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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🥀 Opposites Attract 🥀
🖤(Forever Mine)🖤
GENRE: School Romance

BY: Golden Pearl

☠️Do not copy or repost ☠️

( Library study date…)

*John’s POV*

“Your so in love with her already and you guys haven’t even mated yet”. Ethan says with a chuckle as we change out of our sweaty gym clothes.

“Unlike you E, I usually love my mate for herself not her body”. I say with a smirk as the locker room filled with laughs by the other guys in our PE class that just finished.

“How would you know about what I love about my mate if I haven’t even met her yet?”. Ethan asks with a scoff as the guys snickered.

“Because judging on what you’ve been doing with girls, It’s pretty obvious your only in it for their bodies”. I say closing my locker and walking out of the room hearing the guys tease Ethan about what I just said.

“Lunch time, Thanks Moon Goddess!”. Christian sighs as he walked up to me in the hallway that was getting filled by hungry students now.

“You’re gonna hang in the cafeteria?”. Christian asks as I shrugged thinking it over when my eyes landed on Vivian who was trying to take some books out of her locker.

“Hold on”. I say quickly before rushing over to seeing one of her books about to fall out of her hands.

“Gotcha”. I sighed grabbing it before it reached the ground and standing up facing her who was now letting out a sigh.

“Thanks”. She replies taking it from my hands.

“Where you going for lunch?”. I ask nervously watching her close her locker.

“Since I got a eight paged essay due in three days, I’m headed to the library. Why, do you need something?”. She asks fixing her glasses to look up at me as I smiled at how cute she looked.

“I wanted to spend some time with you and get to know each other more.” I say playing with my fingers as she sighed.

“I’m busy right now, how ab-“. before she finished I cut her off.

“Library study date? Let’s go then”. I say quickly grabbing the books in her hands and walking in the direction to the library hearing her small footsteps on my trail.

“John wait”. She says trying to catch up with me as I stopped walking only to feel her bump into my back.

“Yes bunny?”. I ask turning around with a smile as she glares up at me.

“I told you about the nicknames.” She says with a irritated look as I chuckled before leaning down to kiss her nose.

“Okay, am sorry………..bunny”. I trailed off muttering to myself as she huffs before following me as I turned to continue walking to the library.

“Good afternoon Miss Tran”. The librarian says smiling at my mate before her eyes met mine and her smiling face turn to a confused one.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Wisecarver”. My mate greets back before hurriedly rushing past me to sit on a desk farthest in the back of the library.

“Why are we sitting all the way back here? Are you trying to get us alone bunny?.” I ask with a smirk sitting across from her as she looks at me with a frown before I noticed her cheek turning pink when she looked away.

“I like sitting here cause nobody bothers me while am studying here”. She says opening her books now while I looked around the library noticing I’ve never once come here to hang out in the past three years I’ve been in this school.

I let out a sigh when I realized my stomach was growling at the fact that instead of getting lunch I’m now in the library farther away from the cafeteria.

“You can get food if you want, I’m fine by myself”. Vivian says while writing on a piece of paper as I shook my head.

“Nah, I don’t wanna eat if you’re not going to eat with me”. I say smiling at her as she keeps her eyes on her paper.

“I’m not hungry but you clearly are, so it’s fine if you wanna go eat with your friends”. She says not looking up before the sound of a stomach growling made me smirk.

I thought you said you weren’t hungry?”. I say as she lowers her head in embarrassment making me laugh.

“It’s okay, because I always come prepared my lady”. I say now reaching my backpack to grab the two cinnamon rolls and two oreo packs my sister gave in the morning in a lunch back.

“Here you go bunny”. I say handing her the other cinnamon roll and oreo packing as her eyes widened at what I was holding.

“Do you have any m-“. before she finished her question, I took out two milk cartons I stole from the cafeteria earlier today.

“You truly are a man with surprises”. She says smiling while eating as I smiled.

“Why thank you m’lady”. I say with a wink as she laughs.

“I don’t think you can eat in here.” A voice says from the side of the table we were as my head snapped to the side seeing a guy looking at us with a concerned look.

“And who’s gonna stop us?”. I ask staring at the guy with a glare feeling my wolf starting to take over my body in anger.

“Nevermind”. he says now in fear before running out of the library without another word.

“John”. Vivian says as I turn to her feeling myself calm down when she looked at me in shook.

“Are you okay?”. She asks looking at me confused.

“Yeah, just got a bit carried away”. I say eating my oreos now trying to shake away my anger thoughts.

“For a second there, your eyes were almost fully pitch black”. Vivian says looking at me worriedly.

“I guess my wolf gets angry quickly at the thought of someone trying to hurt my mate”. I say not looking up at her but feeling her eyes on me.

“But that guy wasn’t trying to hurt me?”. She says confused.

“Yes, but he tried to stop us from eating here which means he’s the technically trying to starve my mate, and that’s not gonna sit right with my wolf”. I say feeling my fist clenching tightly before a pair of hands touched it making me freeze.

“I can take care of myself John, you don’t have to worry, Okay?”. She says as I focused on her hands rubbing my hands softly making me smile.


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