signs of the so called mysterious woman .

She was no where in sight.

“You need to calm down and go and go with flow ” Dylan said and Pat my back .

” I’m getting Frustrated Already Dylan ” I said and my eyes wandered around .

I picked a glass of wine as Dylan and I blend in .

Not too long I noticed Everyone’s Attention focused on one person

I moved Closer to see a perfect View …her ki||er heels came to view then the spit of her Sinful Dress .

My Eyes wandered upwards she had an hand around her waist that led her into the Event .

Breathtakingly Beautiful

Classy ….


The way her hips swayed , made my mind wonder…Who she was .

She looked so Familiar but the person I knew , Didn’t look like that

f-__-k she Liked wearing loose tops and pants ….

My mind wondered Back to what…the Bartender had said About Andrea …Valentino .

” She’s Beautiful ….Bold ….Green eyes …that sends every man to his knees….Her Body of Sin …. ” His words echoed in my Head as I watched her walk over to take a drink .

” She’s a complete Seductress …and immediately she gets into the party …you’d need know one to tell you …

She’s poison ! He said and ….I smirked .

There was no other lady with the Description in this event …All the other women where of course Beautiful but no one came close to Neomi not to talk of Competing with Her .

I walked over to where she stood and snaked my Arm around her petite waist .

” Long time no see …Neomi ” I said and immediately she heard my voice she froze .

She raised her Eyes and as they clashed with mine … …I stared at her stunned .

She had Emerald green hazel Eyes …. Just like what the Bartender had said .

” Sergio ” she said trying to get over the shock .

” Cupcake ” i said as i moved closer .

” It’s Been long since I last saw you …it’s like you vanished into thin Air ” I said and she Tried to shift from my Arms but I only moved Closer making sure she fit in my Arms perfectly .

” Sergio ….” She protested .

What ? Cupcake ? I asked and she groaned frustratedly.

I knew she Didn’t like the fact that I was Taking her By Suprise.

I was no fool …I mentally thanked my stars that I didn’t Ask for her help …I would have fallen straight into her Web .

The Valentino’s have no idea I’m the king of this Game ..

What did they think ? That I wouldn’t find out about this stupid play of theirs ? …I just couldn’t wrap my Head around the fact that Neomi was Andrea as Well as poison .

Why Did it have to be a smart Woman like Neomi ? It would have been easier if she was some random woman .

Not Neomi ,this Girl knew me too well …she knew most of my Tactics because she’s Worked with me ..

Was that part of their games too ? To Get Neomi to help with Frederico’s Case so they can use it Against me when the perfect time comes ?

I didn’t want to jump into Conclusions just yet so …I took her wine Glass from her while smirking ..she looked away with her Beautiful eyes

” What are you do.i..” She trailed and I pulled her close .

” Dance with me ” I whispered in her Ears Seductively and she smirked .

” I don’t think that’s a good idea …” She said and I Walked slowly towards the stage .

Some other Couples where on stage too …The Song Began …and as we danced to the Song …her Back plastered on my Chest …

” You haven’t told me where you where hiding ..
Cupcake ” I said and she Turned facing my front .

” Shouldn’t I be asking you that since you’re the College drop out between the Both of us ” she said and I laughed at her Fiestiness.

” Shouldn’t you be Concerned about the fact …that I could get offended with what you just said ? I asked whilst she swayed her hips causing a Delicious sensation.

” Why ? Did I say something wrong De luca …are you not a college Drop out ? She asked Mockingly .

” What’s the Use …of going to college ? I’m smarter than ….Almost everyone ” I said Ç0çƙily.

” Ç0çƙy much ” she said and Looked away .

” You haven’t answered my Question cupcake ? I whispered in her ears softly whilst trailing my lips Softly.

“That’s my Business Mr De Luca … shouldn’t you be With your Date for tonight ? She asked and I laughed.

” Are you trying to push me Away miss Marcelo ? I said and her eyes turned cold .

” I’m not a Marcelo …Sergio …” She said coldly and I stared at her .

” What are you then ? Neomi ? I asked and she looked at me .

” Call me wh@ťěver you want …”

” Babe c’mon ‘ A Good-looking guy said as he walked towards us .

” Andrea ” he called and stopped talking when his eyes met mine.

He walked faster towards us and Andrea moved out of my Arms .

” Enrico ” she said and walked over to him .

I h@ťěd it …I h@ťěd the fact that she feels comfortable to be in the Arms of this Enrico guy and she’s been trying to get away from me crazily

” I have to go ” she said and I Walked close to her .

” How About Dinner Tommorow Night ” I said and she looked at me .

” I’d pass …I have Work to do ” she said and I stared in shock as she turned around and left with the Enrico guy .

” f-__-k man…. hahahaha ” Dylan laughed coming Behind me And I glared at him .

” Did that Girl just Regect you to your face ? That’s priceless hahaha” he laughed and I glared daggers at him.

‘” OH Please she’s just playing safe …I just found out she’s poison ” I said and his laugh Died immediately as he became Seriose.

“WTF …..” He said shocked as Hell .

” What do we do ? She left already ” he said and I rubbed my forehead.

” I don’t know how I’d get to her …But trust me ….We’d figure out something ..let’s just get back to the mansion .” I said and he we walked out of the Event together .

I removed my Jacket and held it .

We where walking towards our Ride when I noticed Someone was coming After us .

Dylan noticed it too and we exchanged looks .

We walked closer to our car and Brought out our Guns .

We Exchanged eye contacts Again and Dylan gave a nod .

We turned back together and opened fire at our Attackers .

Few of them fell lifeless and the others came to Attack us physically .

It was Bl**Dy but we did escape it of course without a Scratch .

They where stupid thinking they could finish us up …

Dylan took over the wheels Driving towards the De Luca estate .

We Got there and walked in together .

It was late at night Already Cora Was At the Sitting Room doing something at her laptop .

She rarely comes over to this side of The Estate and immediately she noticed us coming She stood up to Escuse us .

” Welcome Back ” she said and walked away .

I noticed she wasn’t Nice to Dylan like she was to All of us …if she had her own Will she wouldn’t stay in the same space as him .

I noticed him staring at her Butts longer than usual and I Smirked .

” What ? He asked immediately and I chuckled .

” You’re so into Cora ain’t you ? C’mon it’s Written all over your face just admit it “I teased him .

” What No ….! Why do you even think that ? He asked and I just shook my head .

On a normal day I would have teased him longer than that but my mind was Else where .

” Hey Bro ” Frederico Said coming Downstairs, Dylan had Gone go his Room already and I was now the only one in the Sitting room pondering over The Charity event .

Trying to figure out the next step in this Situation .

” Rico ” I said and he Chuckled .

” You’re Both back ? Where’s Dylan ? He asked with concern .

” He went to his Room already …” I said and he turned to me .

” Not sleepy yet ? He asked gesturing to my outfit .

I didn’t blame him since I was still in my outfit for the Event .

” I can’t Sleep I just found out who Andrea Valentino is and trust me it’s not funny ” I said and he looked at me .

” How ? She went to the Event ? He asked.

” She’s Someone I know ” I said and he frowned.

” One of the girls you f-__-ked around with ? He asked .

” No …But I’ve Worked with her Before …she even kept pestering me over and over again …that I pushed away ” I said and he chuckled.

” Was it the same girl ? The one that helped with during Veronica ? The Green-eyed Beauty …that had you on your toes .? He asked smirking .

” She’s an Enemy to the Familia Rico wh@ťěver Neomi is planning is not funny at all ” I said And he chuckled .

” That Doesn’t change the fact that you used to like her …admit it you had a soft spot for Neomi …” He said and I rolled my eyes.

” From what I’ve heard …she isn’t someone I should be messing with ….She’s forbidden…she even Turned down my Invite for a Date …” I said and he laughed.

” Be careful Sergio …this women could be dangerous for your heart ” he Advised .

” Only people with hearts fall inlove I’ve sold my heart to my family Already , there’s no space for a woman ..” I said Angrily.

Neomi Andrea and Poison was one person … meaning wh@ťěver Game she was playing with me was gonna be deadly.

For all I know she’s out to get me … maybe make me fall inlove ruthlessly and Dump me .

If That’s the Game plan she has to think twice Because I’m not called Sergio De Luca for nothing .

If she’s A step Ahead in this game , I’m Three Step Ahead …I thought and Smirked as I smocked a puff from my Ciggerrate .

Two can play this Game .


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