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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.

CHAPTER 41💞 42

Gbemi Writes ✍️



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^^ The Trip ^^

“Why did I allow granny to persuade me into coming” Frederick lament as he left his room heading to the lounge where he knew his family will be waiting.

He was about getting to the lounge when he saw Fiona heading to her room.

He quickly went after her and caught up with her just when she’s about to close the door.

“We need to talk” Frederick said as he walk into the room.

“I don’t want to talk to you” Fiona replied.

“You can’t keep being angry at me forever” Frederick said to her mildly.

“Is that what you think?” Fiona replied which got him calming down a bit.

“Fine then. Am sorry for the things I told you that day, I didn’t mean any of it. I was just angry and jealous which…”

“There’s no need to explain Frederick since there’s no justification for what you said and besides….it’s time for us to put an end to this” Fiona said startling him.

“Put an end to what?”

“To this craziness. Let’s pretend that it never happened and we live our lives away from each other” Fiona replied.

“You don’t mean it right? ”

“I do and so, please leave my room” she said turning her back on him.

“I can’t! I can’t break up with you” Frederick said as he wrap his arms around her from behind.

“Let go of me Frederick!” Fiona said trying to pull free from him.

“I don’t want to. I know you love me Fiona, you just can’t break up with me over something so trivia. I love you and I can’t live without you. If you leave me then I will be half alive”

“Am sorry Frederick but my decision has been made” Fiona said and that got him spinning her around.

“Why are you suddenly acting this way, I know that what we are doing is wrong but we just can’t end it like this. I love you Fiona, i can’t live my life without you” he said as he gave her a kiss.

The sudden gasp from someone got them both pulling apart from each other.

Turning to stare at the intruder, they saw Granny Susie starring at them with a stricken look on her face.

“Granny” The twins called as they went towards her but she move away from them.

“Tell me that what I saw and heard is all a lie?” Granny Susie asked still having that flabbergasted look on her.

“Granny, Frederick and I….” Fiona stopped talking when Granny Susie suddenly held onto her chest, groaning out in pain.

“Hold onto her Frederick!” Fiona yelled as Frederick quickly held onto their frail granny.

“She’s finding it hard to breathe, we need to get help” Frederick said as he lifted her into his arms while a crying Fiona followed.

^^ Cynthia’s Room ^^

“You want us to what?” Chris ask starring at Cynthia who stood by the window.

“Let’s end this” Cynthia said again.

“But why? ” Chris asked looking sad.

“It’s not going to work between us” Cynthia replied.

“Is it because of what you heard me telling Grace. I already told you that I didn’t mean it” Chris said.

“I know that you didn’t mean it but I can’t keep on living this way. So let’s end this and go our separate ways, we weren’t destined from the start ”

“Cynthia, please think this through” Chris implored trying to hold back his tears.

“Have had enough time to think about it and that’s why this is the best decision I could come up with. I solely came on this trip to tell you about it” Cynthia told him before moving towards the door to open it.

“You need to leave now and please don’t come looking for me again” she said as he walk past her.

Ignoring the sad expression on his face, Cynthia shut the door on him and on their relationship.

^^ Resort Swimming Area^^

After hours of search, Connor finally found Tessa in the swimming area and she wasn’t alone because she was talking to a guy, a handsome one at that.

Quickly walking towards them, he put his arm around her waist and gave her a kiss right in front of the guy.

“Is he your boyfriend?” The guy asked.

“No, am her husband and I want you to get lost cause she’s taken” Connor replied not caring if he seemed rude.

“Take it easy, I never said I was stealing her from you” the guy stated.

“Oh really? You are chatting with my wife shirtless and you want me to believe that you aren’t interested in her?”

“Connor ” Tessa called slowly.

“Don’t try to defend him!” Connor snap at her.

“I better get out of here” The guy said before leaving.

“I don’t just understand you anymore!” Tessa snap at soon as they were alone.

“What don’t you understand? Am only stopping you from flirting with that guy!” Connor bit out which earned him a slap from Tessa.

“Have had enough of your nonsense. I thought that by coming on this trip we will be able to mend our rift but as always, you are being a jerk and have had enough of you”

“You’ve had enough of me? Tch! Have had enough of you too” Connor yelled startling Tessa.

“I will get everything prepared for our divorce! I should never have married you” Connor said before walking off leaving Tessa standing there alone.

Frederick made way to Chris room since he’s been trying to reach him through the whole evening.

He walk in only to find the room dark and when he finally found the switch he turn on the lights only to see Chris lying on the floor unconcious and with a empty bottle of sleeping pills.

“Chris!” Frederick called out worriedly but there was no response from him.

“Open your eyes Chris!” Frederick yelled down at him but there was still no answer from him.

Frederick pulled out his phone to call for help when Chris regain conciousness.

“I was so scared! For a while I thought you were dead” Frederick yelled feeling so relieved.

“I really want to die” Chris muttered as Frederick gave him a push in return.

“Don’t say that! How can you talk about death when Granny is at the hospital fighting for her life!” Frederick said which got Chris utmost attention.

“What happened to Granny?” Chris asked.

Frederick was about to give a reply when he got a call.

“It’s granny” A crying Fiona began while Frederick listen.

“She’s…. she’s dead” Fiona added which got Frederick breaking down in tears.

While Chris picked up the phone to continue the conversation with Fiona, Frederick sat on the floor crying.

“It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault” he kept chanting to himself until he heard a voice.

“Will you stop speaking to yourself in your dream and wake up!”

That got Frederick opening his eyes. He looked around to find himself still in his room and there is his granny seated beside him on the bed.

“What sort of dream were you dreaming of to make you cry” Granny Susie asked as she wipe off his tears.

“So it’s all a dream?” Frederick asked which got her nodding and immediately he pulled her into a tight hug.

“What is wrong with you?” A startled Granny Susie asked.

“Am just so relieved that it’s a dream, I thought I lost you” Frederick said which got her laughing.

“Just so you know, am a strong horse and I will be living for another hundred years, So stop thinking about the worse and begin to pack” Granny Susie said.

“Are we still going on this trip?” Frederick asked which got her nodding.

“We are and it’s happening today”

“Can we not go, can’t we just stay here and….”

“Quit being a cry baby and start packing. We will be leaving in the evening and didn’t you say you had to mend the rift you had with your girlfriend, this is your chance to do that” She said as she gave him a tap on the back before leaving his room.

Frederick let out as a relieved sigh once again.

“It was all a dream” he muttered hoping that nothing will go wrong when they go for the real trip.

^^ Hanks Beach House ^^

“Okay everyone! Let’s all get settled in our rooms and get ready for tonight’s activity” Granny Susie said with enthusiasm.

“Don’t tell me you are going to participate in tonight’s activity?” Chris asked her and she nodded.

“You all think am old but am still agile and strong” Granny Susie tepliewhich got them laughing.

“Why do the guys stay in a different room and the girls stay in a different room too?” Connor asked while starring at the pamphlet granny Susie had prepared.

“To liven things up. I know you are angry that you won’t get to share a bed with your wife tonight but then….that’s the rule during this trip” Granny Susie replied earning a scowl from Connor which she ignored.

On the other hand, Tessa stood beside Cynthia not saying a word.

“Something definitely happened between you and Connor and you aren’t telling me about it. Did you both have a fight?” Cynthia asked which got her nodding.

“I will tell you about it later ” Tessa replied forcing herself not to look at Connor’s way.

“This is a family trip, why did you insist that I come along?” Cynthia asked.

“That’s because Chris asked or rather he begged me to bring you along which leaves me to believe that something is going on between you two” Tessa said having a knowing look on her face.

“Tch! What gave you such an idea?” Cynthia replied feigning ignorance.

“Once we are alone, you won’t be able to keep the truth from me” Tessa told her as they all walk towards the beach house.

“I can pedal myself!” Nicole said to Melody who insist on pushing his wheel chair.

“The reason why I was allowed to join this trip is because I volunteered to take care of you, so quit telling me off !” Melody snap at him.

“Wh@ťěver, I just don’t want you…”

“Look over there, Granny Susie is watching us” Melody said suddenly and when he turn to look, she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Why did you do that?” A startled Nicole asked.

“Just because you are irresistible” she said not feeling a sense of shame.

Nicole could do nothing as she wheeled him off with the others.

“So is miss Cynthia the one you had a rift with?” Frederick asked Chris whose gaze was on Cynthia.

“Is it that obvious?” Chris asked which got Frederick nodding.

“What about you? Where’s your girlfriend?” Chris asked and immediately Frederick’s gaze went to Fiona who was walking alongside their granny.

“She refused to come” Frederick said quickly.

“This whole get together thing was to get back our girls, you should have persuaded her harder”

“I can’t force her to come along and besides, I have you guys here with me, I don’t need anyone else” Frederick said starring at Fiona.

“Typical playboy” Chris muttered while shaking his head slightly.

” Did Blair say she would come?” Fiona asked her granny as they got to the beach house.

“She said she would try since she has somethings to do but I doubt if she will make it. She has always h@ťěd family gathering” Granny Susie replied.

“Bonjour Everyone!” Blair greeted as she walk towards them.

“When did you arrive?” Connor was the one to ask.

“Some time ago and by the way I brought my friends along, hope you don’t mind granny” Blair said just as Edward and Clarissa joined them.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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