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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 13

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 13

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





♠️ SERGIO ♠️

” I told you I’m not Going anywhere with you Sergio ” she said when she finally got out of the shock .

” That’s not your Decision to make ” I said and she looked away Angrily.

” Now be a Good Girl Tesoro and let’s go together ” I said and she looked at me like I’ve lost it .

“You ripped my clothes Sergio i cant find my P@ŋtîēṣ . You want me to go all the way to your family Estate pantless ? She snapped .

” You’re fully covered …Mi amour ….” I said and she looked away.

I h@ťě being in your clothes if you must know”she said Angrily .

If there was one thing I was prepared for it’s Neomi’s madness immediately we get out of this House .

She’d try to run off for sure and I was prepared for wh@ťěver stunt she had up her sleeves .

We both walked out of my penthouse and when we got into the car I pulled her on my laps .

” Sergio I’m comfortable on the share ” she said immediately .

” I want you on my laps. ” I said and I knew she h@ťěd me more for that .

” Sergio I’m …pressed ” she said as the driver drove Around .

” Don’t worry .. you’d use the Restroom when we get to the Estate ” I said and she glared at me .

The car was already moving in which showed how frustrated she was .

” Sergio …. I’m feeling Hot ” she said and I raised my eyebrows .

” The AC is on Mia Cara how can you be feeling Hot ” I asked and she Bit her lower lip in Anger .

” Don’t do that …” I said as my Gaze fell on her plump lips .

” Sergio …” She warned as I trailed my thumb on her lips softly .

I was Obsessed with Neomi already ….I wanted her on my bed 247 … satisfying my Dirty Desires. ..until she thinks on nothing else .

Not even her f_cking … family

” Sergio….. we’re in the Car. ..” she said as my hands trailed her thighs .

” You liked it mia Cara ….You Remember how you cried my name as I pumped you up …” I whispered in her ears whilst trailing my lips on her neck .

” It’s too early to ….do this .. ” she said and I chuckled.

” There’s no specific time to f-__-k. .Mia Cara …and I won’t rest until I get a taste ” I said and she looked away.

” Can I get my phone at least ? This is unfair. …” She said Angrily .

” I will get you a new one my Queen ” I teased .

“. I don’t want a new one ….just stop all this madness Sergio …! I’m tolerating all of this Because …” She trailed.

” Because you like me ? I teased and she made a face .

” I’d rather like a Donkey. ….” She said and I slapped her a*s .

” Sergio ” she groaned frustratedly as she got off my laps .

I was Enjoying my moments with the Sweet …. stubborn Neomi .

She wasn’t scared of my name or surname …she said wh@ťěver the hell she wanted to say and even stabbed me .

Nobody in their right senses would do something like that to a De Luca .

” Why are you taking me to your family Estate ? Let me Guess after I stabbed you , your Don wants me punished…? She asked smirking without fear .

” Shouldn’t you be worried about that ? I asked and she stared at me blankly .

” I’ve been through worse Sergio so if your Arrogant Brother thinks binding me in chains or wiping me would change that ? Then he doesn’t know who Andrea is ” she spat and looked away .

” What if the punishment is Death ? I asked.

” We all die once Sergio …” She answered immediately .

It’s not like I’m gonna let him K*ll her …I’m not even sure I’ll let The Don punish her .

She’s my woman. ..mine to punish …

He drove into the Estate And she tried to wiggle out of my hold but I pulled her out with me .

” Figlio” [ son] mother said and when she got to where I stood her eyes widened.

She gave me a knowing look wondering what I was doing with the woman that Stabbed me .

Neomi Wasn’t a new Face now since her files where with the Don .

” Good morning Mrs De Luca ” she said and mom frowned .

” Why is she here son ? She asked me Angrily .

Neomi looked away immediately and f-__-k …I was expecting this. ..she wasn’t my mom’s favorite person not after she tried do k*ll me .

” Mother ….The Don Asked for her ” I said softly.

” And she’s in your clothes ” she scolded me like Neomi wasn’t there .

” I wouldn’t be in his clothes if he hadn’t ripped up mine …tell your son to stay away from me and you wouldn’t have to see me ” Neomi said and I looked at her in anger .

” Don’t talk to my mom like that Neomi ! I snapped angrily.

” Wow and I’m supposed to stand like a robot while she lashes at me ….” Neomi muttered loud enough for mom to hear .

I tried to hold mom but she pushed my hands and stormed upstairs.

” You just got into my mother’s bad books Neomi , what’s wrong with you ! I Snapped.

” Mother’s aren’t my favorite people in the world ” she snapped back and I rubbed my forehead.

” You will become a mother one day mia Cara dont talk like that ” i said and she looked away..

We walked into the Estate and Frederico Gave me a knowing look immediately he saw us .

The soldiers walked with cuffs .

“The Don has Asked us to send her to the Dungeon ” they Bowed and Neomi stretched her hands .

” You’re not going anywhere I’d talk to Don ” I said and she removed my hand and walked away with them .

My jaws dropped and Frederico laughed at the look on my face .

” That Girl is a spitfire …! Just look at the way she left with the Soldiers ” Rico Smirked .

” Where’s Massimo ? I asked and he chuckled ..

” Up in his office .I advice you calm down while Confronting him about this …” He adviced.

” I don’t even know why I care about that Stubborn woman she’s eating my Brain ” I said frustratedly .

” Trait of every Deluca Daughter inlaw ” he teased .

” Keep on dreaming “I said and strolled upstairs to the Don’s Office.

I gave a knock .

” Come in ” his powerful voice Echoed .

” Don ” i said immediately I walked into his office .

Grace is wife was giving him a massage on his head something she does whenever he’s Angry because he tends to Get Headache when he’s disturbed .

” You asked for me ? Brother ” I asked and he glared daggers at me

” I asked you to bind that Valentino and Dump her in the Dungeons but you had to bring her here like a Queen ” he snapped .

‘” and now you’re not saying anything ! He said shocked .

” She’s in the Dungeons” I said and he gestured for me to get out of his office .

Oh God …I can’t believe he’s now mad at me Because of Neomi .

I bowed and walked out if his room immediately after all I was not going to get into more trouble because Of Neomi .

” Hey Uncle Gio ” Red said immediately I walked out of the office .

” Red what are you up to ? I asked and he smirked.

” Nothing much …I heard you brought your girlfriend ” the Nine year old said teasingly.

” And who told you that ? I asked and he grinned Evily .

” Oh c’mon admit it …I can’t believe you’re whipped … hahahaha ” he laughed and I raised my eyebrows at his ordesity .

” Who the hell even told you something as Seriose ad that you’re still a kid ! I said and he frowned .

” Oh please don’t embarrass me I’m nine years old ” he scoffed .

” Exactly nine years old …Red you’re not even a teenager yet ” I said and he smirked .

” You sound like Dad …I don’t know why y’all grown-ups think kids are stupid ” he Accused and my jaws literally dropped .

” Red ! Aria called as she walked towards us.

” Mother ” he answered and she matched towards us and pulled him by the ears .

” Ouch mom …! He whinned.

” I asked you to stay with your brothers ”

” Uncle Sergio called ” he said pointing at me .

” Ya and I’m …A chicken ” Aria said smacking his head .

” Ouch mom ! He whinned and ran upstairs immediately .

” He’s so naughty ” she sighed tiredly .

” He’s young …” I said and she gave a nod .

” I heard she’s in the Dungeons ” Aria asked and I gave a nod trying not to think too much about it.

We all know whoever gets in the Dungeons get properly Dealt with .

” I don’t care ” I said and she laughed .

” What’s with you De Luca brothers and pretending like you don’t care when you obviously do ? She asked teasingly .

” I don’t know …Aria …” I said and she Chuckled..

” Go check on her when you finally can’t control your curiosity Anymore” she said and went upstairs .

” $h|t ” I cursed under my breath frustratedly .

I won’t check up on her .
.let her face wh@ťěver it is on her own .

” Hey Little Bro ” kristov said as he walked in and I chuckled .

” Bro ” I said and he looked at me with eyebrows raised .

” I heard the Don is with the spitfire that Stabbed you ? What’s the latest ? He asked and i froze .

” He’s with her ? I asked and walked towards the Dungeons immediately.

I expected him to go later not immediately .

When I got to the Dungeons Massimo was there sitted whilst Neomi was tired to a chair with Bl**d dropping from her lips .

Her eyes were blank and void of any emotions yet she Still hadn’t said a word .

I knew deep down that she’d rather die than sell out the Valentino’s.

Dylan had his hands folded and no one dared to Question the Don as his well trained female Soldiers beat Neomi up .

Her hands and legs where band to a chair else …I knew Who Neomi was …she’d not have hesitate to fight all four of them .

” Are you ready to speak now. ? Massimo asked and she laughed. She laughed so hard that the whole place fell in a deadly silence.

” Why don’t you just k*ll me and get this over with ? ” She mocked and the they Y`nked her head backwards and the other one placed a kn*fe on her throat .

Massimo raised his hand and they let her go .

Her head Sagged and she Smirked in return .

We had met stubborn People before but now someone who didn’t cower at the mention of massimo’s name !

What the hell is wrong with Neomi is she trying to get herself k*lled ?

Frederico pleaded with his eyes that I should enterefere but I looked away .

My Duty was only to my family ….not to a woman who had decided to die for loyalty .

” K*LL me Because no matter what you say or do …I’d not betray my father … Because unlike yours …mine knows how to do the right things for his children …! She mocked and that struck a nerve .

” Shut the f-__-k up Neomi ! I thr_@tened and she coughed slightly.

” Did the truth hurt ? …why don’t you go asked your preety father. …! Because no matter how far you De Luca’s try to act all happy and United your father’s misdeeds would always come knocking ….” She said and Massimo stormed out Angrily .

” Shut up ” I said and she groaned then coughed out bl**d .

Oh God


Hehehehe fire on the mountain !

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