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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💛💚 ONE
{Once Upon Our
Love Story…}

THEME; Love And Deceit.

CHAPTER 15💞 16

Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʟᴀɴ }

^^ King Hotel ^^

” Am coming” Blair yelled at whoever was knocking on the door to her suite.

As soon as she open the door, Clarissa walk past her into the suite going straight to the wine cellar to pour herself a drink.

“Babe, am on fire already. Who the hell is interrupting….”

“Shut up and get lost” Blair toss at the guy she was about to make out with before Clarissa’s arrival

And a while later, fully dressed he left the room angrily.

“Dim wit! I wonder what I saw in him when I picked him up at the club” Blair let out crudely.

“Now, what’s wrong ?” Blair asked Clarissa who kept gulping down alcohol like it’s water..

“He loves her and he intends to marry her” Clarissa told her.

“And what did you say when he told you?” Blair asked.

“Nothing, I just yelled at him and…”

“And what? You left?, Like seriously, you are the one making things hard for yourself! You’ve been in love with him for years and I told you to tell him about your feelings but you kept on refusing ” Blair yelled at her.

“I was just too scared of his rejection” The now crying Clarissa said.

“What do you intend to do about this?” Blair asked.

“I don’t know. He made it clear to me that it’s Tessa he wants which makes it impossible for me to….”

“Nothing is impossible for you and you aren’t going to give up. You and Connor belong to each other ” Clarissa told her mildly.

” How do I go about it because he’s very much in love with her” Clarissa asked looking lost.

“Don’t worry have got this covered, all you have to do is to follow my plan” Blair told her.

^^ Saint Louis Hospital ^^

Cynthia got to her mother’s ward only to find it empty.

Panicking, she left the room and asked the nurse in charge if she knew of her mom’s whereabout.

“I saw her heading to the Neonatal care unit” the nurse told her and after a word of thanks, Cynthia went in search of her.

She found her standing in front of a show glass which displayed the new born babies in the room.

“You are here again?” Cynthia asked as she walk towards her.

“Aren’t they lovely?” Tracy Rivers asked as she kept starring at the babies in awe.

“They are but you need to be in bed. Your health is more important and….”

“My health is the last thing I need to think about when we haven’t find your sister” Tracy snap as she turn her gaze on Cynthia.

“I know she’s not dead. I heard her cry that day. When I gave birth to her, I heard her cry out and those evil nurses left and returned with a dead child claiming it to be mine” Tracy said as she recalled the pain she felt when they claimed the dead child to be hers.

“They took my baby away from me, they took away your little sister and we’ve got to find her. We need to find little Sophia” Tracy added as she began to cry.

“We will find her mom. Stop crying and let’s go back to your ward, you need to get some rest” Cynthia said.

“You’ve been saying that for years now but nothing. I have also done my findings too but there is nothing, when will I have my daughter with me again? Just when?” Tracy cried out and all Cynthia could do was to give her a hug.

“Don’t worry mom, I will find Sophia and bring her to you. I promise” Cynthia whispered to her in assurance.

^^ Next Day ^^

Connor was in the study , picking out places he could take Tessa to for a date when Blair barge in.

“We need to talk” Blair said looking pissed.

“Am busy right now, let’s pick another time to talk” Connor replied his gaze still on his phone having found an ideal place for a date.

“It has to be now or I don’t know what Clarissa will do to herself” Blair countered and that earned her his attention.

“What’s wrong with Clarissa?” Connor asked.

” I don’t know, ever since she came to see me yesterday at our hotel, she’s been drinking and drinking non stop. You need to go see her cause I think she will do something bad to herself ” Blair said which got him getting out of his seat.

“You said she’s at our hotel right?” Connor asked.

“Yes. I left her in the private suite” Blair replied as he left the office and quickly she pulled out her phone to send a message to Clarissa.


With that sent, she left the study to begin the second phase of their plan.

After searching for a while, she finally found Tessa at the swimming pool area, she was watching Nicole who was having his water therapy with the doctor.

“Hello, Tessa” she greeted as she went to stand beside her.

” Are you busy?” Blair asked.

“Why do you ask?” Tessa asked in return hating the fact that Blair is trying to make a conversation with her.

” Cause I need you to help me get something at our hotel” Blair said.

“What!” Tessa let out while Blair gave a shrug.

“You heard me the first time” Blair replied.

She should have known that Blair would rather die than to make a conversation with her.

The witch certainly wants to have fun and that’s why she’s messing with her right now.

“You can’t say no cause your salary comes out of my family’s pocket and the house you live in belongs to my family. You might be tailing along with Nicole but you are nothing but a employee” Blair stated angering her.

Tessa would have given her a slap then and there if Nicole hadn’t call her name.

“Is something wrong?” He asked worriedly knowing Blair must be causing trouble.

“What could be wrong bro? Everything is perfect” Blair said as she put her arm around Tessa shoulder.

Tessa move away letting Blair’s hand drop.

“Am fine and I need to help Blair with something” She told Nicole who stared at Blair doubtfully.

“You don’t have to help her” Nicole said mildly.

“It’s no big deal, I will help and come back soon. Take care of him, doc” she said to the doctor before turning to Blair.

“What is this thing you need to get?”

^^ King Hotel ^^

As soon as Connor got to the private suite the family use, he used his card to get in and saw Clarissa seated on the floor only in her night gown and holding onto a bottle of whiskey.

“Is Alcohol the best thing you can think of?” Connor asked and she let out a slow smile when she saw him.

“It’s the only thing I can use to get rid of this heart ache in me” she muttered, starring up at him.

“I don’t know the cause of this heart ache but I know that if you don’t stop drinking, your going to hurt yourself” Connor said as he tried to help her up but she push his hand away.

“You don’t know the cause? How can you? When you’ve always turned a blind eye to things!” She yelled as she staggered up.

“What have I turned a blind eye to?” Connor asked.

“Me! Don’t you see it? Haven’t you ever notice that in all the years we’ve been together, I don’t only see you as a friend but as a man” Clarissa asked surprising Connor by her statement.

“I love you, Connor. Have always been in love with you” she said as she gave him a hug.

On the other hand, Tessa had arrive at the hotel and thanks to one of the receptionist, she was given the direction on how to get to the private suite of the Hank’s.

“I love you, Connor and I don’t think I can live without you” Clarissa said still holding onto him.

Connor never expected this kind of confession from Clarissa.

They’ve been friends since child hood and he’s always seen Clarissa as a buddy who has always been there for him and nothing else.

Letting out a sigh, he pulled away from her.

“Am sorry Clarissa but I can’t accept and neither can I return your feelings” Connor told her honestly.

“Is it because of Tessa? You are not in love with her, you are only infactuated with her”

“If you give your self the time to reason this out then you will realise that you don’t….”

“No more Clarissa!” He said cutting her off.

“I love Tessa and just like I told you the other day, I intend to marry her and so…you need to get rid of your feelings for me” he added softly.

“I can’t do that. I love you too much to do that, don’t push me away Connor” she said as she hug him again.

“Am sorry Clarissa, I can’t reciprocate your feelings. To me, you will always be my best friend” Connor told her as he pulled her away once again.

“Fine then. Since talking to you will get me no where, then Its best that I show it to you” With that said, she move towards him again and gave him a startling kiss, wrapping her hand around his neck to prevent him from pulling away.

And it was at that same moment, Tessa got to the suite.

She stopped by the door way when she saw Connor and Clarissa kissing.

He must have heard her come in cause Connor push Clarissa away from him then.

“Tessa” he let out slowly.

“It’s not what you think” Connor added as he made to walk towards her but Clarissa pulled him back.

“It is everything you think it is. Connor and I would have been making out now if you hadn’t shown up” Clarissa said while Connor turned a surprise look on her.

“What nonsense are you spewing?” He yelled as he pulled away.

Tessa took to her heels not bothering to answer Connor’s call.

She got into the elevator and was hoping the door close on time but Connor’s arrival prevented that.

“It’s not what you think it is” He said breathlessly.

“Get lost!” She snapped at him and kept pressing the button.

“I said you should get lost” Tessa bit out acidly when he came into the elevator with her.

Not bothering to give a reply, he pressed the button which got the elevator door closing and whisking them down to the last floor.

As soon as the door open, Tessa made to leave but he took hold of her hand and pulled her somewhere else.

“Let go of me! I really don’t want to talk to you right now” she said trying to pull her hand out of his but he made it hard for her to achieve.

“Where are you taking me!” She yelled as he kept pulling her until they got to a room which had a security sign written on the door.

As soon as he walk in with her, the four men in the room stood up to give him a bow.

“Mr Hank, What brings you here?” The man in charge asked.

“Remember the secret camera I told you to install in the family suite. We need to watch something from it” Connor said and immediately he began working on it.

“It happened some minutes ago, I need her to watch it so she can stop doubting me” he said as he slid Tessa a angry look.

“Here’s the footage sir” the man said as he placed the laptop on a desk while Tessa was told to seat on the chair to watch the video.

A while later, Tessa left the security room aware of the fact that Connor had been the victim.

She should have known that Blair was up to something when she told her to go get something from the suite.

She found Connor waiting in the lobby and slowly she made her way to him.

“Connor I…”

“It’s getting late, we need to be on our way” Connor cut her off and walked off leaving her to follow him.

He was about to get into the driver seat when she took hold of his hand.

“Am sorry” she apologise.

“Your apology wouldn’t change the fact that you will always think the worst of me” Connor let out mildly while she stared on the floor in guilt.

“You won’t ever trust me no matter what I do or say ” He added, his voice sounding hurt.

“Trust can only be built” she voice out her thought.

“And that’s what am trying to build but your doubts about me will always come first before any other thing” he stated.

“Have said am sorry, what can I do to make you forgive me ” She asked without thinking.

That question of her got Connor’s anger wearing off and raising a brow her way, he asked.

“You will be willing to do anything?” He asked.

“Anything ” she added knowing she couldn’t back out of what she started.

“Then go out on a date with me tomorrow” he stated.

He was planning on taking her for a date before this incident occur and it turns out to work in his favour.

“That isn’t what I…”

“It is Tessa. You agreed to do anything just so I can forgive you and I want you to spend the whole of tomorrow with me. You can’t back out now” he said before getting into the car while she reluctantly got in with him, cursing herself for paving the way for him.

“It’s a total failure” Clarissa let out as she use her hand to cover her face.

“As soon as he got home. Connor berated me for everything and even went as far as to block my credit cards” Blair said in return as they both sat in the hotel club, ignoring the loud noise being made by the guest.

“You can use mine till he return yours” Clarissa offered.

“I intend to but we can’t give up like this. You still love and want Connor right?” Blair asked as Clarissa gave a nod in return.

“Then we need to think of a new plan, something that will pull them apart and make him come running into your arms cause apart for wanting my brother for you, I want that stupid Tessa out of our lives” Blair stated.

“Do you have a plan in achieving that?” Clarissa asked.

“I do and with the help of someone very important”


“Seven, Tessa’s ex boyfriend” Blair answered….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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