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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 44

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 44

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





♣️ SERGIO ♣️

I stared at Neomi as she slept soundly, then back at the clock on the Wall .

My wife was an Early Riser and now she sleeps till now ? I guess it has something to do with the pregnancy .

” Bellisima …” I called Softly as I placed the Breakfast tray on the Bedside table and kissed her shoulders.

” let me sleep” she whinned cutely.

” Mia Cara need to eat something ,I have somewhere to go to ” I said and she opened her eyes immediately.

‘ where ? She asked sitting up .

” I need to meet with the man handling the case of the Armani’s ,I couldn’t go last night because well you Arrested me in your Arms ‘” I said and she smiled Apologetically.

” I’m sorry” she said and hugged her self closely.

” So I brought you breakfast” i said and she opened the tray and frowned .

” I don’t want Coffee ” she said and I raised my eyebrows.

” What do you want ? I asked and she made a face .

” I want potatoes and chicken wings ” she said and my jaws literally just dropped.

” You want what ? Baby this is Breakfast ok ” I said immediately .

” But I can’t eat anything else than that potato and chicken wings ” she said and I rubbed my forehead.

And she’s just two weeks gone ? What would she ask for soon ? Goat Břě@šť or Lions tail ? I wondered .

” What are you still waiting for I’m starving ,I feel like I’d die from Hunger ” she Said immediately .

” Baby are you sure that’s what you want ? I asked and she groaned frustratedly .

” You know what ? Maybe I should just starve ” she said Seriosely and the smile on my face vanished immediately.

” No that’s not what I meant ” I tried to explain.

” That’s what you mean because if that’s not what you are insinuating ,you won’t ask me Questions , like I’m talking with water in my mouth” she said and sighed as she matched towards the bathroom .

I’m beginning to think the pregnancy has affected my wife’s mood , she was sweet just a while ago and now she’s a dragon breathing fire .

When I got to the kitchen ,the Donna was with the chefs .

” Hey Gio ” she smiled my way .

” Hey Uwcle Dio ” Tati Waved as she ran out of the kitchen with her ponytails dangling behind which made me chuckle.

” She’s Quite the handful” Grace chuckled.

” I agree ” I said softly.

” You look disturbed , is she still having the morning sickness ? She asked with concern.

” No but she’s acting wiered . Neomi doesn’t like potatoes , suddenly she want them for breakfast and guess what , said I should Add chicken wings ” I said and Grace laughed.

” Hahahaha ” she laughed.

” What’s funny? I asked frowning.

” Oh c’mon Gio, you should be happy she wants to eat something without being forced to” She said smiling teasingly.

” You’re right about that though” I said remembering how stressful it was to get her to eat something .

” Goodluck you’d be needing more of that in your wonderful journey” she teased and left the kitchen .

When the maids where done I took it to our room and when I got there she was scrolling through her phone clad in my pants which she belted to make it fit her waist with a Big polo shirt .

” What are you wearing cupcake ? What happened to your clothes ” i asked and she smiled cutely.

” I feel comfortable in yours now ” she said excitedly and I raised an eyebrow .

My wife is acting out if character , Although Neomi was learning to loosen up to the people around her , and carried a tough Aura ,this Neomi is one I can’t understand” I thought with a chuckle.

” I love the smell of this ” she said and I watched her Dig in .

To my supirise ,she finished eating and I gave her a glass of water which she drank to her satisfaction.

” I’m so full ,I want to sleep” she said after sometime”

” Sleep Again ? I asked and she gave a nod .

” I’m too tied to work today,I’d work the day I’m not tired” she said and I opened and closed my mouth like a fish .

” Baby ” she called .

” Hmmn”

” Can we go visit Padre ? I’ve not told him we are expecting a baby yet” she said and I gave a Nod .

” Sure ” I said and she snuggled into her pillow.

She’s so cute

I left her and placed a call to my man .

” Hello Boss ” he said immediately he picked

” The Armani’s have Agreed to do everything I asked and everything is finally falling into place Mr Vito is planning a party. I’m sure wh@ťěver he has in mind wouldn’t be friendly , but I think we should take the risk and put his evil reign to an End ” He said and the other end .

” When is the party ” I asked as I ran my fingers in my hair.

” He would send me the Date and time ” he said and I gave a nod .

” Be careful ,you have a wife and son ,I don’t want anything happening to you during this mission ” i said camly .

” I will Boss ” he said and I ended the call .

I went to check on the Business ,with the Donna before returning home .

I was a bit late for the Dinner outing with Neomi at her father’s Estate.

While walking to our main Mansion ,I noticed Dylan and a female Arguing Seriosely .

When I looked closely it was Cora .

” I don’t care Dylan …I made it clear from the Beginning that it was just S*x. …and no matter what I feel for you I don’t want a relationship , because at the long run I’d ruin the man I end up With …” She said as tears rolled outta her eyes.

” Don’t say that ” he whispered loud enough for me to hear .

” You deserve better Dylan , not a woman who can’t make you Happy ” she said and it was New to see someone as unfeeling as Cora have tears in her eyes.

” Cora ” he called and she walked in .

He rubbed his face and I knew he was crying too .

” Hey Bro ” I said and when I moved closer to him I pulled him into a hug .

” I love you bro ” I said rubbing his back.

” I love you too bro …you’re all I’ve got ” he said and I could feel the lump on his throat

I walked him to his room and he lay flat on his stomach ,with tears still rolling out of his eyes .

” What’s up …guys i. ….” Kris stopped talking as he sighted Dylan on the bed .

” Are you feeling sick ? Kris asked with concern .

” Had a fight with Cora ” I said softly.

” Again ? What’s up with that girl Making you cry all the time ? He asked frowning .

” She has issues , and Cora is someone who has built Walls around her heart , loving someone like that comes with lot of tears ” I said .

” She wants to be with me …yet she keeps saying she Doesn’t deserve me , why can’t I be the judge of that ? I use to think it was because I was part of the mafia but that’s not the case . And the worse is she wouldn’t tell me why ” he said softly.

” Cora has been through a lot , and you have been through a lot too , maybe what you need is to stay away from each other ..Dylan ,I know this sounds painful but everything would be fine ” Kris said and gave a nod .

We talked for a while before I Decided to go Check up on my Woman .

“Tesoro” I Called sweetly as I sighted her fully dressed in a baby pink Dress .

” You look Cute ” I threw her a compliment .

” And you’re late ” she said with hands on her waist .

” I’m sorry” I said kissing her shoulders and she smiled .

” So how was your day ? I asked Sweetly.

” It was fine , Although all I did was eat and sleep , How was yours ” she asked and I rubbed my neck .

” It was good , Walked in on Cora having a fight with Dylan , had to cheer him up for a while” he said and she frowned.

” Dyl should move on , Cora needs to learn to love herself first . If they’re meant to be together ,they would find themselves in the end that’s what I believe.” She said and I stared at her face .

” You think that will work ? I asked and she chuckled

” It’ll work because it has to work so chill” she said and I kissed her cheeks.

” Go freshen up I’ve called Padre and told him we are coming over and please try to be in good terms with Cardo ” she said smiling Sweetly.

” But …” I trailed

” Please ,he’s already dieing in Guilt ,the least we can do is try to help him leave in his own skin . ” She said and I heived a sigh .

” Baby ” she called Sweetly

” Don’t try to plead with that bedroom voice , I’m going to take my time , what he try to do to you is something unforgettable, I need to take my time ” I said and she Chuckled.

” Fine just be civil with him even for tonight please .” She said kissing my Lips softly.

” Fine ” I said and walked into the bathroom to freshen up .

” I’d be waiting downstairs ” I heard her sweet voice .



” Hu huh they’re going out ” Bella said teasingly as I walked out .

” Get your mind out of the gutters we are going to my Dad’s ” I said smiling and they burst into laughter.

” She and Kris loves those dirty …stuffs so you know they always feel anytime innocent people like us go out we are going to f-__-k ” The Donna said and Aria’s and Bella’s Jaws dropped in unison .

” Seriosely Innocent and you Should not be in one sentence especially not with Massimo ” Aria said and everyone burst into laughter.

” But seriously we are not going for a romantic Dinner or something …it’s just…” I trailed on and the teasing had me laughing.

” So how is your health going ? Still feeling Neuseous ? Grace asked.

” In the mornings ,but it’s not that serious” i said and Aria smiled teasingly.

” Can’t believe we’d be having an Addition in months ” She said and I smiled.

Not too long Sergio joined us .

” Let’s go ” he said and the girls gave us teasing looks .

I blushed red as his hand snaked around my waist,he lead me towards his car for the night and the ride to the Valentino Estate was Silent .

When we got there ,he opened the car door and extended an hand . I had the urge to roll my eyes but held it in , for goodness sake, he used to treat me like an Egg but after this Pregnancy ,it only got worse .

” Baby are you okay ? Is the Baby kicking ? He asked and I burst into laughter.

” Seriosely Gio ? I’m not even up to one Month pregnant and you’re asking me if the baby is kicking” I asked in between .

” But you ..” he trailed .

” I’m fine ,let’s go inside” I said and we both walked into the Mansion .

” Padre ” I greeted and he turned to me with a wide smile .

” My princess ” he said with pride as he walked over to where I stood and pulled me into a hug .

” How are you ? He asked and with the way he was staring at my stomach and that bright smile on his face told me he already heard the Good news .

” You told pa before me ? I asked Sergio in annoyance.

” Me ? I did nothing wrong ” Sergio Denied as I glared at him .

” It was Santi that gave me the gist I’m so happy I’m gonna be a grandpa” he said happily and for the first time he looked genuinely happy.

” Congratulations ” Enrico said smiling teasingly.

Cardo sat next to uncle Eros As he gave me a small smile .

” Congratulations ” he muttered under his breath .

” Thanks” I said and Sergio just ignored him .

Why are De Luca’s so Strong-headed ?

Dinner went Smoothly and on my way to the Restroom my phone pinged with a message.

*Watch your Back Ɓîtçh I’m coming for you *

It didn’t have a sender because it was coming Anonymously . I stared at the text froze speechlessly.


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