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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.


Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ɪɴ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ }

^^ Hank’s Family Home ^^

“Have missed you so much” the red haired girl purred out when she ended the kiss.

Connor turned his gaze on Tessa who stood in silence watching them and immediately he pulled Clarissa away.

“Why the sudden distance? We have always been close, more than close” Clarissa added mainly for Tessa benefit and slowly she wrap her arms around Connor’s waist again.

Thinking herself to be a third wheel, Tessa left the room, ignoring Connor’s attempt to stop her.

“Showing off with his girlfriend! Such a jerk” Tessa let out as she got into her room only to see Chris there.

“Sorry for waiting in your room, I just want to ask you something ” Chris said looking a bit shy.

“I don’t mind, what do you want to ask me”

“It’s about Cynthia” Chris began nervously. ” Am having this problem with a subject she teach, I need to speak to her about it but I don’t have her number…can you help me with that?” Chris asked.

“If it’s going to help with your studies then sure” Tessa replied as she pull out her phone. ” I need to use the loo but you can check it out, her number is stored as cute bunny” Tessa told him before going into the bathroom.

Chris let out a smile as he saved Cynthia number on his phone, he feels sorry for lying to Tessa but all is fair in love, he thought as he went through her photo album searching for some pictures of Cynthia.

“Didn’t you miss me cause I did ” Clarissa said as she went to seat on his desk.

“I thought you said you will be coming back next year” Connor replied ignoring her earlier comment.

“I did but then I realized that if I stayed then I will lose someone very important to me” Clarissa replied.

“He or she must be very important for you to choose to return home”

“He very much is and who’s that girl? Are you dating her?” Clarissa asked.

“Speaking of Tessa, I need to talk to her. Blair is in her room, you can go and see her” Connor said before leaving the study.

Tessa left the bathroom only to see Connor standing against the desk with her phone in his hand.

“Why are you here?” Tessa ask.

“To talk to you” Connor replied, putting her phone on the desk. ” Chris left this with me” he explained

“He wanted my friend’s number and why are you here instead of being with your girlfriend or should I say, the lucky girl who will end up marrying you?” Tessa asked as she fold her arm against her chest.

“Clarissa is just a friend ”

“I don’t care what she is to you. I only want you to leave my room” Tessa stated which got Connor letting out a sigh.

“You will always believe the worst of me, right ? ” he asked looking a bit sad.

Moving away from the desk, he walk towards her and gave her a swift but caressing kiss on the fore head.

“Am not the jerk you think me to be and I will prove it to you” he whispered before leaving the room.

^^ Blair’s Room ^^

“Did you see Connor?” Blair asked as she lie on her bed watching her friend.

“I did but there was some Ɓîtçh with him, who’s she?” Clarissa asked as she push back her red curls.

“You mean Tessa. She’s the naive girl I once told you that I stole her boyfriend from”

“And also she once had a thing with Connor two years ago” Blair added as she kept filing her nail.

“Why didn’t you tell me that part?” Clarissa asked.

“Cause they split up, they recently met each other since she is working as Nicole’s nurse ” Blair replied.

“If the marriage thing you told me about is true then could Connor want to…”

“Probably and that’s why you are here to stop it. You’ve been his child hood friend for ages and you’ve also been in love with him which is why you’ve got the upper hand in all of this” Blair told her.

“Our late parents once said that you two are made for each other and you truly are, don’t let that Tessa girl come between you two. It’s time to use your charm on my brother” Blair added.

“Will he really notice me? I mean he’s thought of me as his friend of a long time” Clarissa asked feeling a bit confuse.

“There’s only one way to make a guy become yours and that’s by giving him good s*x. I doubt Connor will be able to resist that” Blair advised as a smile lit up Clarissa face.

Connor will be hers at all cost…

^^The Next Day~ Diamond High ^^

Cynthia was heading to class when a student bump into her.

“Bruce!” Cynthia called

“Sorry teacher” Bruce replied as he kept running off not bothering to stop.

Muttering something under her breath, she knelt to pick up her fallen books when Chris came to help her.

“Thank you” Cynthia said as her last book was picked up.

“My pleasure” Chris replied mesmerized by her beautiful face.

“Oh, it’s you” Cynthia said a smile beaming her face.

“Er…do you know me?”

“Why won’t I know the school top student, you are Chris Hank. A lot of teachers sing your praise all the time” Cynthia replied.

“I didn’t know that I was that famous” Chris said shyly.

“You are and if you keep going on like this, you will surely become great” Cynthia said as she tap him on the shoulder.

A first touch from the girl he likes, Chris thought as he tried to calm his raging hormone.

“Don’t you ever have plans of teaching the senior students?” Chris asked since she only teach the junior which makes it hard for him to see her.

“I do want to but then am still not qualified yet but I hope that I get to teach them some day” Cynthia replied.

“I need to get to class, see you around” she said as she walk past him, her perfume filling his nostrils.

Chris stood watching her leave while thinking of a way to get closer to her.

“You aren’t doing it right, Fiona” the cheer leading mentor said.

“Am sorry Mrs James, let’s take that part again” Fiona apologised.

Frederick who sat along with his close friend kept watching Fiona amongst the students who were in the field.

“Your sister has been weird all morning, is some thing wrong with her?” Ken asked.

Frederick knew that their conversation last night is the reason why she’s acting this way.

He h@ťěs being distant with her but it’s the best thing for the both of them.

“Will you be holding a party tonight ?” Frederick asked.

“Sure and Lola is coming. She’s been on and on about you, you really gave her a good time last night. She’s the reason why you are coming tonight too right?” Ken asked.

“She is” Frederick replied knowing that his reply is far from being the truth.

Dressed in her short night gown, Clarissa made her way around the house hoping to find Connor and she did.

He was seated at the dinning table going through the new paper.

Letting out a chuckle, she quietly walk up to him and put her arm around his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Having a good day?” Clarissa asked.

“Did you just wake up?” Connor asked as he tried to disentangle her hold on him but she made it hard.

“Blair and I talked till the wee hours of the morning and so….would you like to take me out for lunch?” Clarissa asked.

“Have got to get back to the company” Connor replied as he got up.

“Why does that feel like a rejection?” She asked behind him.

“It’s not a rejection but a…. What are you doing?” Connor asked as she hop onto his back.

“Doing what we did right from middle school to college” she replied as she held him tight.

“That happened years ago, get off Clarissa”

“I won’t” she said laughing out.

Tessa and Nicole chose that moment to show up.

“What’s up Nicky” Clarissa greeted still on Connor’s back.

“Hello Clarissa” Nicole replied.

“Still playing piggy back with Connor?” Nicole asked.

“Yes and that’s because his back is the best…. Ouch, That hurts! ” Clarissa let out when Connor prise her hand free from his neck which made her fall on her butt.

His stared at Tessa who was busy fínģƐŕing the towel in her hand.

“Where are you two headed?” Connor asked.

“It’s my first therapy session with water and Tessa will be helping me out with it” Nicole explained as he took hold of Tessa hand to kiss it, something which got Connor boiling with Jealousy.

“Well then carry on with your stuff cause Connor is all mine for today” Clarissa said as she link her arm with his.

Connor didn’t get to give a reply cause Tessa push off Nicole’s wheel chair not prepared to listen to his answer, already coming to conclusion about what Clarissa said.

^^ Night Time ~ Hank’s Family Home ^^

Dressed in a short figure hugging gown, Fiona left her room all ready to go meet Peter when she came across Frederick.

On seeing the little she wore, Frederick fought to control his body which kept reacting to her lovely sight.

“Are you going out?” He asked.

“Yes, am going to see Peter” Fiona said and made to walk past him when he stood in her path.

“If it’s the guy you met during Nicole’s welcome party, I won’t allow it”

“Tch! You have no right to stop me and besides, we already decide to keep our distance. So, get out of my way” she said as she push past him.

Hating the fact that she will be around another guy dressed like that, Frederick went after her and lifted her over his arms.

“Put me down! Are you crazy” she yelled as he walk with her into his room.

As soon as he set her down, she push him on his chest.

“You have no right to stop me, I can do wh@ťěver I want!” She yelled at him.

“I won’t let you leave this room dressed like that” he replied hotly.

“What’s it to you if I dress this way? It’s my life, get out of my way” she said trying to leave while he held her back.

She struggled to be free of him and when he didn’t let go, she burst out in tears.

“Why are you doing this to me? You were the one that said we should keep our distance, you chose to leave me alone just to go to that slut and now that I want to do the same, you try to stop me” she said this in tears.

Frederick h@ťěs seeing her cry and that’s probably one of the reason he pulled her into his arms and kiss her on the lips.

A startled Fiona push him away while starring up at him in confusion.

“I really tried to stop it, I desperately tried to stay away but I can’t do it anymore, I just can’t get rid of my feelings” he said as he curve his arms around her and push her against the wall with him all over her.

” Am really, really crazy about you Fiona” he added before his lips claimed hers again.


Connor was checking out some emails on his laptop when Nicole drove himself into his room.

“I need your help” Nicole said.

“What’s wrong?” Connor asked worriedly.

“It’s Tessa, she’s in trouble”

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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