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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 14

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 14

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




? EPISODE 14 ?

♠️ SERGIO ♠️

” Did the truth hurt ? …why don’t you go asked your preety father. …! Because no matter how far you De Luca’s try to act all happy and United your father’s misdeeds would always come knocking ….” She said and Massimo stormed out Angrily .

” Shut up ” I said and she groaned then coughed out bl**d .

Oh God

I made a move to go close to her but walked out of the Dungeon instead .

” Is she inside ? Grace asked me and Bella just leaned on the other side with an amused look on her face .

I Gave a nod and they walked into the Dungeon .

I heard massimo’s Angry voice and Cursed under my breath .

Wh@ťěver face off he was having with father must really be getting out of Hand .

I walked towards the Direction and Uncle Alfonso was sitted with his head bowed .

Rico Kristov and Dylan just stood there without saying a word .

” What do you mean you don’t wanna talk about this ! Huh ” Massimo Bursted Angrily and father just sat without saying a word

” You need to calm down son …you might be the Boss but I’m still your father ” Dad fired in equal anger

” Of course you’re my father ! You’re my father that’s why we are going through all this Mess ! Massimo snapped .

“First the Balandin’s. ..! Then the De nero’s …We just solved the issue of the Bermundo’s now we have the f-__-king Valentino’s coming for revenge just because of you ! He bursted .

” I agree I gave made a lot of mistakes in my life Son …But I did what I did back then to make us who we are today ! Father bursted .

” What did you do to Mr Vakentino ? At least tell us ” Frederico got in finally .

” Dominico and I used to be good friends in the past …I loved him and he was my best friend because he could sacrifice the world for me .

” He used to love your mother but sacrificed what he felt for me when my marriage was arranged with your mom in the past. ….

” It hurt him that I couldn’t stand for him but at that time …I couldn’t go against my father and stop the wedding even if I was inlove with Lina. .. Sergio’s mother …”he said sadly .

” Dominico moved on and married Ilaria Instead …a Stripper who had more evil intentions than the Dev*l something he hasn’t realized till now trust me “father said .

” I knew I hurt Dominico …when I sold out his information to the Russian mafia …my Grandfather asked me to I was compelled this Dirty business We had to stay In the top ” he said in regret .

” And you betrayed Dominico ? The fall if the Valentino’s back then happened because of your cruel betrayal ! He lost his People …Santi ! Uncle Alfonso Bursted .

” Those people are in there right when they wanna come after us ….” Massimo said Angrily.

” So what are we gonna do now ? I asked .

I became so Frustrated after hearing the reason for the war .

Dominico lost his home and everything Because of father’s betrayal today he’s built a familia more stronger than the former and has plotted his revenge .

” We need to talk to Valentino and call for peace ” Kristov suggested .

” I don’t think he’s gonna listen son , I know Dominico Is one unforgiving soul …” Dad said and Massimo stood up .

” We’d do something about that we have his weakness in our Dungeon ” Massimo said camly .

” Neomi ! I asked confused .

” We will call for peace … Besides that girl should leave the Dungeon because if she continues to stay there I’d K*ll her myself” he said frustratedly .

” Y’all should learn to control your anger sometimes…that girl should never have been punished like that ! Uncle Alfonso Scolded .

” Exactly ” Rico said and got a glare from the Don which immediately shut him up .

” That girl pissed me off ,she shut a De Luca ! Massimo Bursted .

” And Saved frederico in the passed .if not for her Rico wouldn’t be with us today that should have been considered first ” he said and Kristov Chuckled .

“Neomi …is unpredictable …I still don’t understand why she Saved Rico and wanted your Attention back then and suddenly doesn’t want anything to do with you !” Dylan said

” She has a duty to her Father ..she hasn’t forgotten that ….she’s willing to die keeping The honor of the Valentinos , that’s loyalty ” the Don said acknowledging her courage even when he was not a fan of her .

” Do you like her Sergio ? You suddenly turned stupid when it came to This game ! Uncle Alfonso asked and I froze.

” Wait what ? I’m not stupid” I said immediately

” Ah he’s about to get whipped but isn’t she too poisonous for you ”

” I’m not whipped …I just want her that’s all it has nothing to do with love ” I said and Massimo looked at me Amusingly.

” I didn’t think I will see this day ! Kris said and they all burst into laughter.

” I h@ťě you all ” I fired at them and they burst into laughter .

” I have some Work to do ” I said and walked towards the Exit .

” He’s going to check on his girl hehehehe ” Rico teased .

” He’s not gonna have anything to do with that Naomi girl …she’s too smart play with ” was the last thing I heard the Don say .



My Head hurt and the defying pain on my body Had me groaning …I tried to shift a bit and the ropes dug into my arms .

The brothers had all left and the soldiers bowed immediately Someone came in .

” Donna ” they greeted and I heard the clicking of heels .

” Oh my God …what did they do to her ? I heard another feminine voice and when I raised my Eyes they met with hers and she looked at me sadly .

” Is she okay ? Another one walked in immediately .

Okay so I’m currently in the midst of the Three De Luca Daughter in-laws .

” Hey ” Aria said and I stared at them wondering what they wanted from me.

Were they here to continue from where their husbands stopped ?

” I’m Grace this Aria …” The Donna Explained while pointing at Aria .

” I’m Bella …” the Victoria secrets model said worriedly.

” You need medicine and of course drugs that’s if you’d not pull a stupid tick like trying to run Away from the Estate that will get Massimo even more Angrier than he already is ” The Donna said as she bowed and cut the ropes .

My feet hurt and my lips were bursted …even if the Doors where wide open I couldn’t just stand up and try to run away .

“I….” I trailed as my vision blurred .

” f-__-k ” I heard her curse under her breath as my head Sagged .

“Andrea ! Andrea ” I heard and I coughed out more blood .

” $h|t you’d be fine Mia Cara ….Just try to Breath ” was the last thing I heard before I passed out in his protective Arms .

” Will she be Alright ” I heard his voice and I tried to open my eyes but the fell right back in Weakness.

” She’s gonna be fine.’s just the drugs doing their work and trust me she’d be out for some hours ” I heard another voice and groaned and slept
Back .

When I opened my Eyes I noticed I had a drip connected in my body and their was no one in the room .

I tried to seat up and it hurt .

” Calm down Andrea.’d injure yourself ” Aria said and I chuckled painfully .

” I wanna pee ” i said and she smiled.

” C’mon ” she said and helped me into the washroom where I Did my business .

My limbs hurt from not walking for sometime.

“How long have i been out ? I asked .

” Two days ….you’ve been on medication and it’s been crazy because your father has been attacking our family Business lately some of his men tried to Attack Bella yesterday at her place of $h00ting ..” she said and I cursed under my breath .

” The Don has issued a treath of warning Against him and ….I guess they’re gonna have to settle their Differences by signing an agreement that will benefit both parties that’s if they’d put their egoes behind them ” she said frowning.

” Why are you nice to me ? I asked out of the blue while she helped me get ready .

” I know you’re not a bad person …Andrea …I see it in your eyes ” she smiled .

” I’m a bad person …I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life ” I said as she helped me watch up .

” Everyone has, its way you build yourself after it ” she said and I looked away.

I stood up Naked and she wrapped a towel around my Body .

When I walked out Grace was on my bed with another Beautiful woman .

” I said my brothers have good taste in women …forget her stuborness she’s gonna come around ” the lady grinned and I looked at her in confusion.

The De Luca’s have a Daughter I don’t know about ?

” Hey I’m Yvonne ” she said smiling and I gave a nod .

” I’m Andrea ” I said and she looked at Grace .

” How many names does she have ? Neomi ? Andrea ? She asked confused .

” Both are my name’s ” I said and she grinned.

” I’d just call you Rea then , …” They kept talking over and over again I was even suprised the Donna is so carefree .

I asked about Bella and they told me she and Tristan spent the night outside the Estate.

I wanted to ask about Sergio but stopped myself .

” And Sergio is out of the country for Business he should be back by tonight you’re free to miss him ” Grace teased .

” I’m not missing him ” i said and Yvonne laughed.

” Denial mode huh ? You’re so Cute …so bad we’d have to ki|| you if you’d try and Double cross us ” she cooed .

” Yvonne ” Grace and Aria scolded in unison why I just laughed.

They stayed with me for sometime before giving me space for myself .

I was worried about Padre but these people were smart at hiding things I couldn’t find a phone to call him .

” You shouldn’t be moving Around too much you’re not healthy enough yet ! I heard Giovanna’s voice and turned .

” Goodevning” I said and she looked at me then gave a nod .

” Why Didn’t you come downstairs for Dinner? Are you trying to die or what ! She scolded .

” I wasn’t hungry ” i mumbled softly .

” You should never starve yourself now shut up and dig In I’m sitting right here until you finish it” she said and I raised my eyebrows

” Ma….” I wanted to say something but her glare shut me up and I just ate in silence.

I finished eating and she made sure I took my drugs .

” Are you okay ? She asked and I gave a nod .

She tucked me in bed and my heart yelped in pain …I had never felt drawn to a mother figure in my life

My birth mom …sold me off and Ilaria wasn’t an exception .

But Giovanna was different she ….cared much as she tried to be cold towards me her actions …gave her out .

She left and I was bored I tried to sleep but couldn’t .

When I eventually fell asleep …I stared again at my heart raced badly …

” Neomi …! Wake up wake up it’s just a dream. .wake up ! I heard his voice and immediately I woke up he pulled me into his arms .

” Breath Mia Cara it’s just a dream ” he said as I shook badly .

He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back .

” I’m here mi princessa I’m here ” he said and tears rolled out of my eyes and into his neck .

‘” shhhhhhhh ” he said and I sobbed silently .


Filler Episode I know but gbas gbos is loading hehehehe .

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