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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 42

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 42

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





♣️ SERGIO ♣️

” Fine …I’m no longer in the mood anyways ” i said and got out of the pool .

” Babe Really ? She asked bitting her bottom lip to stop herself from bursting into fits of laughter.

” Ya I’m tired of trying to convince you , I’m sleepy” I said and her jaws dropped.

” Gio …fine my body is no longer hot or even cold ” she said and I shrugged .

” I’m no longer in the mood ” I said going into our room . Knowing my wife she’d start petting me so I would change my mind because she feels I’m now angry .

But in reality I’m not angry . I know she must be tired from the days activities and besides we have the rest of our lives to ourselves .

” My peace are you sure you don’t want it anymore ? She asked and I stared at her Amusingly .

” Hey it’s okay ,you must be tired from the days activities and besides we can always do this anywhere and anytime” I said and she looked at me emotionally .

” I love you Baby …you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me ” she said and i chuckled as she pulled me in for a sweet kiss.

” I love you too Mia Cara ” i said and kissed her forehead.

” So let’s feed your stomach lover boy ” she teased as she took me to the dinning table .

Joined for a shower after wish we lay together to sleep .

” Baby ” she called while drawing circles on my chest .

” Hmmn” I hummed as I stared into her forest green hazel eyes.

” I ….Visited Giana in the Dungeon today ” she said and I froze .

” f-__-k are you okay ? I asked worriedly.

” I’m fine ,infact I’ve never been more fine …thanks to you , you where right I should have faced her sooner ” she said and I kissed her forehead.

” I’m glad you’re ok” I said and she snuggled into me.

” I …” She trailed telling me everything ,what she did to Ilaria and how she would need my help with the Armani’s.

” That’s an easy job considering how Desperate They must be to make money right now and sponsor their evil Deeds . First Things first we must make sure you’re Padre’s out of the hospital , knowing how low Ilaria acts sometimes she might try to attack him there ” I said and she gasped .

” You think exactly the same way I think you know , because Enrico and I already making plans to move him out of the hospital ” she said and I chuckled.

” You’re so smart and it makes you so segzy ” i said and she laughed.

” You find being smart as segzy ? She asked and I Smirked.

” I find everything about you as Sweet lovably segzy …” I trailed and laughed out as she buried her face in my neck .

” Gio …” She called and I smiled at her..

” Yes Bellisima”

” I …huh ….forget it ” she said and I stared at her .

” Do you want to tell me something ? I asked.

” No ” she mumbled and kissed my lips Softly .

We both slept cuddling .

The next morning when I opened my eyes I was welcomed with a mind-blowing lovemaking from my wife and I knew it had something to do with the fact that she’s trying to make up for not giving into the pool S*x last night.

One thing I do know I’m still gonna get it when we sleep at my penthouse I thought with a grin .

We had breakfast in our room and she told me she was going to pick her dad with the help of Enrico .

I figured I should also $h00t my shot at Mr Armani and take the f-__-ker out for good.

This is their weakest point and any deal they managed to get on their hands will make them feel they finally have a way out .

Since Ilaria knows I’m married to Dominicos Daughter , I will use one of my men instead ,to pose as a rich drug dealer , who has connections and power ….it won’t take long before they eventually fall into the trap .

I changed into something Comfortable and went in to see Dylan .

” No …fine maybe your place tommorow night ” he said and laughed which made me furrow my eyebrows suspiciously .

Kristov was on each couch Rolling his eyes at Dylan’s madness.

” Fine …” He said and cut the call .

” Seriosely you look happy ” I said and he stared at me then laughed.

” Happy ? He asked and I gave a nod .

” See I told you ,you look Genuinely happy Dylan so mind telling us who this mystery woman is ? I asked and he chuckled.

” She’s no mystery woman ,her name is Ivy she’s a Stripper …and just someone I’ve been huh …you know for a few weeks now ” he said and I stared at him.

” Dyl …are you trying to move on from Cora ? I asked Softly and he chuckled bitterly.

” I have to bro ,it’s not like she’s very gonna see me as someone worth her time …” He trailed and I held his hand.

” Don’t talk like that ,you’re one of the most genuine and supportive men I know if Anna and Cora couldn’t see that it’s their loss” I said and his eyes softened.

” I love Cora so much …I’ve done everything in my power to make her see it but I cannot continue with the chase ,no matter how much I try to come close to her Emotionally she runs off so far I can never reach her …I can’t do the chasing anymore ” he said and I could hear the pain in his voice .

” You still love her ? Kris asked.

” It doesn’t matter…she will never see it ,I just pray she finds true happiness in the end outside that cold Business woman exterior she has on ” he said and I shook my head .

I felt bad for my brother because at the end it was just so obvious that Cora ruined him for any other woman.

” So I have this mission I wanted to talk to you guys about ” I trailed briefing them about the Armani’s plan .



When I arrived at the hospital that morning ,Enrico had finalised Padres Discharge papers and they where about to leave the hospital.

” Padre ” i Greeted as I parked bought sides of his cheeks sweetly.

Suprisingly Cardo was there too with Enrico .

” Enrico ,Cardo ” I said and they gave nods at my direction .

” I’ve missed you little one ” Dad said and I chuckled.

Immediately we got out of the Hospital I was attacked by a raging Ilaria straight on the face .

” f-__-k ” I cursed as I attacked her immediately , Enrico pulling us apart thankfully I had burst her lip open with a punch .

” What is the meaning of this Nonsense Ilaria what has gotten into you ? Padre asked Angrily.

” Everything ,every d*mn thing is wrong with me Dominico ,How could you and your sly Daughter think to play such stupid joke on me ! She fired .

” Joke ? You think we have time for jokes ? There must be something wrong with your thinking Ability because I don’t see any reasons why you feel we want anything from you ,when you Decided on your own that you where tired of this marriage ! Padre fired Angrily.

” You wanna act clueless right now ? When you froze all my accounts ? You ruined my life Dominico and I’d make sure you pay for it ! You and this sick Daughter if yours ” she screamed attracting people’s attention.

” Don’t talk about my daughter like that Ilaria , haven’t you done Enough ? When I married you ,you had nothing absolutely nothing yet I Didn’t look Down on you ,I stood by you and helped your dirty life and today you bite the hands of the one man that helped you ” Dad fired as his voice broke at the edge I rubbed his hand.

” Helped me ? You never helped me Dominico …you only Cared about your son Cardo …” She screamed.

” That’s Enough mom …you wanted to Move in with Mr Armani and start a life right ? You have been given that opportunity why are you venting your frustration ? Cardo asked Angrily .

” Cardo , my son ” she cried Dramatically.

” Your son ? I don’t think you have ever loved me Genuinely mother because if you did things wouldn’t get to this point ” he said and she screamed.

” I won’t let this go Andrea ! I will make sure you pay for ruining my life ” she continued to make thr_@ts and the security carried her out like she was a deranged woman .

” I’m sorry Andrea ” Cardo said and I gave a nod .

” It’s okay” I said and he smiled tiredly .

I spent the Day with Padre and throughout I felt I was getting tired unnecessarily and even slept the whole afternoon away in his place .

Suprisingly when Sergio came to pick me up himself , I was in the sitting room eating Watermelons with Cardo and Enrico .

” Hey love ” he said as he walked over to us . Cardo suddenly looked so uncomfortable .

” Hey man ” Enrico said as they exchanged hand shakes .

His gaze flashed over to where Cardo was sitting and Cardo squirmed under his powerful gaze .

” Goodevning Mr De Luca ” he greeted and brought his hand out for a shake but Gio ignored him .

He looked over to where I sat and I smiled Sweetly at him trying to ease the tension .

” Tell Padre we are leaving Enrico ” I said and picked my bag .

My husband didn’t spare me another glance as he walked out of the mansion .

Cardo looked away in Embarrassment.

Immediately we got out of the mansion, I Quietly joined him in the car where he was fuming Seriosely.

” Gio … would you calm down already ? It’s not like anything bad Happened ,Enrico was there right ” I said and one glare from him shut me up .

” Oh , so it’s totally okay for you to sit next to a man who attempted to Have his way with you by force ! He bursted Angrily.

” And you where eating and laughing like you’re doing an advert for a tooth paste company ! He fired Angrily.

” You need to take a chill pill , We already found out that Cardo and I are siblings for goodness sake ” I said and he stared at me in unbelieve.

” Wow so now I’m the one trying to spoil your siblings bond huh ? He asked sacarstically .

Seriosely ? Now I have to bear the wrath of his anger ?

I made a mental note to keep space between me and Cardo because at the look of things my husband isn’t a fan of Cardo and I guess that would continue for a long time .

When we got home we had dinner with the others and he wasn’t talking to me or even teasing me ,at that point my mood Seem so off because I was feeling so sick inside .

I felt weak and I think I’m having a flu because I was suddenly feeling so cold .

I Freshened up after heating the water up and tried to sleep .

Sergio hadn’t returned to our room so I’m guessing he’s working in his office .

I miss cuddling with my baby , and I h@ťě feeling so sick .

I was feeling hot yet feverish at the same time .

” Mia Cara ” I felt Sergio call and I stirred in my sleep as my head pounded with headache .Tears rolled outta my Eyes .

” f-__-k you’re burning up ” I heard him curse under his breath .

I got down from the bed and threw up on my way to the bathroom .

It felt like I would pass out ,yet i felt the urge again .

Sergio helped me into the bathroom and held my hair up as I puke my guts out .

” f-__-k you’re Begining to scare the sh!t out of me Sweetie. What did you eat ? He asked rubbing my back .

” It’s nothing much ..” I voiced out weakly .

” I’m sorry ,I shouldn’t have given you the cold shoulder ” he apologised and I gave a nod .

I looked like a mess and I h@ťěd feeling this way .

Gio helped me with a bottle of water from our room and immediately I put some in my mouth to rinse I ended up throwing up again .

It continued to the point Sergio was no longer having it .

” We need to go to the hospital Cara Mia ” he said getting down from the bed .

” I can’t move my whole body aches ” I said and he wore his room slippers .

” Fine I’d go call Kris myself okay “he said and I gave a nod .

A made had come to clean up our room from the mess a while ago and I was making sure I don’t mess it up again .

I’ve never felt this way before ,I did fall sick occasionally but not to the point to start puking like a pregnant wo..” I snapped out of my thoughts in shock .

” Oh my God …oh my Goodness” I cried out in pannick.

How could I have been so clueless , I’m late with almost a week .

I can’t be pregnant for crying out loud ,not with the mess we are in with this Armani and Ilaria after my life .

I hugged my legs close in pannick.

” Baby are you alright ” Gio asked coming in .

” We need to go the hospital , Bella and Kris slept out tonight ” he said worriedly.

” My peace ” I said as my body shook with fear .

” What is it ? You want water ? He asked rushing over to me .

” I think I’m pregnant” i said and he froze immediately .


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