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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.


Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴜᴄᴋʏ ɢɪʀʟ }

^^ Hank’s Family Home ^^

If she had been warned by someone that choosing to work for Nicole Hank will lead her back into Connor’s life, she would have done her best to avoid such fate cause she had hope to never see him again.

But here she is, right in his arms once again, she thought as she gaze up into his green eyes.

“Are you okay, Tessa” Nicole voice broke into her reverie.

“I am, I just got a little dizzy” she replied as Connor let her down while his hand stayed on her waist.

“You must be tired, it’s insensitive of me to ask you to attend the party when you’ve been working all day” Nicole muttered and using that chance, Tessa move away from Connor to take hold of Nicole hand.

“It’s okay and besides it’s my job to be by your side” she replied.

Clearing his throat a little too loud, he earned the attention of Nicole and Tessa.

“Sorry bro. This is Tessa Reyes, my private nurse and this is Connor, my brother” Nicole said as he did the introduction.

“Nice to meet you” Connor said as he put out his hand pretending that it’s their first meeting which suited Tessa.

“Blair isn’t here yet since she’s the only one of my siblings that I have to introduce to you but you can head back to your room to get some rest, you really need it” Nicole told her.

“No, my place is right next to you ” Tessa said rejecting the offer.

“I think Nicole is right, you really need to get some rest, you look like you are about to faint” Connor injected and an angry glance from Tessa was what he received.

“I will be fine, I have my family here to take care me. Go get some rest” Nicole insisted as he kiss her hand.

It’s a gentle caress that often transpired between them. Being a touchy kind of guy, Nicole often kiss her hand whenever he was grateful or excited and it’s some thing she’s used to but judging by the look which cross Connor’s face, you can tell that he’s angry.

“Fine then. If you need me just call me” she added as she quickly went back up stairs and back to her room.

Her racing heart steadied a bit and she quickly went into the rest room to wash her face.

“Connor is Nicole’s brother” she muttered as she stared at herself in the mirror.

Resigning isn’t an option since it will be unfair to Nicole and Ignoring Connor will lead to questions by the siblings, Questions she wouldn’t like to answer since she didn’t want anyone finding out about her one night stand with him though Blair already knows about it.

She let out a resigned sigh and walked out of the bathroom trying to untie the knot on her dress while failing to notice Connor standing against the wall until he spoke.

“Have always thought of how we will meet again but I never thought that it would be through this circumstance”

“What are you doing in my room?” Tessa asked as she tightly held her dress.

“It’s been two years since we’ve seen each other and you look more beautiful” he said as he move away from the wall towards her.

“I wouldn’t say the same about you and right now, you are the last person I want to talk to. So do me a favour and leave” Tessa said coldly.

“So Nicole can come keep you company” Connor said.

“That’s none of your business!”

“What’s your relationship with him?”

“None of your business ” she replied coolly while he rake his hair in frustration.

“I want you to leave, I won’t accept you barging your way into my room!” She said as she made for the door but her attempt to open the door was intercepted by Connor who quickly shut it behind her.

“This is haras…” She let out a gasp when he push her against the door while he rested his hands on the door at either side of her shapely body, effectively trapping her.

“Are you dating Nicole?” He demanded gruffly.

“And what if I am! Unlike you, he’s kind and very good to me” she replied fiercely.

“Whether you believe it or not, I was kind and also good to you in the past”

“Says the man that lied and deceived me! Look, I came here to work and so I would appreciate it if you keep your distance,I would love to quit but I can’t do that because you…..what are you doing!” She yelled when he suddenly kiss her.

Instead of giving a reply, he reclaimed her lips again and while Tessa kept struggling to be set free, he ravish the whole of her lips.

“Let go of me!” Tessa manage to croak out in pain and that seem to work since he stopped kissing her.

While she stood glued to door like her life depends on it, he stared down at her breathing heavily.

“No matter what I do you will keep thinking bad about me” He said and that got her looking away from the floor to stare into his green eyes.

“Fine then, I will keep my distance like you want me to” he said as he gently move her away from the door and left her room.

Chris stared around feeling bored, most of the people present were Nicole’s friend while some of the unwanted guest especially the female were here to see Connor since Connor is the only handsome male in the family.

Pulling out his phone, he went through his picture album and stopped on one in particular.

It was the picture of a lady, a lady much older than Chris, a lady who happens to be a teacher in his school.

“She’s pretty, is she your girlfriend?” A girl asked as she came to join him on the sofa.

“None of your business” Chris replied as he kept starring at the picture.

“She seems a bit old, don’t tell me you are dating her? A handsome guy like you can’t possibly be…”

“For the record, she’s Twenty three only four years older than me and am very much into her. So I suggest you find someone else since am already taken by this beauty” Chris said cutting her off abruptly.

“It’s your loss” the girl said before leaving his side.

Chris went back to starring at the picture when Fiona joined him.

“Huh, Isn’t that Miss Cynthia. Why do you have a picture of her on your phone?” Fiona asked as she sip her orange juice.

“Can’t I have the picture of a teacher on my phone? ” Chris snap at her before getting off the sofa.

“What did I say wrong?” Fiona asked no one in particular.

Shrugging off her brother rudeness, she stood up wanting to leave when a guy approach her.

Fiona couldn’t help but to smile since handsome guys were her weakness, she knew he has been watching her ever since he arrived with his brother and finally he’s decided to talk to her.

“Am Peter by name and you are?”

“Fiona” She answered softly.

“To be sincere, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you ever since i arrive, I mean…you are beautiful, well having handsome brothers will definitely make you one hell of a beautiful girl and….am blabbering right?” He asked which got her laughing out.

“You won’t mind if I ask for your number?” Peter asked and Fiona willingly gave him her number.

“Am going to call you….” Peter didn’t get to complete his sentence because Frederick took his phone from him.

He deleted Fiona’s number and handed Peter’s phone back to him.

“Dude! Did you delete her number?” Peter asked obviously annoyed by his action.

“I did ” Frederick replied.

“Why the hell will you do that?” Peter snarled out.

“Simply because she’s still a minor and so you should find another girl to f^ck with”

“Frederick ” Fiona called but he wasn’t paying attention to her.

“And who are you to decide for her?”

“Her brother, her twin brother to be precise” Frederick replied which got him snickering in disbelief.

“Twins? You two look nothing alike” he said and that got Frederick moving towards him but Fiona held him back.

“I will talk to you later, Peter” she said and pulled Frederick into the study room Connor frequently use.

“What’s that about?” Fiona asked as soon as they were alone.

“Saving your from a jerk who’s after your body” Frederick replied hotly.

“You are my brother and am grateful for your help but I can take care of myself when it comes to guys”

“What do you know about guys when you are only seventeen” Frederick let out.

“Just as you are seventeen too and you’ve been with numerous girls, what’s wrong with me showing an interest in a guy who is obviously interested in me” Fiona let out in anger, her temper matching that of her twin.

Taking hold of her arm, he pulled her towards him.

“You aren’t allowed to be interested in other guys. You are still young and a bit naive, focus on your studies and if…” He pause taking a deep breath while he gaze went to her lips. “If other guys approach you just…think of me instead ” he suggested slowly.

“Why should I think of you?” Fiona asked failing to notice the sensual look in her brother eyes.

“Cause…you belong to…” Frederick stop what he was going to say and quickly let go of Fiona.

“Just don’t get distracted by guys, don’t be like Blair” he said referring to their older sister before leaving the room in a rush.

Fiona stood wondering what he meant by the things he said.

^^ Next Day ^^

Dressed in a tight fitting jean and crop white shirt, Tessa made her way downstairs.

Nicole had texted her and told her to come down stairs for breakfast.

She had wanted to wake up early but due to thinking about Connor, she slept late which resulted in her waking late.

She was making way to the breakfast room when a male servant told her that they were in the sitting room.

Slowly she made her way there dreading the fact that she will have to see Connor again after what took place between them.

Luckily for her, Connor was no where to be found and after greeting everyone, she made her way to Nicole’s side.

“What’s going on?”

“Well, Connor asked us to gather around since he has something to say to all of us. I trust you had a wonderful night right?” Nicole asked as he gave her a kiss on the hand just as Connor walk into the room having notice the kiss.

Shrugging it aside, he plastered a smile on his face and began talking.

“I know you all have something important to do this morning and am sorry for taking a bit of your time but I have something important to tell you all” Connor began.

“You see….I am getting married” he added startling everyone present.

“Are you for real bro?” Fiona asked all dressed and ready for school along with Frederick and Chris.

“I am ” Connor replied.

“I never thought a day like this will come, congrats bro” Frederick chip in.

“Who is the lucky girl?” Nicole asked

“Is she someone we know?” Chris added and slowly, Connor gaze drifted to Tessa who stood behind Nicole wheel chair.

“She is someone you all know and she’s going to be one lucky girl” Connor replied as he kept starring at Tessa….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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