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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🥀 Opposites Attract 🥀
🖤(Forever Mine)🖤
GENRE: School Romance

BY: Golden Pearl

☠️Do not copy or repost ☠️

( Meet the school nerd…)

*Vivian’s POV*




“What?”. I groaned with my eyes closed.



“What?”. I shouted turning over my bed only to fall on my back with a hiss.

“Oh Mom said to tell you to get up for school.” I hear my older brother say passing by my room.

I got up with a groan before grabbing my phone to see my alarm been going off a million times since I was supposed to wake up at 6 and is already 7:35.

“$h|t”. I hissed before getting up quickly and rushing off to my bathroom to get ready for school.
After I finished showering and putting on everything I need along with my glasses, I ran downstairs quickly grabbing a pop tart and going outside to see my brother waiting for me outside in his car.

“Hurry up slow poke”. My brother says while checking himself in the car mirror.

“It’s almost 8, hurry up Damien!”. I snapped as he rolled his eyes.

“And? Unlike you I’m trying to enjoy my only day off work this week”. He says with sigh before I punched his arm.

“Well do it faster”. I shout as he groaned before driving faster.

“Your lucky I don’t leave you on the side of the road”. he says before we got in front of the school and I opened my door quickly.

“Don’t forget to pick me up at 3”. I shout rushing into the door hearing the warning bell for the students to get to class.

“Yeah Wh@ťěver”. I hear my brother shout before I got inside the school rushing past people to get to my first class.

“Thanks Moon Goddess”. I say as I got inside my physics class before the bell rang.

“Let’s all get settle down class”. Mr. Dilemme says as I tried to get to the seat in the front only to end up falling face down on the floor.

“Whoops sorry, didn’t see you there loser”. A voice I have known for a long time says before the class was filled with laughter.

“Wendy that’s a pass to the detention room after school”. Mr. Dilemme says as I got up and dust myself off before sitting down on my seat with a huff.

“Mr. Dilemme, how am I suppose to see the board if megamind over here is blocking my view?”.
Wendy asks kicking my chair as the class laughs.

“Wendy! Take this pass and go to the dean’s office right now!”. He snapped as she scoffed before getting up and brushing past me.

“I’m just telling it like it is jeez”. She says before grabbing the pass and walking out of the class with a snicker.

“Sorry, Victoria”. Mr. Dilemme says smiling at me before I corrected him.

“It’s Vivian”. I replied as he shook his head as the class laughed again.

“Sorry, Vivian”. He says before doing attendance as I sunk myself into my seat.

Only the first day of my senior year and I’ve already made joke of myself like I did before I even became a high school student.

Wendy has always been cruel to me ever since we were pups. I never got why she h@ťěd me but I think I have a clue.

When I was younger, say around 9, I had a bestfriend that I did everything with. We turned into our wolves the first time together when we were 9, we ran around the woods together, we- yeah am pretty sure you get it.

His name was Andrew. He and I were like two peas in a pod. We did everything together but for some reason Wendy was always glaring at me and making fun whenever he wasn’t around. But when he was she wouldn’t say a word to me, but she’d talk to him as if I wasn’t right next to him.

He was my only friend when growing up so I was curious why she would always try to take him away from me but her action make me figure out that she h@ťěd me because he was my bestfriend. She used to ask him out many times and he had turn her down because I knew what he really wanted was his mate.

But me being the lonely weirdo, I always thought I was going to be his mate. Little did I know some skinny skank with blonde hair and green eyes was his one and only.

Not only was She a skank but she was also the reason why he and I aren’t talking anymore.
Ever since they mated on his 17th birthday she told him that if he loved her as much as she loved him she was going to be the only woman in his life.
Making me the loner of the school now.

Where is he now? Well since his the runner back in the football team, he’d be in the field 24/7 with his wh-_-re of a mate on the sidelines half naked with her pom poms and her bestfriend Wendy.

There goes the little story of my past, but now it’s time for me to just focus on my future. I’m 17 now but thanks to Moon Goddess I haven’t found my mate yet. I don’t believe in finding a mate that will be my true love or wh@ťěver cuz honestly I’m done with the whole love thing.
Yes I admit I was in love before but now that he got a mate and I wasted the past 17 years of my life trying to get him to love me, I just wanna get through highschool with the dignity I still have left.

“First day was off to a good start, see you guys tomorrow”. The teacher says stopping my conversation with myself in my head after hearing the bell ring.

“Vivian if you need anything, I’m always here to help”. Mr. Dilemme says as I was about to leave the class.

“I’m fine, thanks”. I say with a fake smile before walking out with a sigh.

Sometimes I wished my life would be better if I wasn’t a nerd.


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